"You're in the wrong place..."

>"You're in the wrong place..."

What did Obi Wan "Ben" Kenobi mean by this?


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I bet Maul won't even fight him but tell him that bisecting him gave him clarity and he has renounced his Sith ways

He meant the high ground was a good friend for you.

>tfw Ben is already old
>doesn't get old from sith lightninging Maul making him age like Sheev

wtf tie defenders are canon now??

That was from the true Star Wars EU, wasn't it?

I don't think you understood what happened in that scene but then again neither did George Lucas

Weren't they always?

No. Only since December 3rd

I think so, the comic or whatever they made about Maul

I figured it just sapped his energy out. If it's some "unveiled his true form" bullshit that sounds aspie as fuck.

when are we getting that obi wan standalone?

watch it Maul

friendly reminder that canonically ezra is alive by the time of the rise of the first order.

I fucking hate nu star wars fans


that's funny if so

Was this the first or last time they spoke as friends?

around 2020

Yeah and Owen blew Maul's head off with a rifle, I think.

And two year old Luke force pushed Maul or something

it's what made Owen want Ben to fuck off

>hey, this little boy can easily become one of those elder jedi warriors and destroy the evil guys
>lol nope, he's gonna be a dirty moist farmer, btw Ben, get the fuck out of my lawn

bravo lucas

More like
>If anyone finds out about this kid's powers he's gon get fucked.

If Owen was such a dumb hick fuck why didn't Ben just mind trick him

You're a stupid faggot user.

That's mean.

Try not being such a retard. I think you can do better.

>Obi-Wan, did I ever tell you about Luke? He is our last hope... also the rape baby of padme. I want you to look after him on this desert shithole of a planet. But DO NOT train him in secret or teach him anything in the 18 or so years of his life. Wait until his sister steals data tapes and his family gets killed because some droid landed on his sandfarm. Then when we have no time left give him his father's childkilling lightsaber and tell him he's a jedi. As our last hope we better do everything we can to prepare him. Be a good friend.

>Not doing it in Yoda's actual speech pattern.


>Thrawn is quite possibly the best villain in Star Wars canon.
>It's wasted on a show that never gets serious enough because it's made by Disney.

>A Netflix series with Thrawn as the villain and violence/maturity like the Netflix Marvel shows

>Obi-Wan, did I ever tell you about Luke? Our last hope and the rape baby of Padme, he is. Look after him on this desert shithole of planet, you must. But train him not during his childhood Wait until his sister steals data tapes and his family gets killed because some droid landed on his sandfarm. Then when time we have not, give him his father's childkilling lightsaber and tell him he's a jedi. As our last hope everything we can do to prepare him, we must. Good friend you shall be.

Lucas's dialogue was really good here.

fuck sake, lucas

>he's a grown man
>watching a children's cartoon

>Funny, I don't recall owning a droid

You deserve it for watching this stupid cartoon new fag

So if Rebels is part of Disney canon, and they are handling the Obi/Maul finale. That means that Obi is not getting a spin-off movie, doesn't it?

What else is there left for him to do?

Yeah I think that becoming ugly from using the Dark Side really intensely works.

The idea that Palpy's Ian McDiarmid face was some sort of Sith hologram is really shitty as an alternative.

So if Obi freaked out and went dark side for a moment and channelled HEAPS of it, and then maybe got pulled out by Qui Gon or young Luke or something, that could be cool.

Owen is part Toydarian.

Shmi was just cucking Cliegg Lars.

How was he a rape baby?

Luke and Leia were concieved before Anakin went dark side.

>Thrawn is better than Sheev

Holy Shit Kill Yourself

>got pulled out by Qui Gon or young Luke or something, that could be cool.
That's some retarded shit.

It'll happen. There was never a chance they were going to bring maul back for a movie though.

>Obi needs to use the dark side for a second time in order to overpower his nemesis, Darth Maul.

>Last time it was to save his Master, this time it is to save the young boy he was trusted to protect, his future padawan.

>Loses himself in the Dark Side in a last ditch effort to save everything he cares about.

>Wrecks Maul.

>In that one fateful moment becomes everything he ever stood against.

>Fixes it himself.

Is that seriously how you would have it go, user? Because if so you must be a big fan of Rey Skywalker.

They're doing a standalone movie to show how Obi-Wan has a kid that is Rey's father/mother


He's super-recognisable and canonically alive.

Even people who hadn't seen clone wars and rebels could understand that he survived Naboo and got new legs.

The story is ready made (despite requiring Boba-Fett-in-the-Sarlacc levels of Suspending Disbelief).

There was a reason that old Dark Horse comic with this story caught on and became so popular.

>using the dark side for a hot second disfigures your face
Luke was arguably tapping into the dark side in Jedi by utilising his anger, and he was fine
So was Anakin in episode iii apart from his retarded contacts

I have never been rooting so hard for a fictional character to stay a virgin.

Yeah ppl tap into all the time. Dooku etc. And it doesn't mangle them.

But streaming hyper-intense amounts of Dark Side could have an effect.

Arguably the one time we really see Sheev fighting for his life (apart from when he gets thrown down a reactor shaft) is when Mace has a lightsaber in his face.

So maybe he took the Dark Side up to eleven and that's what caused the ugly.

>Is that seriously how you would have it go, user? Because if so you must be a big fan of Rey Skywalker.
No I fucking despise disney wars and Maul will never be in a star wars movie again.

The Sith Lord novel explains that Sheev likes to sit in the super secret dark side temple below the palace and just "swim" in the dark side. Channeling so much power caused his body to suffer corruption from the dark side, so he used Sith Alchemy to hide it.

The feedback of the lightning from the lightsaber destroyed his fake face, but he never fixed it because he was using his mangled appearance for propaganda reasons (look at what the Jedi did to me!).

there are people on this board right now that watch this shit

fucking trailers spoiling everything

Disney star wars is for lowest common denominator normal fags. They're never going to put in a guy who died 10 movies ago.

>Arguably the one time we really see Sheev fighting for his life
Him and Yoda firing/reflecting lightning was more like that than when he was fucking around with mace.

>gives no reason why Disney would abandon the most visually iconic character that is Vader or Yoda.

Show how the high ground took a tolll on his body, aging him to look like Alec Guiness.

So he was doing a Sith glamour.

Nah that sucks and its not canon.

So either he got burned by the reflected lightning or the dark side wrinkled him up that night when he fought Mace.

Dark Side glamouring suuuuuucks as an idea, breh.

Maybe when Maul finds Ben, he kills his wife. But Ben's 14 year old son Ken Kenobi is away picking up some power converters at the time.

I hate casuals as much as the next trilby enthusiast. But the normies are going to recognise fucking Darth Maul.

>You will never go from the most handsome aryan scot in history to a munted potato nosed wing-nut grey haired homosexual in less than two decades.

That'd be pretty nice, actually

If sith lightning alone could do that, then why didn't Luke's face get warped?

If using the dark side alone could do that, then why didn't Dooku have a fucked up face?

There's more to it with Sheev. It was Sith Alchemy, which is more like plastic surgery than an illusion. The lightning melted away the alchemy revealing Sheev's true face. This isn't rocket science.

As if Ben Kenobi would let his son go off to Toshe Station. He knows what fucking goes on down there.


Maybe Ken is helping to keeps tabs on Luke. An old dude hanging out with the kids would be weird.

Maybe Ken's cool-kid name is "Fixer".

Believe whatever you want user but it's not going to happen.

in what year does this shit take place in? why does he look so old?

2-3 years before ANH.

>its not canon.
who gives a fuck any more?


Rey's mum confirmed.


>watch it, Maul


It's not that people don't know who he is but it's too convoluted to bring him back after so long with robot legs. People don't watch those cartoon. To the general public he's dead.

Redpill me on thrawn. Why do people like him?

>he's a super cunning and intelligent and mysterious revolutionaryily skilled strategist just like myself (i would have become an admiral too if the meanies hadn't bullied me out of boot camp)

for a second I though that was a new race of alien with a sith hood...
fuck this series

Putting a villain, who is from a movie most people don't like, who is presumed dead by most people, into a cartoon series aimed at 12 year olds is fine. Putting him in a theater-release movie is not

basically yes

Because he is a high ranking alien in the Imperial fleet.

Sheev was racist against aliens in legends canon.

Ezra is Snoke

>Why not Luke?
Palpatine wasn't blasting him enough, and Luke having GOAT midichlorians might have had a pretty good passive defense. Plus he's light side.

>Why not Dooku?
Dooku wasn't blasting hard enough, and was more of a Jedi-plus-Sith anyway. Besides, he was canonically in his 80's so he probably had to take it slow on some Dark Side stuff.

>This isn't rocket science
Its not the complexity of it, its how fucking SHIT it is.

Plastic Surgery is an even worse angle. This is the most scrutinised man in the galaxy. It isn't just the methodone junkie Jedi who are keeping tabs on him, its literally trillions of beings, cameras, droids etc.

If the Sithoplasty was not fucking ATOM PERFECT it would be caught.

Rey is Ezra's daughter

first galactic same sex couple

Its the same stance from when he drops in on Grevious.

You think Luke's face isn't fucked up?

That motorcycle crash did a number on him. He was pretty as hell in ANH


I will never not find it funny that Disney is so creatively bankrupt that they straight up take old EU stuff and reuse it this blatantly.

Can not wait for Saturday morning cartoon-tier Yuuhzan Vong in Season 4

Unless that theater movie starts with Maul getting cut in half *record scratch*
>Yeees. That was me on my least favorite day. You're probably wondering how I lost a battle when I had the High Going™. How I survived a fall like that with half my guts missing, and wound up a raving lunatic on a junk planet 12 years later with a crude surgically attached spiderbody. Sit back and I'll tell you. I insist.

Russians had their own Star Wars.

Except that Maul's resurrection was done BEFORE Disney bought the rights to Star Wars.

*High Ground. FUCK I had one job.

Owen isn't Shmi's son, he's Cliegg's son from his previous woman. For fuck's sake, how do people even make that mistake, if Owen was Shmi's son then he would be 9 in AotC at most.

As if Maul coming back with (discreet) robot legs is too much of a stretch for a hollywood movie.

Most of Maul's screentime in TPM was as a black robed assassin on Tatooine. He would be doing the same thing this time.

If it works visually, the public will just go along with it, for further details see:

>Starkiller base existing even though the btfo Empire never even built something that dangerous in its prime

>Rey on God-Mode in ep 7

>Fin vs a fucking Sith

>Vader neither securing the physical death star plans nor attending to the possibility of a digital transmission of the plans at the climax of R1.

>The fucking Death Star ventilation shaft

>The Giant Futuristic Hole of Death at the centre of Naboo Palace

>Dexter's 50's Diner

>Obi and Ani's clothes not bursting into flames from being right next to molten lava.


Passable movie visuals do not have to be logical. Images bypass that shit in the brain most of the time, and audiences are mostly dumb.

Ressurection is one thing, and they quickly did away with the inspired design from the comic, but now its literally just following the general plot,which was not even "canon" by EU standards before.

Owen raising Luke is even less appropriate than I realised.

What if the high ground is a beach?

That comic was never canon, even in the old EU, just like that comic where Vader became good and had a white armor.

I kind of wish Maul and Kenobi would just sit down by the fire for the entire episode and talk about shit.

They have both aged a lot as rivals, might as well give up now that the Jedi and the Sith are basically gone.

This is going to happen. Maul is going to tell Ben all about Vader, and ask for his help to defeat the Sith. Of course, he will then turn on Ben if they succeed, but never mind that now.

>This is going to happen
Maul abso-fucking-loutly hates Kenobi, his drive for revenge on him trumps any other commitments Maul has.
Theres no way in hell Maul teams up with him, remember back when Maul found out Kenobi was still alive? He was seething with so much anger he could barely speak.