Barring any personal feelings about this man, what are opinions of this man?
Hard mode: can't say cuck
Barring any personal feelings about this man, what are opinions of this man?
Hard mode: can't say cuck
Isn't he retarded?
His character on Justified was funny and proved himself to be more than just a wannabe tough guy.
I thought his standup was pretty good a few years ago?
He was on Lady Dynamite
I like his standup. The story about working in the hick bar with the comedy magician who got stiffed 5 dollars is pure kino.
If you go back too far he's off-puttingly cynical but still has great moments like james carvell's ice cream shop commercials
Big Fan is kino.
pathetic and obnoxious "celebrity geek"
I watched a short featuring him as The Penguin [citation missing] which gave me a bit of a chuckle.
I only know him from Space Cop
I don't follow him on twitter, so I don't fully grasp the hate from the Sup Forums contingent. The guy essentially works nonstop and is pretty funny.
He killed his wife by being pathetic faggot atheist.
He's pretty good in stuff, like this and Bored To Death where he does the oddball guy thing. Good in small doses.
He murdered his wife
He murdered his wife
>faggot atheist.
Dont bundle us all in with his faggoty sjw stuff
Can you put neosporin on your lip. I had a pimple before and its irritated now
Used to love him, ordered every cd he put out before having a kid. I was still a fan during his post kid era but didn't find his stand up good anymore. His reaction to Trump made me unfollow him on twitter (he was the reason I signed up) and start to really dislike him. I feel sad about his wife but he's such a faggot now.
Same here user. We don't really bother with Twitter in the UK these days, died out pretty quick. From what I've seen of him acting/comedy-wise I actually find him pretty funny. Loved his part in Balls of Fury.
El es un cornudo
Golden State Killer confirmed
I always thought he sucked. Finding out he's a raging leftist idiot was just vindication.
He and guys like Tim Heidecker are comedians, not political pundits. I still enjoy their work, but I've already seen and heard enough of their personal lives.
Also Oswalt was and will forever be Spence from KoQ.
I know him only from the narrator on The Goldbergs
"I have one ball. Now it's two, now it's three. Now it's one again.
OK? OK!"
He hate fucked the audience with magic.
He should lay off Twitter. I don't buy into Sup Forumstard shit because I'm not a complete shut-in who blames my personal problems on distractions and strawmen so his politics don't bother me. Best vocal performance in a Pixar movie imo. Like his podcasts and Parks and Recreation appearances. Shame about his wife.