So I just watched this and I feel very distraught. Lots of tears at the end.
So I just watched this and I feel very distraught. Lots of tears at the end
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it wasn't that sad
Jurassic bark breh
this was the hackiest piece of shit they made.
Agreed, I dropped the show after that
>being an adult who watches cartoons or capeshit
I will never understand this meme, gotta believe you are just pretending to be stupid
you know where (you) are, right?
best telly show
The finale was awful.
The show will hopefully come back at some point.
>muh dog
low tier feels
can you spoil it for me?
>yoy will never have a cyclops waifu
Why live
I remember feeling conflicted by Jurassic Bark because the ending made me really sad, but the scene where Leela nearly rips her clothes off has stayed with me for other reasons.
Leela has cucked fry many times
When they brought the show back it was so mediocre.
Leela and Fry actually getting together was a mistake, and a big part of the reason why the show wasn't as good. Fry desperately chasing Leela made him funny and sympathetic, and the few moments when she did show him some affection were tasteful, heartwarming and rewarding. It was a dynamic which worked really well, and making them a couple ruined it.
The ending you posted, like so many modern TV shows or movies, labours the emotion a bit too hard and nullifies it. Pic related was far more touching.
>I dropped the show after that
>literally the last episode
is this ironic or are you dumb dumb?
season 6 was a bit lame, but season 7 picked up again and it ended appropriately I thought.
GOAT tier episode. very tragic Fry lost his good hands.
Jurassic Bark, can't you read for fuck sake?
Yeah but the series ending works because it followed later series Fry and Leela, who needed a sincere ending to a relationship that was missing the sympathy and real emotion of the original run.
C'mon son.
They're VERY good hands
fuck off you asian shit
Am I the only one that shipped Amy and Fry over Fry Leela?
Why was 'The Devils Hands Are Idle Playthings' the best finale?
They already showed that it didn't work.
If I say yes will you post lewd Amy
>Being an adult posting on an anime image sharing board
Here's a (You)
Because it was literally perfect.
Because it's the only finale, the other seasons are optional bonus material.
Retroactively ruined
A lot of background characters make appearances but never in an intruding way and the ending was about as romantic but non committal as any other Fry/Leela centered episode. They aren't getting together but maybe one day. It hit just the right note. Sentimental but not sappy.
I saw it for the first time in reruns and didn't know it was meant to be the finale. Nothing in it draws attention to itself and only becomes significant if you know it was meant to be the end.
I prefer that approach for this kind of show, rather than trying to write a perfect finale that wraps everything up with happily ever after.
Reminds me of when The Simpsons hit their 100th episode and they just picked an episode in production to be it. The only reference is Bart writing on the chalkboard "I will not celebrate meaningless milestones".
Feels a lot more dignified than every other milestone episode they always milk with callbacks and references. It's always so self congratulatory. 600 episodes of mostly mediocre television! What an accomplishment!
Fucking dropped the show after this episode
>getting distraught over a cartoon
I bet you voted for Clinton too and consider yourself "gender fluid."
All the new seasons and movies were unwatchable garbage
I bet you're angry over the way your life turned out
Amy already fucked everyone so it doesn't really sail m8
i bet youre angry at your assigned gender.
Jurassic Bark is the middle school-tier sad episode.
The true sad episode is The Sting.
>missing the joke this badly
The only good post-revival Futurama episode is the time travel one.
No, almost nobody experiences gender dysphoria. Meanwhile plenty of people hate their lives. Tell me about what you and your friends/gf did today. Were you productive?
The Fry & Leela shit is by far the worst element in the show.
Where's the Ultimate Surrender watermark?
Foreshadowing, dude. They always knew this was how it would end.
Can you guys do that somewhere else
embarrasing as it is to admit ,i actually cried when i watched the top one.After a full run through of the first 4 series it really hits you
>Watching Futurama after season 4
It was zombie Simpsons level bad.