Best song?
Best song?
Another Day of Sun is the only good one in the whole film.
none, this flick is terr-ib-lé
the end song
cause it meant this piece of shit was over
Do people actually hate this film or are they just contrarian memesters?
Yes people hate the terribly written, forgettable bland ocarbait. Are you that much of a sucker?
As someone who loves classic Hollywood musicals from the 50's as well as fantastic cinematography yeah I'm a pretty big sucker for La La Land (2016) starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone
It's fantastic for the aesthetics alone.
>fantastic cinematography
>emma stone
Christ almighty I see better looking animals at the zoo.
film starts out very strong
becomes predictable romance bullshit that is really just draining to watch
ends terribly
Start a Fire was great as well imo
> or are they just contrarian memesters?
Did you forget where you are? Literally the best movies ever made will get shit on here.
Yes but this is fucking oscarbait and it shows.
>becomes predictable romance bullshit that is really just draining to watch
Yeah the movie drags a little in the middle during the breakup; it feels like its going through the motions of a typical romance film. Hardly ruined the movie for me though.
>ends terribly
I thought the ending was great.
> It's a Musical so it must be Oscar bait guys!
Kill yourself. Even if it was Oscar bait so fucking what. Some amazing movies in the past few years were Oscar bait.
Nope not this one shit characters that belong in a tv movie
Le certified fresh!
What do you think the best film of 2016 was?
another day of sun and the audition song
gosling cant sing
city of stars is horrible because of him
neither can stone
nah, she has a pretty, sweet voice
especially in audition
They were as good as they needed to be.
Obviously they're not professional singers but it didn't detract from my experience. If anything, it made the film feel more grounded.
>I thought the ending was great.
Not the guy you were replying too but I had problems with the ending too, I had a lot of trouble buying that Stone's character is now a famous actress. I understand what they were trying to go for that with her doing that audition you're supposed to think that she's found a third way to get into movies, but well I felt like she still kind of sucks and even IF she does land this movie she'll still have to debase herself in humiliating casting calls and deal with negative criticism. Something the whole rest of the film has shown she's not strong enough to handle. Maybe if she'd had anywhere near as well fleshed out of a character arc as Seb I'd feel differently.
Personally though I thought Emma Stone was miscast in that role, her career in general has kind of mystified me.
Nigga someone in the crowd is the fucking jam
I hear where you're coming from, but I feel like the ending shows that she was strong enough to handle rejection after that last audition. I agree that more development would've been nice, but I was fine with what we got.