Do you think Wanda Sykes is a funny comedian?
>go to stand up comedy gig
>hear someone whine about their political views
Do you think Wanda Sykes is a funny comedian?
>go to stand up comedy gig
>hear someone whine about their political views
we get it. youre poor white trash in the closet and hate a free black lesbo. youre scum Amerikuk.
>hourly anti-black/anti-women thread
Find yourself a proper hobby, this ain't healthy, or at least keep this crap on Sup Forums
I thought that when she appeared on Curb as the whiny black woman who finds racism/sexism in everything she was just playing a character.
she was ok on Curb, but come on you know better than to watch a sheboon's standup, that's your own fault user
This entire site is poor white trash trying to connect with other poorly raised, poorly educated morons of their own kind.
Why put Alexander and Napoleon next to these suicidal faggots that couldn't even make a proper empire?
same kek
female comics after they go off the menopause cliff are much funnier for some reason. she's a rambly old dyke that never had kids, give her a break.
that's just like your opinion, man
I'm pretty sure this is where human garbage goes to stave off suicide for just one more night. You want the worst ideas and opinions. The biggest emotional disorders, this is your place.
shut the fuck up nerd
Actually I've found a lot of help on this site.
Don't get upset because the culture of whites is changing. It was bound to happen.
wow how progressive of you to express disdain for "poor white trash"
Marxists... truly the party of "the people".
And you come here for...?
Women just aren't good at stage humor. Women are funniest in one on one, back and forth situations.
Women will never make you laugh as a stand up comedian, but they sure can make you laugh if you're just going on a walk with a girl by yourselves and bantering.
Whites aren't people though
Sup Forums is a Sup Forums imageboard.
I remember hating the Wanda Sykes show
I wont watch any woman comedians stand up, I know its going to be shit
reddit pls
They're superhumans, I know.
it really is