Anonymous is here Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums,

It's us, Anonymous, once again. Except this time it's the leader speaking.

As i am writing this, we are attacking the racist group KKK
They think they are safe behind their racist white mask, but they are wrong.
Just now we are publishing all the names of thousands KKK members.
Not only that! We have noticed the ongoing racism on Sup Forums/pol/ and we are looking into your IPs right now. We are going to publish your names, address ect. STOP RACISM NOW!

The clock is ticking, gentlemen.

We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

Look. A faggot.


Low image quality. Fake

Hi faggot. How's your moms cock Doug after you sucked it all week?

Nigger! haha

I apologize for every time I said the "N" word

also you do not impress

You faggots couldn't hack a sega dreamcast

Lol "the leader"

Anonymous doesn't exist

>Except this time it's the leader speaking

Not even good b8m8

You guys are SO FUCKING COOL!
I wanna join and be like you.


Epic raid, reddit.


>1 post by this ID.

It's such a wasteful tactic to do good by "hacking"
>Do good and no one notice
>Do evil and people really notice
Also racism and satire are more important to preserve in a free society than love and equality.

>Inb4 1 post

Don't you guys wear white masks XD

oh look this thread again

Ffs you asshole

too late faggot




Anonymous loves to make the people non anonymous.

Throwing some shade ?

If you guys rail against capitalism so much, you should know that every penny you spend on those masks goes straight to Warner Bros.

I have one of those guy fawks masks purely cause I liked V for Vendetta, should I just fucking destroy it now?

funniest post i've read today thank you!

OP is a faggot check'em

>The KKK hide behind masks, we will expose them.
I guess wearing masks is only okay if you do it, eh?

What happened Sup Forums? We wuz hackers n shit

>Sup Forums tier threads

again and again and again

brb throwing computer in a river

I know this is b8 but is Anonymous still even around, I thought they died out when Reddit took over.

Kek, faggot showed up!

I still remember when anonymous did fun stuff like Habbo raids.

It's a shame they actually started to take themselves seriously.