How is The Legend of Korra?
How is The Legend of Korra?
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It's a show for children. For a child it's easily 9/10. For an adult 6/10.
it's a borra
Season 1 9/10
Season 2 6/10
Season 3 8/10
Season 4 2/10
A mediocre show by itself but an absolute travesty as a sequel to TLA.
season 1 was good
season 2 got weird
season 3 was ok because the villains were ok
season 4 went full blown sjw pandering shit and the villain was garbage
I'm going to be that one guy and say
S1: Was fine. Some parts were forced and didn't even matter in the end
S2: Questionable because a lot of shit shouldn't have happened to begin with
S3: Great because the villains were great
S4: Fine until the ending
Season 1 was okay until the finale completely ruined it.
Season 2 was a steaming pile of dog shit
Season 3 was mediocre
Season 4 was almost as bad as season 2
I liked it but it is so more fast paced than Avatar
in Avatar you have like season1,2,3 are preperation for the big boss and in korra you have 4 season with 4 different bosses which is wierd
ATLA was a masterpiece and katara is mai waifu.
korra a shit
Whether it's for children or not shouldn't affect your rating.
>western anime
it does tho
This guy does a pretty good breakdown about how much a piece of shit Korra was.
I don't see why we should hold literature for children to a lower standard.
ATLA was geared towards children, and that series was excellent.
>more successful and better animated
mad, weeb?
>need to watch youtube videos to get an opinion on something
I guess you also don't watch movies with bad ratings because other people didn't like it?
>there's this guy targetting my kin, crippling them forever and directly challenging me
>better play sport instead of dealing with it
He articulates my gripes with Korra far better than a 14 paragraph post on Sup Forums would.
Isn't that why we watch reviews in the first place?
Half of Season 1 was okay.
So 4/10
Season 2 is complete dogshit, even the praised "wan episodes"
Season 3 felt much better but has alot of bullshit in it. Still the best we got.
Season 4 is the whole series in a nutshell, you get a good idea and believe the series will head in a good direction only go be turned into absolute garbage.
Don't bother.
I don't watch reviews user, because if I like a movie I like it, and if I don't like it, I don't like it. I don't have the need to get a confirmation that a random guy on youtube likes or dislikes the same stuff I do.
No this is not a copypasta but how else should I write this?
Bad. Like bad enough they stopped showing it on TV because even kids hated it. Bad enough that we wont get anything Avatar related again.
So bad infact, that there was only two good episodes in 4 seasons. Those episodes were about Avatar Wan.
The first avatar episodes in season 3 ruined everything.
>I don't watch reviews user
If you don't want to talk about tv shows or listen to other opinions on said TV shows, what the fuck are you doing here tard?
Studio Pierrot was involved at one point
>More successful
>Had to move to an online only distribution model because demand was that low
more specific
Not defending what that guy said but wasn't the reason it was taken off air was because of all the people getting murdered in the third season?
korra is GOAT just because of how much good porn it has produced
Now we can all agree on that.
The Wan episodes in and of themselves are OK, but destroyed the mysticism the spirit world in the original series had. Plus the dark avatar was fucking dumb.
No it was
>muh leaks
>two good comics
So you're saying we should expect the emotional maturity and social prowess of an adult from a 10 year old girl?
Are you fucking retarded?
Korra is a show for children, like I said. Adults start wondering all the plot holes and missed opportunities, which kids have no idea that even exist.
>Korra is a show for children
It's a show for socially maladjusted women in their 20's dressed up as a children's show, this is evident from the first episode
We're arguing separate points.
Obviously a child is less likely to be critical of a tv show.
What I'm saying is whether you're an adult or a child, the """""objective""""" quality of the show remains the same.
How can you be objective about something that becomes different as you gain life experience, as in, grow older?
You can't. The themes and stories change as your age goes up.
That's why I rated it differently for kids and adults. Kids will definitely love all the "cool" bending stuff, adventure and great big bad antagonist. Adults will start to wonder about other things like the plot holes, contrived relationship drama, character motivations and so on.
It's just that kind of show. I know what you're trying to argue, but it's impossible. The way you view things changes. Your perspective changes.