You are now aware that whitey is only superior today because genghis khan spared europe out of sheer luck.
You enjoy that false sense of superiority whitey. Just know you are an imposter.
You are now aware that whitey is only superior today because genghis khan spared europe out of sheer luck.
You enjoy that false sense of superiority whitey. Just know you are an imposter.
Other urls found in this thread:
Genghis didnt spare shit. He died before he could ever reach Central europe
So we admit that whitey is superior then?
Yeah and 90% of Mongol Empire is empty trash with some big vulnerable cities between
Reminds me of a certain group of people who did a similar thing...
Why is Egypt (and North Africa) such a shithole then?
The Egyptians defeated the Mongols in Syria and were spared any Mongol invasion, yet they are just as shit-tier as every other Muslim nation.
The shittest of shit-tier Muslims even cite the Sharia rulings the Egyptians used against the Mongols to justify being shit today (the Mongols had a non-Sharia law code in addition to Sharia law, which they ruled haram and made the Mongols apostates/infidels, a Salafi principle to this day applied to anyone who has any non-Sharia law).
controlling a bunch of tundra, dessert and uninhabitable lands VS controlling some of the most valuable environments and ports in the world
>be ghengis khan
>unite tribes of mongolia
>become empire
>conquer everyone
>empire dies
yes wow great empire
i nearly replied to a leaf, thanks denmark for saving me from the humilation!
Chang pls
Kek the Roman Empire lasted more than 500 years, the Mongol Empire fell apart not even a century after it was founded.
His were very very close to conquer Poland, but Genghis died and they retreated.
>whitey is superior in one century
>thinks they will be superior in all of them
what a short term memory whitey has
>ever empty
Most of the world was empty trash you retard.
If you count the Roman Republic it was almost 1000 years
if you include Byzantium 2000 years
>all these mad whiteys in this thread
lol cucks think theyre superior
Is that you treadu?
and China still exists today
Tell me one mongol scientist, one philosoph or great thinker that influenced todays world drastically
You know because the Mediterraneans had thousand of them
Literally conquered all of Asia's fucking nothing, and built an empire that didn't even last a century.
Whitey has had a good 600 years so far.
All scientists are ''Mongol'''s scientists.
Genghis khan was dead when the Mongols invaded Europe, you shit
>sheer luck
But that's fucking wrong. They barely had the manpower to maintain that empire and it collapsed within a century.
They couldn't even permanently occupy Hungary, let alone conquer the HRE, which was way more advanced and populous.
And OP was never heard for again. Lets move on goyim and keep shilling for trump. Ignore the maple niggers.
as a degenerate communist shithole yes
Poland fucking stopped them because mongols couldn't into forests.
Mongols got their shit pushed in everywhere that wasn't a steppes terrain
Horse archers are shit and only control open grasslands
>a whole lot of steppes and the horse fuckers who inhabit them
Nice empire
Cucking China was pretty impressive though.
Mongols also allowed Islam to enrich them and cucked themselves
"Could have happened" may as well be "impossible" because it never happened and never will, Ding Dong.
Panama nice, I already have it though.
>If I had one wish, it would be to see the holy roman empire rise again.
Remember that time when you weren't superior whitey?
That doesn't make sense either.
Who in the world would even want to argue aginst Turko Mongol superiority?
Gengiz never conquered China though. His grandson, Kublai, did. The map in the OP was only unified in name, in practice it was descendants of Gengiz ruling pieces of it.
Not really, no.
this, he died and tradition dictated that they return home and select a new khan, and their empire fractured shortly thereafter.
Thank you Denmark for sparing me.
It's true though. The marshlands and forests kept them from being able to use their horseback archers, taking away what made them so dangerous.
damn if we wipe out iran, shia islam is finished.
I guess the descendants wouldn't have agreed on being just unified in name.
Can't you see that the Mongol Empire penetrates gigantic forrests?
Weak b8 moose
Name one war where whites lost to any other race but themselves.
shia is better than sunni
I think having the world population reduced by 1.6 billion is the best
Google Finnish Noble Prize
I think having the world population reduced to 10 billion 100% Europeans and 1,000 of other races is best.
Well, they helped each other out and there was a nominal emperor, but it wasn't a centralized empire, like the Roman Empire for example.
>I think having the world population reduced to 10 billion 100% Europeans and 1,000 of other races is best.
What ?
>shit hole
But the world population is only 7.4 billion onii-chan
based mongols almost dealt the deathblow to islam
i'm ok with this
oh and they were colonized by the british
Impotent tiny dick squint eyed brown skinned degenerates
>he thinks china didn't have forests
>he thinks protecting a forest protects a whole city
>a book made by whitey to show how great whitey is
to be fair, it was harder to genocide with only swords and bows.
imagine conquering a muslim city on the silk road and having to decapitate the entire population by hand, with a few breaks to rape the women in front of mosques.
The Roman Empire would've raped the Mongolian Horde through sheer superior strategy
>imagine conquering a muslim city on the silk road and having to decapitate the entire population by hand, with a few breaks to rape the women in front of mosques.
Made me hard as diamonds tbqh.
>literally a LOVE LIFE OF AN ASIAN GUY poster
and a leaf to boot
kys my man
nod really
>whiteys really believe this
>mongols had armour piercing arrows with 100lb tensile strength bows
>conquered the world with superior tactics and strategy
>whitey is standing still on the ground in his autism formation
>he actually thinks this.
Genghis khan would have raped the entire roman empire.
And look where the mongols are today? Mongolia is completely irrelevant to the world.
>just like europe is relevant
is 4 chins and a nose length 3 times a normal human being enough for you burger?
>Roman Empire under Trajan
200 ad
>Mongol Empire under Ghengis
1200 ad
good job
Why do people act as if the Chinese civilization is the same unbroken line of a political entity?
it has gone through just as many different power structures and cultures as Europe
Thank you, Denmark. Truly you are my greatest ally.
>implying mongols didn't infuse their dna into all chinese
why do you think the chinese have no empathy
>a leaf
Get the fuck out
>a dumbass
>this long exposure shot that shows the country has lights and cars prove the country is a good place to live.
Thanks Dansk.
Also implying that just because you buy western technological innovations then suddenly your country isnt filled to the brim with repressive, muslim ideas and customs.
>whitey is standing still on the ground in his autism formation
What's a matter pajeet. Are you upset about being rejected by white women.
Kahn got stabbed in the dick and then died. That's what stopped him.
If their empire was so great then where is their influence? The Romans have influenced architecture, language and government among many other things. Where's the Mongol influence of any sort?
Look it up retard. Legacy of the Mongol Empire. Just because you didn't learn it in grade school doesn't mean its not a scholarly topic of interest.
Steppe niggers had no chance in mountainous Europe.
Ivajlo the cabbage fucked their shit pretty good.
The giant hole in the middle east and the shit hole that is eastern europe. It was mostly negative influences.
>look it up
Typical retard, if you can't state obvious influences then who gives a shit. All the Mongols are now is some shitty third world land-locked nation. No one thinks of them.
Meanwhile the Romans are admired and remembered every time someone thinks of marble statues or looks at the architecture of a typical government building.
You are now aware that 90% of the Mongol's territory was basically uninhabitable. It's for the same reason that Russia has the largest country in the world: no-one wants what amounts to thousands of miles of ice.
>remembered for girly shit like art
>mongols remembered for death and destruction on a scale that was unmatched
i'm a true Nordic, at least back to 14th hundred,
Some danish priest her and der.
Those Turk's that raided her back in the days, took all the woman they got their hands on and sold them as slaves. so no arabs kids got born her.
I think Irish pirates where altso her at one point, but mostly for raid and pillage and slaves ofc