>murrica invades your country
>you're the bad guy because you fight back against an invasion of your country
Gee, thanks (((hollywood)))!!
>murrica invades your country
>you're the bad guy because you fight back against an invasion of your country
Gee, thanks (((hollywood)))!!
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying Iraqis even recognise the arbitrary borders that the US/UK drew in the forties
a country is made up of people tho, not subhumans
>implying US gets to say where Iraq border should be
yeah but those are borders between arab countries, its like debating whether austria and germany should be one country or two. it in no way justifies america invading iraq when america is thousands of miles away
>they died because you could live
Where is this?
Every time a sandnigger is killed, the world becomes a better place.
Bataclan, France
over half a million Iraqi civilians died during the iraq war, I don't see how the world is in any measurable way better off for it
uhh you do know tally van and ices were directly created by American interference in the mid east right?
Look we need oil, fuck kebab.
Fighting against freedom makes you the bad guy no matter what
Who said anything about justification? Why does the world except lofty ideas behind US military operations?
It was the British and Russians who started the meddling that got the ball rolling
Pure (((neocon))) propaganda.
less iraqis
>I don't see how the world is in any measurable way better off for it
You admit you cant even imagine how bad it would be if we didnt already attempt to control these nuisance invasive species.
I agree with you in that we didnt kill enough of them because they are still causing trouble.
The Iraqi population was decreasing rapidly under Saddam
because they present themselves as liberators and have extremely effective propaganda
we should bring him back then
>American movie
>expecting anti-America plot
That's now how it works son.
Yeah cause when other countries invade each other they are always upfront about their intentions, you dumb fuck.
Except it, the world holds the West up to a higher standard.
There are plenty American anti-war movies.
Were you expecting an american movie not to be a propaganda piece? There are two types of americans: the "murrica fck yeah" obese fox news watching rednecks and the extreme SJWs who don't like anything.
i'm not even comparing America to other countries with that statement. i'm not interested in who da bess or any of that shit, retard. i'm simply answer his question.
we are held to higher standard because we acted as if we were of higher standard.
most of the world sees past this now
*accept it
And when you go around calling everyone else savage uncultured shitskins, it's kinda ironic when you act no better than them
Especially hilarious when farmers in Vietnam BTFO the entire American military
We are of a higher standard. If you can't see this you should either commit suicide or pack up and go live elsewhere that isn't the West or Japan
It was fine with Saddam keeping them in their country and under control, but ever since Murica and her allies went to war with Iraq (even though 9/11 was caused by Saudis), the country got destabilized, extremism rose and now we have terrorist attacks all over Europe and the Middle East
Thanks a lot assholes
But they are savage uncultured shitskins
>gee better blow up 100s of people with a car bomb
mudslime logic
but judging by what jesse ventura said, chris kyle is full of shit
the movie was good though
settle down the situation isn't that dire
i'm not committing suicide over any of this bullshit you silly man.
Indeed. thank you, Hasan, for killing the infidels.
And Americans are savage uncultured cumskins
ohh boohoo wahhhhhhh wahhhhh murica bad wahhhhhh, guess that means we have to let niggers and arabs kill us all then
oy vey
>He doesnt like patrician eastwood films
numale detected
>judging by what jesse ventura said
>implying there is anything remotely close to dogmatic of an ideology in the west as islam that would get American to do this
>implying America had a policy of torturing innocent civilians
>implying the citizens weren't involved in attacks
>implying the terrorists didn't use citizens as shields to garner local support
>implying RoE procuders didn't actively put American soldiers in harms way just to save a couple of shitskins' lives
>implying any one of Muslim states would even remotely think as much as we did about not putting innocent lives at danger
a jury agreed with him, even when they were told incorrectly that he was taking money from chris kyle's family
your fear is weaker than the fears of drone stike survivors, america's terror campaign is much more effective and keeps the cycle going, and you're scared enough to keep letting it happen.
>We are of a higher standard. If you can't see this ...
He just fucking said that in the comment you're replying to.
We are so uncultured we provide half the medical and technological advancements to the world which will save your stinky arab ass when you finally get bombed and lose a limb.
We are so uncultured you have to use our inventions to escape here so that you don't have to rub shoulders with your own kind.
If you weren't so stupid you wouldn't be putting them in that situation in the first place
>implying there is anything remotely close to dogmatic of an ideology in the west as islam that would get American to do this
Who is Anders Breivik? What are militant neo-nazis?
>implying America had a policy of torturing innocent civilians
"It wasn't a policy, it just happened consistently and systematically!"
>implying the citizens weren't involved in attacks
"Fair trials are only for American-citizens!"
>implying the terrorists didn't use citizens as shields to garner local support
"There's nothing wrong with murdering some civilians to kill a terrorist"
>implying RoE procuders didn't actively put American soldiers in harms way just to save a couple of shitskins' lives
"How dare they save innocent citizens and endanger the lives of an aggressive invading force with no legitimacy?!"
>implying any one of Muslim states would even remotely think as much as we did about not putting innocent lives at danger
"We're so much better than them. We're not gonna do anything different to how they act. But we totally have the moral high ground cause reasons"
I should've known what to expect when asking a Burger to think
It's quite amazing how people hate American Sniper but love Unforgiven. I wonder if Clint will next make something about the Great American Cognitive Dissonance...
>Who is Anders Breivik? What are militant neo-nazis?
Anti-semitism is most virulent in Arab countries, you dumb fuck. You are comparing one far-right attack with hundreds of Islamic terrorism every fucking day across the globe.
>"It wasn't a policy, it just happened consistently and systematically!"
It didn't. Abu Ghraib people were held responsible and prosecuted in military courts. Media raised a huge stink about it and everyone questioned our motives for being there. Meanwhile no Iraqis had any qualms about Americans being torn from limb to limb and being set on fire. Kids were involved in attacks and you can be sure no one ever gave a second thought.
>"Fair trials are only for American-citizens!"
>There's nothing wrong with murdering some civilians to kill a terrorist"
You are braindead retarded cause I never said anything remotely close to this. Terrorists used and still use, this day in Syria, civilian targets to escape or change positions because they know international forces will not shoot at civilian targets.
>"How dare they save innocent citizens and endanger the lives of an aggressive invading force with no legitimacy?!"
More compassion than anyone Muslims would show your retarded ass.
>"But we totally have the moral high ground cause reasons"
t.person who never lived among Muzzies. Love you little humanitarian flowers. Spend a week among them and get back to me which people has the higher moral standards.
Actually, the US had nothing to do with drawing the borders of Iraq.
The modern borders of Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Palestine (modern day Israel) were drawn in 1916 with the secret Sykes-Picot agreement between the UK and France, where they decided how to divide up the non-Turkish lands of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. This is the reason for the straight line borders - the Brits and French didn't really give a shit about the local tribes, just that the lands were divided up equally for each others colonial empires.
>Brits and French didn't really give a shit about the local tribes
and they still don't, and thus chaos
Do you think at the end when that thing happens to him it's because he shot all those innocent people?
>Only baddies invade countries
>Only goodies defend their country from invasion
So in the span of 5 years the Soviet Union and Nazis Germany were both good and bad by your stupid Sup Forums shitpost morality.
>neckbeard that lives off his parents thinks he can take credit for the achievements of smarter individuals
nationalism is really sad
>bad by your stupid Sup Forums shitpost morality.
That is the morality of the current economical and political world. Good-bad.
Whatever makes you feel better about the predicament of your own race, Ahmed. Don't forget to buy the next smart phone.
>deposed Saddam
>not liberators
Stop being anti American user, the US isn't that bad
>when people forget Afghanistan was the one done because of 9/11 while Iraq was because of the WMD
Funny how "savage uncultured cumskins" are the ones who run the world's economy, are the leaders in countless forms of technology, dominate the entire planet militarily (including your shitty arm-pit of a country, whatever it is) and create the majority of media that the entire world consumes, including the fucking website you're whining about Americans on.
This is the problem with third world faggots like you whining about America, especially on Sup Forums.
If we're so shitty, why do we rule over you?
>America intervenes
>"wow that's raycess"
>Rwandan genocide happens
>"omg why didn't you help"
>Who is Anders Breivik? What are militant neo-nazis?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND stopped reading.
Will you say the same shit when some country comes over your borders with its army?
Who am I kidding, you are the first to run like a lil bitch.
>Who is Anders Breivik?
...A person that isn't an American?...
>it just happened consistently and systematically!"
It literally didn't.
ITT: Mudslimes
I'm seeing a lot of excuses for why america shouldn't be held accountable
You can't say that CITIZENS were probably involved in the attacks and deserve to die without granting them a fair trial. I know the idea of human rights for non-Americans is a weird concept for you
>oh look its the same argument like "Israel"
Go back to kike-general please.
You heard it here first fellas, the Oklahoma City bombing didn't happen
And "savage uncultured shitskins" are the ones with billions that fuck American supermodels and struggling actresses every year at Cannes
>create the majority of media that the entire world consumes
You know the Anglosphere doesn't even make up anywhere near half of the world's population, right?
You know rice farmers in Taiwan don't watch Kim Kardashian's selfie lifestyle show, right?
Fucking burgers and their bubble
>deposed the one man that kept the country from sliding into absolute shitshow
>not incompetent faggots
>>implying America had a policy of torturing innocent civilians
Mate.. I don't think ISIS/ISIL hold a candle in torturing innocent people when compared to great USA.
Lol muslims you should be mad at jews, they are the ones promoting propaganda in our media to make us kill you in the first place.
I thought the Jews ran the world's economy? Or do they count as honorary whites whenever they're compared to other non-whites?
>muslims you should be mad at jews
Saudis, Iranians and Syrians (both arabs and muslims) definitely are mad at them
>don't take off those shoes, Dorothy, keep the dog poo inside the house like the founding fathers told us to
They run the banks but the banks run on petrodollar which is ran by oil countries.
>of excuses for why america shouldn't be held accountable
You are impossible to talk to because you insist in pigeon-holing me in to a position I never defended in the first place. Islamic terrorists constantly exploit American operations, regardless of whether you think the intervention was justified or not, to garner local support from people who are more than happy to take up arms against America than to brush off Taliban leeching off of them and fucking their daughters and mothers on a daily basis. They intentionally take positions among the civilian population to do this. Therefore, innocent casualties become inevitable. At least American soldiers are considerable enough to give them a thought, which terrorists won't do.
>America than to brush off Taliban leeching off of them and fucking their daughters and mothers on a daily
There are lot more factions (even inside Taliban) in muslim countries that are trying to get more power/throw off people in power. Summarizing them under one single moniker (Taleban) is dangerous since that's why Afghanistan is such a mess (Brits and Americans did that exact mistake when they moved in there - and they got played by the people in there).
Not an argument. American military does not have a policy of torturing civilian populations. Even interrogation has to go through intensive bureaucracy to be approved and processed first and even then it's designed to inflict minor discomfort. ISIS does not operate the same way
>What are black sites.
Mate you sound like a proper fucking chill. American intelligence agencies and military fucking love torturing the shit out of shitskins.
Doesn't matter if it comes in the form of Shias or sunnis it's the same shit. Islamic terrorism.
>thousands of islamic terrorist attacks dating from 1980 to present day didn't happen
>but muh abortion bombings
It does matter since they have different motives, origins, purposes. Afghanistan is a mess because Americans and Brits got rused to shooting shitskins just because someone went and told them they were taleban and then the retards elected former warlords (that were thrown off for a good reason) to run the regions.
It does matter.
so you're talking about solitary confinement and water boarding and various other psychological torture? you're arguing that's worse than cutting off someone's hands?
If you think Americas and Brits are solely responsible for the current predicament of ME you need to study Islam more. Muslims really love exaggerating the death count of Iraq and Afghanistan while majority of the deaths happened when the Shia-Sunni reinsurgency happened after the shrine bombings.
you can't nuke them to death so it'd behoove the west to understand the differences of political actors in the middle east
>If you think Americas and Brits are solely responsible for the current predicament of ME
That's not what I was posting about. I was posting about how you slammed everyone on the other side under the tag "Taleban" when that's just blatantly wrong
I feel like I'm talking to literal children here. Millions of people supporting the brutal deaths of kaffirs is somehow equal to an unlawful imprisonment of 50-odd people due to a corrupt government
>i have never been taught history and am incapable of reading
>please look at how retarded i am
>but muh complex social structures
Good thing I've lived there for 20 years you can be sure I understand it better than you do.
It's not that complicated, mate. The loyalty structure in Afghanistan goes almost the same way for every tribe maybe excepting Pashtuns. Family, tribe, religious leader. In the case of Pashtuns, being an ethnic group predating Islam in some very rare cases tribe comes before Islam but in every other instance Islam and Islamic culture completely dictates the way people act. Just because there are different terrorist organizations exploiting religious rhetoric for profits doesn't mean they aren't motivated by them
It had nothing to do with antiabortion
Fucking US education I swear you don't even know why people want to blow your dumb ass up
You still don't get it, when your attitude ("Everyone shooting at us is Taliban") is completely wrong as proven by the failures of British and US governments in Afghanistan circa. 2001-2008 - where they applied the same attitude - Everyone shooting at us is Taliban - and they got played because of it and the country went from bad to even worse? You still insist on "oh they're all the same"?
>Good thing I've lived there for 20 years you can be sure I understand it better than you do.
Doesn't seem like you do, liar. Even so, you could still be a retard, just a retard that lived in some shithole of Afghanistan.
USA the country that never does anything bad (even when it does) and if it's proven that they did they just go with "well, the other dudes did it worse so we're justified to be as bad ;^)"
lol idgaf nigger
if you arent white you should kill yourself
Never said Oklahoma was that. Nice deflect, though.
>greasy shitskins using their dirty money to get laid once a year
Wow, what an achievement.
And it's also not exactly a bragging point that some illiterate peasants don't watch American TV. Consider that the middle and upper classes in many countries, the segments of the population that are the most politically and socially influential, are the ones with the most exposure to American media.
Really would like to hear your idea on who is really shooting us
>they were evil first so it's alright!
This is why the rest of the world hates America
You go around bombing and shooting innocent civilians and justify it by the actions of unrelated dissidents