Italians how true is this?

Italians how true is this?

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Lazio's southern provinces should be Ethiopia too, while Abruzzo's northern ones should be Italy

And Sardinia has very little to do with Berlusconi aside from his bunga bunga mansion

Sardinia other than the north coast of the island is Savage Land full of shepherds

>Lazio should be Ethiopia too

But northern italy has more inmigrants. It would be more accurate to say that the natives of southern italy are savages

>Actual Italic people are niggers
>Fake Italians are real Italians

Whoever made this map is dumb

This meme is retarded few refugees are here to settle. If you highlighted the train lines to the north and called them Ethiopia that would be semi accurate. We are like the Amazon warehouse of refugees, Germany and France are the customers.

>go to Oasi
>refugee outside trying to take trolleys for cash
>shows me his temporary refugee passport asks if he could get to england with it
>told him don't know but Germany should be really easy
>he asks how
>get my phone out and show him a map and train timetables
>he thanks me and gives me a little fist pound thing

Pretty cool guy, hope he makes it to Oktoberfest

You mean other than the South coast of the island?

South Sardinia has always been the only civilized part of the island

Cagliari is unironically one of the best parts of Italy


north is romania
south is romania too

Abruzzo is clearly more civilized than Lazio, especially Southern Lazio.

And I say this coming from Rome.
We're rich though,

Rebuild our shit plz

terrone here


Did my wife call you?

>You mean other than the South coast of the island?
No, I mean Costa Esmeralda

>this is what maurreddi parasites actually believe

Costa Smeralda is barely inhabited, there is Olbia and some resorts for rich people, the South coast has Cagliari which is 10 times the size of Olbia if we count the metropolitan area, and there are more things to see in the South over all

Where North taxpayers money go, fucking terroni

rromani-a is a noncountry

hey laszlo thanks for replying, I had wifi to post with a romanian flag but now I'm outside
hiw was your day?

"Pirate state of Napoli" it's spot on.

Ich heiße nicht so.

Sicily and Sardinia is Moldova

Che cos'è?

Please explain this to me


Ey tanos, didn't you learn anything about based Rocco?

T. sheep shagger

fuck yeah

Ethiopia is actually kinda impressive, considering all the shit it had to deal with.

ok hánsz

I want a slutty neapolitan gf

Calling the north the Republic is certainly true.

Italy should have split by now. It's really terrible.


Napoli is full of trash everywhere.You dont expect this from Italy.Get your shit together guys and get rid of mafia

Rome is south Italy.

From Africans and gypos.

>you dont expect mafia from italy

I marchigiani son negri e terroni

Rome is the very definition of center.


gli uomini delle Marche hanno rubato le vostre mogli, incendiato le vostre case, e disperso i vostri armenti!
A morte i marchigiani!

What are the best insults in italian?
Are there regional insults worth knowing?

Centre of the entire world!

sugi pula is very popular and used all over the country

Baka gaijin here in Rome and I like it a lot so far. Also gonna go to Florence for a day. Fav thing so far is the food. The pizza is supreme, like diavola and cuattro formagio. Will continue to report, but I like it about equal to Barcelona so far, for different reasons. Italian is like bizarro-Spanish so I kinda get it

Excuse me what?

Ce mi-a spus bau bau micio micio despre mine, micuț besugo? Vreau să știți că am terminat clasa mea la Kooly Noody și că am fost implicat în numeroase tapiri secrete pe Sgarbi și am peste 300 de confirmări su gei e tric e trac. Sunt instruit în războiul tricheballacche și sunt capitanul Ventosa de top în toate forțele armate din Mediaset. Nu ești nimic pentru mine, ci doar un alt Romano Prrr ... Romano Prr ... Romano Prodi !. Voi să-ți dai birou-birou cu precizie de care nu a mai fost văzut niciodată pe acest program, să-mi marchez cuvântul meu de di cui abbiamo una diapositiva. Crezi că poți să scapi să-mi spui rahatul ăsta pe Internet? E allora ??? E allooooora ??? Eh eh eh! În timp ce vorbim, contactez rețeaua mea secretă de inviați din Italia și IP-ul tău este urmărit chiar acum, ca să te pregătești mai bine pentru tapiro, besugo. Che roba! Che roba! Care șterge chestia patetică pe care o numiți ciapèt. Ești nenorocit è lui o non è lui? copil. Pot fi oriunde, oricând, și eu pot farti accapponare i capelli în peste șapte sute de moduri, și asta e doar cu mâinile goale. Nu numai că am fost instruit pe larg în STACCHETTO, dar am acces la întregul arsenal al lui LE VELINE și îl voi folosi în întregime pentru a șterge bau bau mizerabil de pe fața micului mic, micuța CERTO CHE E 'LUI ! Dacă ai fi știut doar ce sentimentul nesolicitat al lui SOS GABIBBO, micul tău "înșelător" a fost pe punctul de a vă aduna, poate că ți-ai fi ținut limba. Dar nu ai putut, nu ai facut-o, E allora ??? E allooooora ??? Eh eh eh, blestemat, Pino .. Abete. Voi face furie peste tine și vei fi într-o casă de sac. Ai atașat cu dracu, kiddo.

you heard me italiene
now, hand over the wallet and I won't make an extra pocket in your belly

fratele meu

>comparing Rome to Barcelona
"Solo Parigi é degna di Roma. Seule Rome est digne de Paris"

bună seara fratele meu

He said he likes it as equal as to barcelona, for DIFFERENT REASONS

maybe it's his hometown, maybe he found love there, maybe de gustibus non disputandum est, fucking italiot retard

I fucking hate italioti like you, sei una merda, un cretino e un beota, muori male, coglione

Wew relax.

yeah what a fucking idiot right? It's like comparing gold to shit, I'd feel insulted to be compared with roma(nia) if I was from barcellona

Bercelona has a relaxing beach and fun night life, Rome's food is delicious and history is amazing.
See this skyview of Barcelona is kinda underwhelming if you go up close, all of Rome looks like it's in the 1700's and it's really cool



sounds like a typical roman resident. What a fantastic city proud to have it as our capital
padania libera

italian posters are cute

I could just imagine them at their laptops like EHH BABADA BOOPI SCUSSI RISSOTO DI FORMAGIO NO LUIGI putting up hand gestures while shitposting

kill yourself gook

stfu shitalian, asian women are the best

Sono armenio senpai

ching chong nip nong pass me dog with chopstick I hungry
suka bliad cheeki breeki pass me genocide

*blocks your path*

not so smug now, ah, western boiiiii?

Give me your salami Mario-san!

I'm actually albanian


My greek friends all say you guys suck

I wouldn't trust turks

so you don't trust yourself?


give me your hotel adress pussy I'll send you back to china in a box

Good lad

sono giapponese

don't mind me, just an oldfag showing my wife the power of kek
