French Foreign Legion

>be mid 20s
>no formal education past HS
>SJW and cuckoldry encapsulating the west
>slowly losing reasons to live

Convince me why I shouldn't join.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do it there badass


Join your Country's Military first. At least do your bit before fighting for the frogs.

Do your 3 years in and see if you want to pursue..

Thanks for the contribution I suppose.

And true, they're easily one of the best forces out there, though it falls upon you to determine whether you're willing to be thrust into a battalion of ex-rapists, mercernaries and convicts (so no different from what you're surrounded by in Sup Forums I should say).

>Go through the foreign legion for 5 years.
>Get half decent training and learn French.
>Gain a french passport.
>Leave as soon as it hits 5 years.
>Find a private contractor for 10x better pay.
>Join them.

Boom. Live life going around the world and learning new shit and languages.

>WE make the policy now, faggot.

do nt steb on meee ---- :D!

>>Find a private contractor for 10x better pay.
Which sort of people are these usually? Drug lord and human traffickers?

because you're English and that's the FFL enlist in the RAF or British Army

He's probably referring to companies like Blackwater etc.

People who provide training, equipment and pay to fight for anyone with enough money. So maybe.

They only take 10% of the applicants. Chances are they will not take you and even if they take you, you might drop out in the first weeks.

If anything, book a flight to the US and sign up for the US army instead. The US pays more and you get to play lots of vidya.

>. The US pays more and you get to play lots of vidya.

I want to be tested and pushed to my absolute limit.

I don't want to sit around in a camp with Ameridogs playing FIFA. That sounds like hell.

>Convince me why I shouldn't join.
The Legion has standards. A britbong NEET won't be up to them.

Meh. You might say those things now, but when you've truly had to murder a man in cold-blood, I don't doubt that you'll have more reluctance to go out killing for those sorts of men.

Or does Blackwater have a more "ethical" reputation in choosing who they protect?

I'm Australian, for what it's worth.

Wasn't going to mention it in the OP because I knew I'd get shit for it.

>Wanting to fight for a Muslim country
>Wanting to sit around doing nothing for 5 years getting shouted at
>Thinking you'll get in at all

If you get in and do the 5 years you'll come out speaking broken English and broken French, and you'll regret joining in the first place.

youre probably not tough enough or smart enough to join any of the US special forces groups so im sure my military can "challenge" you.

>join french foreign legion
>become the perpetrator of violence for SJWs and traitrous politicians

If you want to have a masculine environment, join the identitarien movement or something. They do military training and whatnot.

Do you enjoy cleaning your clothes and room all day everyday? Because that's what the military basically boils down to.

I got 3 years into a chemical engineering degree. So I'm smarter than the average eastern european that signs up.

damn son im two years into a chem e degree, why are you quitting?

Not for me. Also the industry is dominated by Indians. I'm not keen on sitting in an office with those smelly fucks all day.

>Learning another language means you lose mastery of the languages you used to speak
Said literally nobody who knows what they're talking about.

Because he's already earned his Bachelors? Don't know, but somehow some people will usually desist there, work for some short years, and then enlist back into earning your Masters.

Some work experience in-between never hurts, but yeah apparently he's ending it there.

It's full of niggers.

Because you'll be trolled so bad you'll ring that fucking escape bell.

Stop surfing the internet, start making something out of yourself. Read books, exercise, meet cool people and travel. La Legion Etrangere it's just a last resort.

SJW and Cuckoldry is why you don't sleep at night? Well, fuck off Eugene, none of a normal persons business.

thats actually my biggest fear, im trying to find jobs in major cities and most are out in bumfuck texas or the Dakotas.

chem.e is 4 years

good luck man. before the economic crisis in 2008 they only accepted 1 in 8 applicants, it's probably less now. If I wanted to get in I'd dedicate a full year to dieting and training. a friend of mine is really fit but he didn't pass the tests

Silly me.


From what I heard most of it is based on psych analysis, i.e. they don't want sociopaths joining?

Being fit and healthy can easily be regimented into a person, but you can't fix the mentally ill.

>I don't want to sit around in a camp with Ameridogs playing FIFA. That sounds like hell.
Sitting around and doing nothing is 95% of any military so fuck off before you waste anyones time.

>didn't go to college
>wondering why life is shit
Jee sherlock, I don't know...

>Sitting around and doing nothing is 95% of any military

No, that's totally wrong.

If you're given free time, it's up to you what you do with it. If you're not disciplined enough that you find your own tasks in the 95% of 'doing nothing' then it sounds like you're worthless.

>t. Have never worn the uniform in his life

He did.

I'm going to kill you for being this unsensitive to the things that OP hints about himself throughout this thread. Prepare to feel my sabre.

Its ok, Americans are worse at English than the average Frenchman.

I was in Legion for 7 weeks but drop it because Military isn't mine.

Well doing nothing I meant he will be doing corvee after corvee after corvee, not literally doing nothing. Its not call of duty or battlefield 24/7.

Keep your mouth shut and do not talk shit.
If you are not in the best shape of your life, they wont take you, because all the poor people from africa and the balkans are joining.
Make sure to think a great deal about joining, because there is """no""" way to just quit.
If you are willing to march till the end of the world with 30kg on your back then the legion will be a great place and very rewarding.

Join the army under the infantry MOS and see if the recruiter can get you guaranteed ranger school if you meet the qualifications. Infantry in the army just train, they don't have a desk job.

Blackwater don't exist no more Bong. They're now Academi.

I don't expect it to be.

I started working out heavily the past few months and I want to join a group of people that will allow me to be pushed beyond what I'm currently at.

It seems the regular army/navy in most countries is a snoozefest. FFL sounds exactly like what I need.

No, they have fun. I think they would only agree with Western contracts unless someone has some decent cash. :^)

And you are?

can the army turn a pussy into a man?
or will a pussy just drop out soon?

There's been plenty like you join before. Why not go for your own country's military first, though?

Good luck then. Remember its going to be as much of a mental challenge as it is physical.
Fly to Marseille andgo straight to Aubagne by buss. No idea to waste time to go anyother recruit centers.

The Australian Armed Forces? Ehhhh. They basically follow America's plans in world geopolitics.

At least France branches out into more than simply invading brown people in the GCC.

>literally terrorism
Way to go USA!

Think about it for probably 6 weeks. Get in amazing shape before. Not necessarily gym shape, but as in physically fit for the things you will be doing, i.e. rucking, running, strict form pull ups, and lots of calisthenics. Lifting weights will help with the obstacle course. There are some good French documentaries on it. I'd probably reccommend doing Stew Smith's USMC MARSOC RECON fitness book as it is the closest thing you will be doing.

Henry Kissinger is actually a combat veteran that fought in the Battle of the Bulge, earning a bronze star

Can't say the same for you, cunt.

He's more of a man than any of you pathetic losers. Fuck yourselves

In addition to my post, do what he says, Go straight to Aubagne. Everyone that goes to Fort de nongent in Paris gets shipped over to Aubagne for selection anyways. Take your own toilet paper btw.

OP has had this idea about joining the FFL for a few days now.

As you can tell he is really serious.

British Army mate.

I've been stuck working in a bar for 2 years contemplating it every time a drunken bimbo whore walks in and out of the pub door.

>SJW and cuckoldry encapsulating the west
>willingly sign up to fight with the Cuck Brigade

Also made a similar thread to this one late last year sometime. Back then I wasn't too serious about it though.

Should have finished it off and joined as an officer. Could have specialised in CBRN maybe?

>playing bulldog in all this shit

I was pretty much failing at that point anyway. No idea why I didn't drop out sooner.

OP see my posts.

>Convince me why I shouldn't join.
If you dont have any military experience or speak at least 4 languages, they won't take you. And even then its hard to get in.
I know three fit guys, all bilingual and with military service. They sold everything and went to Aubin, still the legion said no.

Its nothing as a state funded nigger troup. Todays legion is about being the leet, and you don't need some no good NEETS for that

Why don't you join the Kurdish YPG? They have a very high acceptance rate, and they accept foreigners. The pay is shit though, but you'll get straight to the action.

Kurds are the ultimate tools of the Jew. No fucking thank you.


Wait a fucking second, can you do that? Can you just fly to the US and join the military even though you are not a citizen?

Well then, you pretty much convinced me I have no hopes at all of joining.

I only speak English and a bit of French, and I'm not 'fit' so to speak, just a little ottermode.

Thanks for the advice everyone. Particularly

is being part of a PMC is really living the dream ?

>Can you just fly to the US and join the military even though you are not a citizen?
If you have a permanent visa (UK people can get them easier than continental Europeans), yes.

I've heard it is dependent on the candidates they receive. If every candidate within a group has military experience and langauge skills they can afford to be picky. The rumor is that in winter, they are less picky due to low number of applicants.

Much like in Starship Troopers, service guarantees citizenship. I had guys from Korea, Mexico, and China in my company at boot camp joining for citizenship.

Consider your Royal Marines. They are great guys. Little bit different than us American devil dogs and the standards are a lot higher, but you should consider it.

Join your own army, not the fucking French army

there will probably be alot of refugees applying to join right now and you might get beheaded by them

>whether you're willing to be thrust into a battalion of ex-rapists, mercernaries and convicts (so no different from what you're surrounded by in Sup Forums I should say)
>Implying anyone on Sup Forums is that hardcore.

if you want to kill niggas join the legion

Good, die for us perfide albion

(((French Foreign Legion)))

why don't you read uncle adolphs book and start a political club instead.

>With enough clay one can be picky
Maybe. They told me that the other competitors were all military men from all over the world, some with a decade of experience. That was 2005 and they finaly took 4 out of a group of around 30 men. According to jewpedia they recruited 12 in 2012. So maybe they have become less picky and OP may have a chance ;^)

Looks like a good job.

>get stuck in an African garrison
>everyone's a foreign convict
>lonely af
>realize that fighting for the remnants of the French empire is an enormous joke, they'll send you out to die one day then politicians will hand the base over to the natives the next
>no morale
>wide awake in your hammock fighting mosquitos
>you go crazy, jerk off in the mess hall, punch your frogeating CO in the face
>get kicked out of France
>total fucking waste of time and you have emotional baggage

Honestly just join the Royal Navy or something. More adventure, more comfy, more training, a higher likelihood of being in a position to use your unique talents, less douches, and foreign harbor pusst will want to fuck the dapper Englishman in his Savile Row uniform.

Supposedly there is a rumor that there has been an increase in demand for recruits. Algeria is pretty unstable right now.

Is this true? Is there any way I can find out what their acceptance rates are? Seems futile to waste time and money to sign up when they only accept 1% of applicants.

It is hard to get in if you are from a shithole. If you are from a western country you are pretty much guaranteed to get in unless you fail the medicals. Also FFL is absolute shit and you won't learn much, the first two years are spent cleaning toilets. If you aren't a francophone you will be last on the list for promotion. You will learn much more in the Paras or the Royal Marines.

I don't mind this. I'm young and I understand I need to earn my keep. Scrubbing toilets is basically what I do right now.

You will probably be around alot of Moroccans, Egyptians, Eastern Europeans and other undesirables stuck in some shitty african country somewhere. If you have no other options go for it. If you can i would join your own countries military though.

My end goal is to join the Australian Armed Forces after serving in the FFL, and hopefully I'll be fast tracked to a leadership position based on the experience I (possibly) earned.

If not, starting from the ground up in my own country won't be bad for me. I'll be hard willed, stronger, and possibly have a few languages under my belt.

American here, former US Marine and a member of the Legion Etrangere, French now because of "Français par le sang versé" and proud. You will march in parades and you will have panties thrown at you, Some of them have phone numbers written in them.

Do it, you shit.

Two personal friends of mine went, both rated it. One did his five years and got out, the other is still in. Both were Guards Para and one was reserve SAS, so make of that what you will.

I'd considered it but by the time I got out of the British Army I had other things on my plate. I've been on exercises and worked with them for a small length of time, I thought they were very capable but I thought them rigid and a bit old fashioned. Everything they did was from the book.

I'd go for it if you're very fit with nothing else to do.

I'm reliably informed it's around 10 percent of the guys that walk in the door. Bare in mind that they have virtually no process of elimination prior to that, they take anyone that walks in for a go.

Out of the fit, driven guys without criminal records and a good head it's probably 50 percent.

So why not join the british army? You will fight for the exact same thing(the Globalists) only in a good unit and not be treated like shit.

Without a loss of blood, British brother, it now takes 5 years of good service for French citizenship.

You dont need to be ripped to join the FFL. From what i hear their PT is alot more cardio focused and less strength focused than the US military is (not sure about UK military) and the US military is pretty much a giant cardio fest so thats saying something. Just make sure you can run for long periods of time.

I want a challenge.

>and hopefully I'll be fast tracked to a leadership position based on the experience I (possibly) earned.

No, you won't. No one gives a fuck what you've done previously. I had a guy in ITC Catterick who had done five years in the REP, we started him same as everyone else and he went through the motions. He wasn't promoted any faster.

Why do people always plan decades down the line of something they don't even know they like yet? I wanted to join the British Army, so I did. I quite liked it, so I spent a good amount of time in. I followed the instructions for joining and went along with them. People complicate this massively.

What do you want to do? Go about that in the best way. If you want to join the Aussie army (why?) then go fucking join them, don't go via France.

You will have it.

How can I do it? I would do it TODAY if I could serve in america army. Please tell me!

Truth, but some strength is required (pullups, but you will get them as you burn the weight down).

>Not helping you Ameribros and fellow countrymen blowing shit up in the sandbox

Shame, I thought the British were made of tougher stuff. Do Royal Marines buddy. ISAF ain't that bad of a gig. We even have internet now!