The Ultimate Meme Magic Consequence

What will be the Ultimate meme magic result

A) Nazism becomes mainstream again
B) An internationally recognized commission finds the Holocaust death toll is grossly exaggerated
C) Trump wins the presidential election
D) Jesus returns
E) All of the above
F) None of the above

Other urls found in this thread:

B and C

digits confirm E

QEK has confirmed C.



C equals A

>A) Nazism becomes mainstream again
Let me fix you OP
*Occult becomes mainstrem again
Reminder that Hitler was magic jew

>hitler was a jew
>nazism is occultism
kikes never cease being utterly retarded


You can LITERALLY see the occult behind it.
If you cant you are fucking retarded, or just one of these degenerated stormies
>Magic jew wasnt jew

define the occult practice and explain its significance



yes it is the swastika

very well done

So called "ARYAN" race are these "inner earth people"

Nazis also used this Black Sun symbol in the Wewelsburg Castle to channel Aryan race of Atlantis, not to be confused with the more familiar swastika symbol which is also symbolism for the sun. The swastika is basically a spinning cross with light streamers at the ends. If it’s spinning clockwise, then it’s a symbol of male power, and if counter clockwise; female power.

Hitler used the swastika in the counter clockwise fashion, which is supposed to unwind the spirit, and he thought he was doing that through his Nazi/Aryan movement:

E but damnit OP call it facism
nazi has been used by the allies as a slur
and i like calling it what they called themselves back then



rapture confirmed soon

>jewish psychobabble
Aryans are noble Vedic people
आर्य ārya Aryan
अहं आर्यः ahaṃ āryaḥ I am Aryan

the whole nonsense about "sideways swastika (स्वस्तिक)" has no basis in fact

Himmler was the occultist. Hitler was a Darwinian Eugenicist

>Hitler was an atheist

Your so loved nazis were just magic fucks fighting another magic fucks

>the whole nonsense about "sideways swastika (स्वस्तिक)" has no basis in fact

You still have to explain black fucking sun
And Skulls

Why not everything in the list?

>Nazism becomes mainstream again
>Uses the jew insult and not the full title

He was pagan
pic related

>just magic fucks fighting another magic fucks
yes shlomo
let me guess
you are the holder of truth and reality
>You still have to explain black fucking sun
>And Skulls
it's called memetics

A giant toilet bowl ascends from the Indian Ocean. Pajeets stop pooing in the street, subsequently leading to them becoming a respected world power.

C and D.

The masses are permanently and irreversibly brainwashed against their saviors. They will never repeal the six gorillion, they will never apologize to Uncle Adolf. Just accept it and be glad we have each other for a bit.




All of them, if d) is "jésus returns to Mexico"

>it's called memetics
Did that magic dead cock blinded you stormie ?

Be realistic.

What's wrong with any of this

>it's a nazi ariosophy episode

>magic dead cock

So you believe in hollow earth ? Like magic jew did ?

Ultimate meme magic would probably be World War 3 desu.

no shlomo
i believe in science, fact and observable reality

Yet suck magic jew cock


no shlomo

Jewish mysticism is directly lifted from Ancient Egypt and Persia, so a Nazi eating up Judaism in turn isn't as weird as you make it sound.

Nuclear war

>"hexes decide if I start the nuclear war" t: OP
>"Do it faggot" t:88888888


C will definitely happen, but I'm hoping it doesn't stop there. A might sort of happen, but not if it's called Nazism. I'm hoping for B


F you fucking circlejerk jews

memetics, shlomo

learn it


>B-But the white race
You can fool yourself stormie, but not me.


yes shlomo




The memetic influence on our society is unquestionable.

I'd say we could push Nazi ideology by attaching policies of the third reich to Pepe images.

I'm dead serious about this

More like this

so what? it's meaningless history, if it even ever occurred at all

it's quite clear that you are attempting to poison the well of nazism

but your tactics are doomed to failure

..or just spread more videos like this one

Stop playing dumb stormie.
Explain black sun with these documents, this CANT be memetic thats jsut isnt possible.
WHOLE nazism is built on this idea of atlantis and hollow earth.
Well, magic fucks did it. so what are you going to expect ?

ok shlomo

A, by the grace of Kek.

no dubs, HaM

>Uh eh I am ugly as shit lets blame someone else
>I have no money because I am dumb lets blame someone else
>Uh ppl like something that I dont lets blame someone
>UH dead magic jew will save me.
>Uh this slovak guy is telling the truth uh I cant even argue with him because I dont even know what I am believing in and who do I like
>Uh no what is black sun ?
>Uh I am stupid like nigger
You are worthless

whatever you say shlomo

A, B, C.

Deus Vult!

>Eh uhm, what do I do
>Lets just post image of jew and hope that he will leave me alone
>I cant even say anything else at this point because I am just retard
>Uh again, whats that black su-moon ?
>Uh where was I
>AH whatever you say sholomo


>At this point I cant even say stuff, because he is reading my mind
>Lets just post another picture and hope that my stupidness will protect my small brain
>Uh oh my folder
>Please leave me alone
>I mean

F. even if only to pay respects.


>please respond senpai

>uh he is still reading my mind
>lets not reply to him that will work
>Me smart
>Ehm, my folder is getting empty lets google for some jew memes

>my folder is getting empty

all of the above

>Ehm me not know how to pirate windows

oh boy

>Me think linux hide me from jews
>Me smart
>Me cant even use it

Haven't you heard, exotericuck? Es war ein König in Thule...

yes i'm terrified

Nazism isn't bad so why not return it.
More and more people start questioning holocaust.
Trump win is natural.
Jesus was mentally disordered, there're a lot of "jesuses" around us, but that "jesus" was first.


Trump wins, and we can avoid Russia/China vs NATO war.

>Me not know how to behave to windows-tan
>Me use filthy penguin instead
>me smart

So what? Is that supposed to be an argument against them?

>magic fucks fighting another magic fucks
This accurately describes the true nature of most conflicts throughout human history tbqh bromius.

Mit Brennender Sorge is a Papal encyclical condemning the Nazis for their neopagan and occultish practices. It's a big reason that the clergy were so opposed to Hitler (plus the worship of the state)

that's just sad


Double numeros confirm it to be true.

You are no better than them if you think that.
These magic fucks have to go, all of them.
Its time to move on and become eternal.

i really don't care

It is.
Its sad how worthless you are


You're a very dull poster. I'm falling asleep just replying to you

