Do profit and greed have to be synonymous with each other...

Do profit and greed have to be synonymous with each other, or can we trust big companies (or even people in general) to hold those two concepts separate from each other? Thoughts user? (pic related?)

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i wwanna reach level 9, user. sounds like id get some gamerscore for it

You can't die in level nine

All you gotta do is stab a friend in the back. Getting Satan to chew on you is a bit more tricky, though.

There's a warp zone in level I-II.

After level nine, you reach purgatory. Make it through that, and you reach heaven, the ultimate gaming achievement.

Let's focus on four. Is greed implicit with profit? or can profit exist without greed?

I'm surprised that no one has made a video game of this divine comedy

You can have profit without greed. But no government has the insight or skill to determine greed from reasonable profit. Certainly no law could ever be written to distinguish the two accurately, and would only serve to fuck up the efficiency of the market

fuck off commie

Greed is actually a good thing. It's what drives the progress of society. Everybody doing what is best for themselves and pursuing their own individual self interest.

Thanks Gordon

>Fraud is the second-worst possible sin in the author's mind
>The punishment isn't even ironic or poetic, they're just getting the shit beat out of them for all eternity in a room with all the lights turned out
How fucking easy to con was this guy that he reached such a level of butthurt?

I took a bullshit quiz once to see where I'd end up in hell and I got the fifth circle, anger. I'm honestly okay with that, endless battle sounds fucking metal to be honest.

>Fifth circle of hell to Christians is heaven to norse pagans

I think the barbarity of the punishment is in itself poetic.

Circle V seems pretty metal

>souls in the circle of lust are endlessly blown
God is one cheeky cunt

He lived in Machiavelli's day, in Italy no less. The power lay in the clergy and Italians were especially pious. You rely on the Church to maintain moral order and distinguish right from wrong but there's all these assholes using it make moves for money and power.

On the rare instances I see Dante get brought up on /lit/ and Sup Forums, some people ask why the guy was so butthurt. Just want to let them know Dante was living in the heart and peak of papal hypocrisy and power. If CNN existed back then, the headlines would be "Pope's brother murders hooker and gets appointed Cardinal!".

i imagine they have black metal blasting in the background and everyone is just fucking loving it

Hell might be Cher's greatest hits mixed over with dental assistants small talking about their grade schoolers.

Circle II and V sound the best

It's a non-issue.

I guess that makes sense, I just never really pictured that sort of behavior as fraud.

In the biblical sense, if you don't live on the bare minimum required for survival and don't give the rest to the more unfortunate, it's greed.

Y'all going to hell.

Greed is god

For me greed would be shipping out all the jobs to China because your profit margins are too low even though you can still survive and even live comfortably without outsourcing manufacturing

Did you not try Dantes Inferno the game? It's like a watered down God Of War but you can kill death. I guess that's cool.

None of them sound good, suffering an eternity in hell is worse than any of the worst suffering you can even imagine on earth. What ISIS does is nothing compared to what satan has planned

Here is a good example. Profit vs greed

So neets really win in the end. Have a nice time in hell, wagecucks.

i studied dante, and the "pit" is in reality a pit of boiling tar in which the sinners are submerged and kept under surface by devils armed with hooks. the viscosity of the tar represents the "viscosity" of the affairs they were involved while alive.

doing things for others brings benefits; profits in monetary or emotional forms. say i make a sandwich for other people and sell it, they get what they want, and I get money. i need money to feed myself and my family. i can also give the sandwich away, assuming the giving wont negatively effect me or my family (i can afford to give it away) it makes me feel good that i can give the food away to someone that needs it. i also feel good because i can feed myself and my family

this is all well and good, and "profit"

greed is gaining without thought to what happens to others. greed is gaining money while not caring how it affects others at all. screwing people over, etc. greed is like a big pharma company selling a drug they know will kill 50% of the people that take it, but because they will make a billion dollars, and only have to pay 500 million in legal fines, they still sell the drug.

profit > greed

big difference