Why do republicans want to let islamists buy guns?

why do republicans want to let islamists buy guns?

How do you propose to stop them without infringing the rights of everyone else in a nation that has half a billion unregistered firearms already in circulation?

i think a better question is why does anyone want a constitutionally-secured natural right to be denied to them without due process?

remember: the only thing between you and slavery is a constitutional amendment

Because terrorist watchlists are insufficient (no-fly list etc) and you cant really take away a right with only suspicion rather than concrete evidence.

how does the government know so much about me that I'm on a watchlist in the first place? maybe they should stop spying on people

Because by that logic anyone and everyone has the right to power to mow down 50 people in the span of a minute.

Whats your solution to this, present, happening right now, non-hypothetical problem? Because thats what we need immediattly.

by this logic, your rights are "infringed" any time you apply for a passport, a car loan, a job etc. etc. awww, you poor oppressed baby.

remember, the only thing between you and a grave is an islamist who stopped by a gun show.

That's quite possibly the most retarded thing anyone has ever said on Sup Forums.


This is why there won't be any new gun control.

>resorting to namecalling in a civil discussion
This is why nobody likes SJWs

you're on a watchlist? Plz go straight to Gitmo.


I'm confused - didn't they use guns and explosives in Paris? Do they have gun shows in France?

You're the one who wants islamists to have guns because you don't want to be inconvenienced by a background check.

Ahhaha that lack of an argument

freedom > safety



We have back round checks. He passed them all you faggot.
The problem is we don't profile like jizzreal

They're cucked and stupid. Next question?

why does CNN ask a very select few people then claim all of america wants it?

Why do democrats want to let islamists into the country?

no, you never have that right. that's asinine and alarmist. not an argument.

>the gun show loophole meme
literally propaganda

I exist in reality, where background checks don't hinder islamists from arming themselves, but do wrongfully deny thousands of law abiding Americans each year.

the solution already exists, faggot. exercise your rights.

carry a gun, shoot back.

>Allowing shitpost threads on Sup Forums
This is why this place is shit

It would be nice if people would actually know how you end up on these watchlists, how many people are on them, etc etc.

Why does Sup Forums use image macros made by a handful of retards and claim that they stand up to rigorous peer review?

Wait what? How could something like this possibly be a bad thing? Can someone explain this to me?


>Why does Sup Forums use image macros made by a handful of retards and claim that they stand up to rigorous peer review?
they don't, its shitposters that post those dumb "really makes you think, heres a picture of some half truth"

If you can't be trusted to carry a gun without going around shooting people then you don't belong in a civilized society. It's that simple. It's a sad thought but the reality is that you can't have any freedom in a country where civilized and uncivilized people live together and are treated like equals.

Think about it. The implementation of policies that promotes freedom will have the effect of driving out the unwanted. In other words, the process of paving a safe road towards gun rights will force us to first send all the uncivilized people in to ghettos where they can't hurt anyone but each other, while the rest of the country enjoys their safety, justice and freedom in peace.

Also about the mental health problem list and the terrorist watch list. Who do you think will end up on that list? You or Muslims? You of course

whoah this gun is so scary i am now hillary artillery

we need to close the gunshow loophole where all white racist kkk rednecks sell rocket launchers to islamic terrorists

ha ha conservatard hunters you're personally responsible for the writing of the quran that calls for killing homosexuals, i know this because a licensed security guard shot someone

> asking favor/oppose questions about laws currently on the books that nobody is trying to overturn

lol well kiked

What problem is that exactly? If we use a conservative estimate of 80 million legal gun owners, that's 79,999,999 who haven't used their guns to shoot up a gay club and kill 50 people.

If use the most recent crime data from the FBI, we had about 9000 firearm murders in 2014. Those fifty murdered represent less than .5% of all murders likely to happen this year.

Mass shootings and mass shooters are essentially a non issue in this country. Statistically insignificant.

pretty much this. if you can't be trusted with a gun, you belong in stewardship. sweden has a guardian system, doesn't it? the united states mostly just puts people on probation or throws them in prison. if the law allowed it we could assign custodians to people who can't demonstrate self-control in public, and make that person responsible for signing the ATF form 4473. naturally the custodian would also be responsible for preventing this person, who isn't a suspect just is anti-social for some reason, from engaging in a private firearms sale. it should not be trivially easy to end up in this program, but if one did, note that supervised exercise of your rights is still exercise of your rights.

Even without an ak he could have used other methods to mass kill people. How about preventing people with those kind of tendencies from becoming citizens in the first place?

Try reading the thread cock boy. Watch lists are just suspicions, not evidence, that could prevent gun purchases. FBI could put a million people on the no-fly list for no good reason and now they are prevented from their second amendment right.

>why do republicans want to let islamists buy guns?
1: Due process.
2: Shall not be infringed.

Name one identifiable mental illness that causes people to have a greater tendency to murder

that's the other angle of the issue. he was born afghani, to afghan parents, within US borders. he should not automatically be made a US citizen. that just isn't good enough. his children should be automatic citizens, maybe, but he should be required to apply.

that would have been one more flag on his background checks to ensure the bureaucracy looks into any personal ties/sympathies he has to a foreign state, as those are from time to time recognized only as terrorist/rogue states by the US.

further, obviously, his parents shouldn't have been allowed to stay indefinitely. and we need a moratorium right now to stop this 20+ year long cycle from repeating itself a dozen times over.

being a fucking nigger

Niggers don't belong in a civilized society. I think I made that point very clear in my other comment.

People on the terrorist watch list have no due process. No American should not be denied their rights without due process.

So they can meet them in honorable combat.

if people realized how retarded your terrorist watchlist is, the numbers would go to 50/50 instantly. they're just spooked by the spooky term

We don't, it's just that we respect something called due process of law.

>Because by that logic anyone and everyone has the right to power to mow down 50 people in the span of a minute.

protip: they already do.
anybody can buy some nitrate based fertilizer and build some neat homemade bomb in his garage, then put it in his car and blow the thing up in a public place.