In his new video he's shilling for a kickstarter campaign for some sort of social media/political campaign website, where users are supposed to expose their political views.
In his new video he's shilling for a kickstarter campaign for some sort of social media/political campaign website, where users are supposed to expose their political views.
Other urls found in this thread:
that was supposed to be "controlled opposition", my bad
I knew there was something suspicious about his production values!
I think he's just money grabbing atm. He gets over $700 per video off patreon. Even if he posts a trailer for someone else's content, or a minute long video he still gets money
Self - advertising is not allowed on Sup Forums
fuck off
fuck off omar
of course he does, but imagine the implication of this new social media site if it ever goes online, just remember how people in britain and germany get locked up for saying their opinions. And now his audience, which is clearly anti-establishment and against the mainstream narrative gathering on a website and sharing their opinions there. The end game is glaringly obvious.
I was put off from watching him after the recent video where he expressed his intense and undying love for his Jewish masters and sucks their dicks so he doesn't get called an anti-semite. He's either dumb enough to think that will work or he's an entryist shill.
Omar is not a common name for muslims in germany, try harder
i dont see anything wrong with the idea he proposes and he is certainly not shilling
All of you cucks who let someone else read new stories, and then regurgitate their views for you on youtube are worthless.
youtube is for girls to learn how to do makeup and shit, not for men to go to shape their minds.
Not only that, but imagine hoe expensive it is to make the website which he is endorsing. There's no way he earns enough to support himself and fund that website by himself. Not only that, you have to think about server costs etc.
With all that said, however, it would be interesting to know hoe much he actually donated himself.
I also really want to know if this website will actually take off, grow popular, and become sustainable.
If he were a shill why would he have to use Kickstarter to get money?
You sound like an old dude angrily shaking his fist in the air whilst proclaiming that technology is awful.
Technology evolves, and as it doers so, it can be used for different than those originally intend when it was created.
*Technology evolves, and as it doers so, it can be used for purposes different than those originally intended when it was created.
Apparently, I cannot fucking type.
to keep up appearances
Fucking hell, he's barley made 20 videos where he's regurgitating basic Sup Forumsknowlage and already he's on his knees begging strangers online for money.
Also: Remember to apply SAGE to all shill thraeds
I don't he's the one getting the money. I don't think he is involved in the creation of the site. He his merely advertising something in which he truly believes.
>I don't he's the one getting the money
>merely advertising something in which he truly believes.
>merely advertising
>truly believes.
It's cute how naive you cultists are. Black Pigeon Shills is laughing to the bank, you stupid goy.
[citation needed], faggot
No money, just put his "people" in a centrist control of online opposition and counter culture by giving them money to build a new platform they control. Yeah. Nothing shilling about that as long as he's not getting cash money right now. I feel bad for questioning it. Silly me.
Jesus Christ, someone has to control a platform. I mean, it's not like Sup Forums isn't monitored, and yet you seem not to care enough to stop using it.
What part of Don't you understand?
Pigeon has two strikes now with this vid and the 'casually dose LSD every day' vid. One more piece of shit, and he's lost my sub.
Also this platform is retarded and useless at best, dubious at worst.
Do you also think Stefan Molyneux is controlled opposition because he takes donations?
>Self - advertising is not allowed on Sup Forums
>Self - advertising
Prove that OP is actually involved in the company, otherwise you are making the baseless assumption that it is self advertising.
half of Sup Forums will eat this shit up
keep funding this faggot and le free speech man of soundbites
you build these people up but when it comes to them actually debating they are awful
sargon vs those feminists was absolutely garbage. he comes across well but I lost all faith in him when he choked against such easy targets.
>More info in the details
Narrated by a poo in loo, looks like shit. Very promising.
Does look like shit, yes, but it's only a basic site map. Don't get me wrong, I'm skeptical enough to not part with my money, but I'm still kinda excited to see if it goes anywhere/where it goes.
The poo in loo narration is even more concerning. Why wouldn't this sort of project be headed by white nationalists? Seems extremely dubious.
Because white nationalists are fucking moronic. And anyway, stromfront already exits if you want to go and read pseudo intellectual fascist bullshit.
my mom started watching his channel the other day without me showing her
it was a good day
If the kickstarter is being used as a front to make it seem like he doesn't have the funding a controlled opposition would have, then it will fill up exceptionally fast, just keep an eye out for that
Fuck you nigger.
Spotted the Jew. Get the fuck out of here right now with your false flagging kikery.
>white nationalists are fucking moronic
Yeah, Nigger Pigeon Spews knows what's best for white western societies.
This is Conure of privacy and protection
He will blow up all shills and Government agents only if you say, "Fly High, Birdo"
Fly High, Birdo
>anyone who opposes white nationalists must me Jewish
Well fuck, Judaism must be the biggest fucking religion/race in the wor-- oh, wait.
Just because I said that white nationalists are moronic does not mean that I belie that Black Pigeon Talks does know what's best for western society.
Let me put it this way. Mass immigration from middle eastern and north African countries is poisonous to western society. But basing any of your worth on the mere colour of your skin is fucking stupid. It's Islamic culture that is poisonous, not the mere fact that their all sand niggers.
Hit the road, kike.
No, anyone that dismisses white nationalism as a 'stormfront' or 'literally Hitler' is a mental midget. You immediately equate it with hate speech, like the good little Jew/liberal you are.
In order for Sup Forums to accept you as a YouTube video producer you need to go full Evalion88 and say in your videos that kikes should die. If you deviate from this, you are automatically labeled controlled opposition.
False flag. Evalion did nothing for the movement, because she presented herself as a relentless Nazi. The smart Sup Forumsack keeps his head down, and is more of a guiding hand towards the red pill.
In fact, I would apply this to all 'alt-right' JewTubers/podcasters. The more Sup Forums memes used, the more forceful they are with their persona, the more likely they are a plant.
>It's Islamic culture that is poisonous, not the mere fact that their all sand niggers.
Why not both? - Islamic culture is poisonous, and the fact they're all sand niggers is equal poisonous.
>colour of your skin
lerp colour is only skin deep meme :DDD
I did neither of those things. Nationalism doesn't bother me. White nationalism, on the other hand, is fucking retarded, as are those who subscribe to it.
And no, I do not equate it with hate speech. Even if I did, I have no desire to ban hate speech. Ideas should be allowed in an open market so that they can be analysed and dismissed or endorsed as applicable.
Hello JIDF, you guys still mad about the video he made exposing where the reason we are destabilzing Syria is for Israel security?
>lerp colour is only skin deep meme :DDD
Anyone that unironically presents this opinion is immediately a stupid liberal, or a dyed-in-the-wool Zionist. It requires a complete and total ignorance of how race works in the real world.
>and the fact they're all sand niggers is equal poisonous
Islam is inherently fascist and diametrically opposed to the values of western society. Merely being a sand nigger doesn't immediately mean that you hold shitty views.
>I did neither of those things.
>And anyway, stromfront already exits if you want to go and read pseudo intellectual fascist bullshit.
Leave. Now.
>It requires a complete and total ignorance of how race works in the real world.
Something tells me that your conception of the "real world" is almost entirely based on fucking Sup Forums
Maybe right. Is he leading the sheep into the slaughterhouse? How can we shepherd them elsewhere?
Nothing wrong with being fascist as long as it's in the white race or the Wests interest, dumbfuck. Islam is an old enemy of the West. Why have we stopped fighting it? Because liberals abandoned the fight and is now allowing hords of sandniggers into our societies in the name of equality/egalitarianism. You're now arguing that we start fighting Islam not because it's a threat to our race but because it's a threat to your precious fucking ideals who caused to problem to begin with.
>Merely being a sand nigger doesn't immediately mean that you hold shitty views.
Views can be changed, genetics cannot. No society can stand with hordes of low-iq dumbfucks running around thinking that they're civilized people because they emulate the white mans society.
Move to South Africa for a few years and come back to us with an update. I'll look foward too it.
Don't you think the "news" is distorted by the bias of the journalist reporting it? Aren't you regurgitating their views? This argument can regress back to the invention of writing.
Technology evolves, we now have access to more news stories from more sources than ever.
>Benevolent dictatorship meme.
It's unsustainable, you can't be assured that successive leaders will continue to align with the interest of the people. You're creating the tools with which political leaders can unravel civilisation, and then just hoping they won't.
>b-but muh production value
Just because you've shit in your brains and you can't provide quality content on time doesn't mean everyone else is the same.
>(something) meme
It's not as it appears. So check mate! Haha I win!
>not an argument
why the fuck he promotes his website. we already have Sup Forums
> he actually trusts Hiroshima and the kikes running this website
>Nothing wrong with being fascis
You're a moron. Fascism is terrible, be it Islamic fascism or white nationalist fascism.
Yes, because conservative governments definitely have not let in hordes of Muslim sandniggers too. Anyway, I'm not the one who let hordes of these people in. I hold libertarian values, not the "liberal" values that got us into this mess in the first place.
Oh, and [citation needed] for the idea that sandniggers have lower IQs due to their genetics.
>some guy who makes redpilled youtube videos trying to hustle and make money
leave him alone. he a good boy
The problem is you aren't going to have a choice
Here are you upcoming choices faggot
1. Islamic Republic of Bongistan
2. SJW Socialist Mudshit
3. British National Socialist
Which of these choices do you think is better?
Don't be a fucking idiot
England will never embrace libertarianism or have anything close to what the USA has with the GOP
you are fucked so you might as well go full Nazi because if you don't the Muslims will kill you or the commies
Those are your actual choices
I say fascist, this lolbertarian spins that around to conservative.
He then says lolbertarian values did not get us into the mess of a decaying society.
Also he asks for source on sandniggers being dumbfucks, because his eyes don't work apparently.
This is nu/pol/ in a nutshell.
I take it all back. I support Nigger Pigu Spews and his website. Build it. Let a migration begin. Contain it. (Nuke it later.)
It's a huge amount of shills attempting to derail the idea of it because it is a threat to them.
Yes, because British Naturalist Socialism would definitely happen.
Looks like I'm fucked then.
Some people called it from the beginning.
When it was uncovered that he had ties to FirestarterMedia (paid disinfo shill) I was 100% sure about it.
The DUDE LSD LMAO video made it obvious for everyone else too.
Not an argument
Europe is going to burn
enjoy dying in the upcoming race war
Muslims will win and the liberals are going to betray you and get you all killed
>Because white nationalists are fucking moronic.
You do realize this is a white nationalist board, right?
Citations you massive shills. Not a single thread has been made """"investigating""" BPS for being a paid shill. You faggots spamming this are the actual shills and it's obvious that his last video threatens your schemes. Kill yourself
Unless we actually leave the EU and implement some kind of reasonable immigration policy.
Proof he's connected to FirestarterMedia?
Jesus Christ, I don't know if you've noticed, but in today's political climate, "liberal" and "libertarian" are not synonymous.
>islamic fascism
>using fascism for everything I don't like or anything that is not a "muh right" liberal wet dream.
It's 2016, faggot, learn the meaning of political words, you're on a political forum for fuck's sake.
>citation needed for sandniggers have lower IQs due to their genetics
>look up IQ maps
>take a look at UAE and other oil states which are rich but people are still dumb as a nigger
>now look up incestual marriage maps
>golly gee every islamic country is through the roof regarding this topic, with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan leading the way with more than 50% of marriages being cousin marriages
Now go back to plebbit and cry that you got BTFO'd, pussyboy.
If you're lucky Shillary will still pay you for your hard work.
>tu quoque
Not an argument.
I already established an argument, which is
>ties with Firestarter
>dude lsd lmao video
Also the guy has very good production quality which was an indicator from the beginning
And surprise, you used the #1 shilling tactic, which is: disregard arguments and attack agressively so you hope the direction of the argument will change
Another shill bites the dust.
>muh not an arguement
>h-his production is good therefore paid shill!!!!
Fuck off JIDF it's so god damn obvious how desperate you idiots are to bury him it's unreal
Protip: it's not his Kickstarter hang yourself appropriately. You got dick and no citation to prove your faggotry
Most people here are nationalists to some extent. Definitely seen people who are not white nationalists here though.
You are not from here. No regular Sup Forums user types multiple exclamation points. You've shown your hand, you're a shill, please leave us in peace.
Wow, you are really angry and desperate.
I salute your hard work of learning the "JIDF" insult, bravo reddit.
>argumentum ad greentextum
Still not an argument, faggot.
>using "protip" unironically
You have to go back.
Has any one looked into vidmax dot com? it seems to be user.
Yeah, and we also don't like the gays because we're all secretly in the closet. That's how not supporting something works, good to see the sociology lessons have served you well.
Jesus Christ, libertarians is just more autistic/fanatical than liberals. Libertarians are for open borders, restricting the our society's ability to defend it self from inside and outside, and pretty much pro- any form of degeneracy as long as muh consenting adults and it doesn't hurt anyone. All just tearing at the fabric of western society allowing it to weaken so hords of mudslimes can just barge right in. Thanks libertarians, you are our greatest allies.
I suspect it would cost at least a few million dollars in senior analyst, programmer and web developer hours alone.
I have worked on a project such as this one before, and no, it never took off.
It's a million dollar undertaking, and the way BPS is advertising is linking to a video with
Theocratic fascism exists you fucking retard. And here's me thinking that Hungarians would actually have some level of intelligence due to the fact they built that wall.
>it's 2016
Jesus Christ, you sound like justin trudeau.
Islam doesn't really forbid incest, hence the high rate of incestual marriage in Islamic countries. So Islam reforms, same incestual marriage disappears, and then we may actually not have a fuck ton of sand niggers roaming around our country because they will be smart enough to build their own infrastructure. So, Islam is the base problem.
What you will find in this video:
-First half is full of half truths to try and make a point so they can sell the second half to you.
-Second half, these guys just invented Reddit. Grats.
Fuck the Google LGBT video, let's dislike this shit into oblivion.
I like some of his videos and some I do not. Thanks for posting this here so I can see his new one.
I don't really give a shit what this thread is about tee bee aytch.
>I don't care how Jewish who I'm supporting is
See where you fucked up?
>I'm too cool to care
Okay. Thanks for stopping by.
Such a fucking retarded idea too.
Literally one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. An alt-right pushing for more social media? Yeah right, fuck off Jewish Pigeon Speaking.
>you will never be too cool to care
Man, what's it like being a nerd?
Feels great. Caring about the future of my race, it's just the bees knees.
seems like a convoluted normie version of pol, i can see it getting hijacked very easily
The cat's meow?
>watching Black Pigeon Shills's videos
Stupid fuck doesn't know what Sup Forums is
Rule of thumb: every single kickstarter project is a scam
There you go, man. That is the post you wanted.
I can't argue this, I like to watch his shitty videos. It brings me 10 minutes of enjoyment. What can I say?