Is "Hidden Figures" going to be the most historically accurate movie ever made?
Is "Hidden Figures" going to be the most historically accurate movie ever made?
Is this the beginning of niggerkino?
Mmmmm dat Taraji
Fences was better than this garbage.
I just want it to come out, get a 90% Rt rating and be forgotten like a Marvel movie
>It is appropriate that Kevin Costner plays the white NASA manager who facilitates the agency’s integration; after all, he played Whitney Houston’s bodyguard, an additional bow in the quiver of masculine virtues that Costner has displayed in social-issue films from JFK to Thirteen Days, from Swing Vote to Black and White. The scene in which he pries a “White’s Only” sign from a restroom embodies moral principle as much as Spencer, Henson, and Monáe’s efforts to maintain womanly dignity.
>There’s also wit in Spencer’s answer when her obstinate supervisor (Kirsten Dunst) says, “Despite what you think, I don’t have anything against you.” Spencer smiles as she replies, “I know you don’t think you do.” It almost makes up for the psychotic revenge she had to enact in The Help. Because Hidden Figures never succumbs to equating the struggles of the past with modern grievance, it rises above today’s undignified protesting.
I thought the whole story is made up. It's surprising that so many women worked for NASA in the 1960s.
Listen shitlords one woman who was ~80% white was very good at math and that means that black people are singlehandedly responsible for the American space program
so he liked it?
Inputting data into computers in the punch card days was flat out considered "a woman's job"
There was probably a man somewhere who actually drew the outlines for what the punch cards were supposed to contain but fuck that guy, it's like saying an architect is more important than a welder
bitch has straight hair, near white skin, and blue eyes
>even armond liked it
Now we can be assured that anyone who hates this movie is a filthy cross posting Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums FAGGOT IMMIGRANT who needs to be deported
programming required plenty of manual work then and it was considered womans job like mechinetyping
Armond loves any movie about black people that isn't about how angry black people are. This is unironically one of his favorites.
The guy's got a point. There are a LOT of movies about black people centering on how angry black people are.
So does James Earl Jones
This guy?
Yeah, and look at his wife and son
Actually makes me think the "projecting" people have a point because doesn't his kid SERIOUSLY look like the kind of guy that would be a KKK member?
Reminder that "Hidden Figures" was made in a pre-election world, assuming it would be the first movie of a Hilary presidency.
This was the kind of movie we had to look forward to if Clinton got elected.
Damn, he's wrong for once.
>>There’s also wit in Spencer’s answer when her obstinate supervisor (Kirsten Dunst) says, “Despite what you think, I don’t have anything against you.” Spencer smiles as she replies, “I know you don’t think you do.” It almost makes up for the psychotic revenge she had to enact in The Help. Because Hidden Figures never succumbs to equating the struggles of the past with modern grievance, it rises above today’s undignified protesting.
How is that line not an equation of modern grievances with the struggles of the past. It reeks of the "lol dem silly white people don't even know they racist" "social issue" which pervades our modern discourse today.
Going to watch it as soon as i can.
>for once
kek typical pleb jerking off to Armond's masturbatory crap
anybody might know what these books are?
>black women are given the simplest and most irrelevant tasks
>they're so brave let's celeberate them!
So in 50 years we'll have a movie about the mexicans that cleaned toilets at the Large Hadron Collider facilities, those quiet unsung heroes
Probably cooking books
I honestly don't know, what does it actually do?
Not everywhere has Mexicans you American tit.
smashes protons and ions into each other at high speeds, to see what crazy shit will happen.
It attracts black holes into Europe.
Creates supermassive black holes. We have to be ready for when the chinese come for us
>overglorified excel tables becomes the main character of a movie
They were as important as a fucking calculator, nothing more, anyone could have done that job but somehow they're fucking heroes and the space program singlehandedly depended on them? fuck off. This is the same level of stupidity as giving the soccer golden glove to the kid in India who made Ronaldo's boots
it powers the stargate
No, because Mexicans don't complain as much as these chimps so they don't get movies
I'm actually glancing through NASA records and it looks like the "computer" team consisted of about 120 women total and they chose to make a movie about the three that had visible black ancestry.
What's wrong with it's face?
It makes stuff crash into each other at speed near lightspeed for fun
I'd much rather watch the movie about the little indian kid making those shoes than one about Ronaldo.
>“Here, Margaret is shown standing beside listings of the software developed by her and the team she was in charge of, the LM [lunar module] and CM [command module] on-board flight software team.”
I'm the only one sad about this? Imagine all the familes of those women, the ones that aren't going to be represented in the movie because they have the "wrong" skin color
>what is wrong with it is face
More like Hidden Niggers amirite lads
Hope you apply that to every single biopic from now on
>we took the one woman who was partially black and made her fully black
Yeah whatever there's weird casting for biopics all the time
>then we made everybody else black too lel
You got a problem nerd?
The english language has a problem.
According to historians white people didnt' exist till the 80s, yet somehow are to blame for everything bad that happened since the Big Kangz n Shiet.
>Taraji P. Henson as Katherine Johnson, a mathematics genius
There's that little word again. Everyone's a genius.
You're not a genius.
There aren't many people that do algebra for a living. "Genius" is typically defined as the top 2% of the population, do you think 2% of the population is fit to be employed solving mathematical equations on paper for 40 hours a week?
Damn! She was so black I can barely see her.
How do you know, genius?
Of course not, he isn't black or part of the LGTB comunity
the movie focuses on the segregated (all-black) west area computer team, not the "computer" team. it's an interesting story, space age yet still jim crow.
Because it was a shitty, repetitive low wage job.
because we're shitposting on a chinese pottery board in the middle of the day
Cool. Any pics of them, besides the same three women this movie focuses on?
i have no idea, those women were probably the main ones in that area. just google around for west are nasa segregation or something.
Transform you into a capeshit speedman