Horseshoe theory

Christ, I really hate the Horseshoe theory. It exists for no other reason than for radical Centrists to justify their own sense of moral and political superiority besides being the worst type of political position imaginable. The dead Centre is all about appeasement. Nothing more, nothing less, and so to combat that they try to fit two opposing positions into one camp.

>we support free markets, the Left support big government.
>we support social hierarchy, they support equality.
>we support monoculturalism, they support multiculturalism
>we support racial homogenity, they support racial desegregation.

The far left agrees. You have a lot in common, actually.

The horse shoe doesn't exist. Far right and far left start looking like each other because they are both authoritarian.

Far right doesn't support free markets.
Far left doesn't support equality.

>All those other memes
Shut the fuck up, horseshoe is comparing nazis to stalinists or stormfags to sjws, not lolbertarians to hippies you inbred cuck.

Fact is, The horseshoe theory also brings up the fact that Extreme right and Extreme left are much closer to eachother than to the center.

And ther, With this theory, We can also theorize that Far left and Far Right are the same, Both are "Big government." Both control the Medias, Both rely heavily on the Army.

Makes me think about my waifu

>you have a lot in common

Like what? Give an example.

I consider myself far right and I don't support free market.

>Those faggots that say "both extremes are wrong, it is better to be in the middle" because they don't want to offend anyone and at the same time seem "above it all"

Fucking fence sitters.

The terms left and right have lost all meaning to me.
There is no left vs right.
I believe in individualism vs collectivism
totalitarianism vs liberty
and self determination vs subservience
left and right are not in opposition, both want to make me part of a subservient collective. For these reasons, I reject horseshoe theory and the paradigm of right vs left, and so should you.

>Implying Fascism is Far-right and not actually Centre-left

Nice meme. Socially Far-right, economically very Leftist.

>Far-right doesn't support free markets

>What is the far Authoritarian Right such as Augusto Pinochet, and the far Libertarian Right such as Anarcho-Capitalism?

This. The faggots who get mad at horseshoe theory always straw man it as something else. Fucking faggots.

>>we support free markets, the Left support big government.
The far right is very often in support of protectionism, anti banking laws and generally not to fond of free market economics
>>we support social hierarchy, they support equality.
No they don't, you think Maoist China and Stalinist Russia were bastions of equality? Even in economics?
>>we support monoculturalism, they support multiculturalism
Only white far leftists support multiculturalism and even thats a new thing.
>>we support racial homogenity, they support racial desegregation
See above

Centaur monster girl? Good taste of so.

I said it in a way the bluepilled can understand,

This is how you Redpill. By employing bluepilled terms.

Won't the horseshoe theory always be a relative value due to paradigmshifts? I mean, I'm not sure that being a Christian state in the 1300 or a muslim middle-eastern theoacracy is considered far-fight by the people who lived under this fundamental system for more than one generation.
I mean, don't this fact kinda nullify this whole Horseshoe theory?

Horseshoe theory is an illusion created by an object being projected onto a surface of lower dimensions.

They think the horseshoe theory is bullshit, they think everyone in government is wrong, they think that the media is crooked and that politicians are corrupt.

I really don't know why you're bringing up the Horseshoe theory now, the most partisan era in modern history, I haven't heard it in ages. It still applies in some context (the Bernie Sanders supporter who will now vote for Donald Trump), but for the most part it was constructed in an age of centrism where people with far-out ideologies scarcely existed and most of the far-out voters were really just disgruntled crazies wanting to rock the boat, not for an age that nominated a demagogue and almost nominated a socialist.

"radical centrists" is a new one.
look, I just don't want to be grouped up or associated with assholes, and when you get to a point on a topic where you're making stupid memes and holding signs and snubbing off any possible idea that you might be wrong or another group may have a point, blue or red, you're on the opposite ends of the horseshoe.

sorry that nobody wants to be a belligerent fuckhead because you concocted enough justifications to have some unearned sense of moral superiority over your opponents.

The horseshoe theory only applies to collectivism.

Horseshoe theory is basically just saying "complaining about status quo is a priori bad no matter what"

>The far right is very often in support of protectionism, anti banking laws and generally not to fond of free market economics

>who is Pinochet?
Hitler and Mussolini, contrary to popular belief, were not Far-right. They were actually pretty Centrist if you take economics and social policy into account. Hell, Mussolini was an outright Marxist before he invented Fascism.

>No they don't, you think Maoist China and Stalinist Russia were bastions of equality? Even in economics?

That was the goal. That's not what ended up happening, because Stalin was an evil man.

>Only white far leftists support multiculturalism and even thats a new thing.

Not that new.

> nazis

Nazis were not Far-right. Augusto Pinochet is an example of the extreme Authoritarian Right.

I concur.

I'm not even a member of the extreme right. I might believe some of the stuff they do, but I'm much more moderate in my approach.
I support free speech and democracy for people who are currently working.

But that doesn't mean that I still don't hate the Horseshoe theory and the smugness of Centrists.