I mean more like what do they go to the theater and see? Do they have any contemporary guys? Any blockbusters? Horror movies? A noir or new wave thing? Independent film?
It's seems like the most recent director to come out of there with any wind under his sails was Timur and we all know how he fared in the states.
I don't know, I was just wondering what their film scene was like, if it's worth a damn outside of the classics.
95% of it are idiotic (by any standards) comedies.
Every 2-4 years a major blockbuster is attempted.
Chase Walker
>I mean more like what do they go to the theater and see?
marvel shit mostly
Hollywood in general
Ryder Campbell
Yeah, I might have heard something about that.
Is that just all that they like over there, do they do well, or is that just all they make?
Do they not enjoy serious movies, or ones with depth? Hell, even a slasher flick?
So, they're dependent on western media fit their entertainment?
Nathaniel Williams
I don't think there's such thing as "box office" there, or many competing studios.
The movies are not made for profit, but to wrestle money away from gullible investors (it's somewhat similar to Uwe Boll scams), so it doesn't really mater if film "did good" on it's cinema run.
And those comedies are cheap and quick to shoot, etc.
>Do they not enjoy serious movies, or ones with depth? Hell, even a slasher flick?
they enjoy em, but they don't make em.
the "blockbuster" fair could be anything though. a sci-fi feature, a war movie. I think they are getting some "slav superheroes" movie this or next year.
Oliver Sullivan
Could a talented western filmmaker go there and make some good movies and be successful, do you think?
Carter Ross
Non slavs will never get it
Jaxson Morris
I don't think I understand the question.
Why even go there? Western filmmakers are household names already.
Liam Gutierrez
That was a good one, I liked it.
Aaron Cox
Conterporary Russian cinema is even worse than in Germany. Lack of taste + Hollywood of 2000's patterns + local specific. 80% is not for you. Other 20% is elitist platitudes. Some directors has visual decency, but textually it is mostly unbearable shit.
Colton Diaz
2 things happened as USSR dissolved:
- big-budget movie production halted for a long time - influx of Hollywood movies from behind the iron curtain
as a result a whole generation grew up with terminator and alien instead of some patriotic shit.
Jack Brown
To separate oneself from the competition of the rest of American filmmakers.
It's just hypothetical.
Since they are all watching western films, could an American go there, make Russian films with western sensibility, and do well? That are already in Russian, with Russian actors and crews, creating Russian jobs, for their audience, etc. Would they go for that?
Nathan Harris
sorry, I just don't know. I guess it would work, I don't see why not, but I'm just not qualified to answer.
Daniel Howard
Well, I appreciate the thought and what you've provided in insight.
I just think it'd be fun to see a Russian slasher franchise, or a detective story where a P.I. has to track down a missing girl in Moscow. A bank heist movie.
Just something cool, but it seems we're not getting that.
Landon Powell
Get into old school Italian Cinema
Ryder Green
>What's the cinema of the Russian Federation like? Garbage for the most part but there are a few Tarkovsky wannabes
Jose Parker
I dig that to an extent. I don't speak Italian, though, except the basic ravioli marinara.
Most of it is fucking garbage, but there are/were a few true masters of KINO(like this one here ). After they kind of stopped/died/whatever, shit got even worse, though I've seen some good ones recently(Hardcore was alright, 28 and Duelist are kind of a mixed bag, but passable). We're getting a bit better, there's still a lot of shit and our movies are not really comparable even to the mediocre of the western ones, but we're improving or trying to, at least.
t. Russian Some of the shit we're getting is financed by the government, of course they don't give a fuck about profits.
Hunter Flores
Since you're a Russian, what would you think about my question here: Would that fly over there?
Christopher White
Aside from hated here for "le liberal propaganda xDDD" Zvyagintsev and dead not so long ago Balabanov there are really no decent modern directors. Maybe Valeriya Gai Germanika but she literally shooting almost the same movie every time.