recommend movies with white women in tribal clothing
do they have to be white? really narrows it down. Fury road maybe, kinda
One Million Years B.C.
Planet of the Apes
Sheena has the best intro of all times, Africa is the most beautiful place in the world, if only we could get rid of the "people" from there.
could this be made today?
>riding a zebra with no saddle or even clothes between the back of the animal and your private parts
modern libshits hate the "white savior" cliche with a passion, also her outfit is "objectifying"
Why? It would actually be more easy to make then when it was, just think about it....
>muh social justice
>muh strong women
>muh white people are killing minorities
yeah but they'd want to cover her up like they want to do with the Xena reboot, and would also make her black
>yeah but they'd want to cover her up
They haven't done it with WW, at least not too bad.
>recommend movies with white shitlords appropriating African and native culture
maybe I've just become too cynical, been on Sup Forums too long
but deep down I know they'd find some way to shove in something obnoxious
planet of the apes
roar (tv series)
well if we're going to include TV shows
why doesn't hollywood make movies like this anymore?
blu-ray when?
anyone have a high quality stream/torrent?
Context? Lucy is my favorite actress no matter what and I really need to finish Xena some day.
it's flashback to when Xena was a warlord, she's scouting and comes across an Amazon Queen "relaxing" and peeps on her
From the season 4 premiere
Did she kill her after the shenanigans?
They twins?
yes, she teams up with the sorceress Altiand wipes the tribe out, and Alti traps their souls to power her magic. Alti becomes Evil Xena's advisor, and later on becomes a recurring villain for Good Xena
tarzan (bo derek)
The girl from the 30s Tarzan movies wasn't too shabby either
Attila, flagello di Dio
True Italian kino senpai
Italian porn version was better and less of a tease
confirm 100% quality
is there an English version?
came here to post this
dances with wolves has some tribal president roslin
I'm afraid not
Is that Heat Legend?
Found on a private tracker
Look up for an HDTV rip, because it isn't yet released on blu-ray
Joe damato fuck you
You just spoke another language since I was last on season 1 and caught a rerun on tv at unholy hours about Xena's horse killing a bitch with the episode being a whodunit.
In season 2 they begin having flashback episodes about when Xena was a warlord, and over the course of the series it has its own arc that parallels what Xena is going through in the present.
In the past, we see Evil Xena conquering and killing, while in the present having to fight her former allies and work with former enemies. Alti is one of those former allies, an evil necromancer witch that Xena hired on as her advisor. In the present, Xena has to stop her while coming to terms with the fact that she's partially responsible for Alti's current misdeeds
he was a good porn director, not so good at non-porn
There's also this italian ""movie"" which consists entirely of tribal stone age women being sacrificed to a t-rex
They seem to have a thing for this somehow
There's one that reused costumes from 10 Million BC about people being sacrificed to a white rhino.
>tfw no gf
whos the one on the left
>dat femur
jesus fucking christ
literal aryan superwoman
me on the left
kek that "acting"