Nip fatties BTFO!

One of the rules for the new nude restaurant opening in Japan is NO FATTIES.


>No overweight people. You will be weighed and measured before admission, and if you’re approximately 30 pounds over the recommended weight based on your height,you’ll be sent packing– with your clothes.

Feminists on suicide watch.

Will fatties ever recover?

Delete this

t. arg tjej

Do they have some mosaic effect spray for that authentic naked Jap look?

It's a fake rule to keep gaijin round-eyes out. Japan has many rural and yakuza-owned establishments like this. It's not like a ranked Sumo wrestler would ever go or be kept out.

>going by wait instead of appearance

Why would anyone want to look at a bunch of dongs when trying to enjoy a meal?


That's stupid

They are losing business
>inb4 some WEEB says: LOl Japanese aren't fat like us little cock fat Americans desu sepia
There are fat people and they lost business

Why not just shame the fat people that come instead. Laugh at them. Make the skinny fit people feel even better about themselves

nude restaurant? what is this degeneracy? gj usa.

They would lose more businesse by allowing fatties.

Who the fuck wants to see naked fatties when you eat? I would lose my appetite.

They'd lose more business when the good looking people stop going.

>allowing a bunch of nude fatties in wouldn't discourage more business than it creates

why the fuck would you want to look at a fat naked hambeast while trying to enjoy your food?

Who wants to visit a degenerate shithole like Japan anyways?

They can keep trying to throw their tiny dicks around all they want, end of the day they'll crawl back to America-sempai when big mean China come to fuck their shit up

They're looking at it all wrong. They should cater exclusively to obese people since they're more likely to spend more on food and more likely to go since it's probably the only time someone will be willing to look at them naked.

Nobody said the Japanese were business savy though and it shows.

Ya that's true.

But if you do that, don't you Also need to get rid of ugly men and women? Some women look disgusting even when they're skinny

Sasuga Nippon.

Damn, burgerclaps getting triggered all over.

But I'm a big guy 4u due to lifting.
Keep the fatties out for sure, but I am just trying to get aesthetic and eat sushi naked with some qt3.14 kawaii waifus.

So it's like a club, except of dancing you buy sushi?

Its easier to ban fatties than it is to ban ugly people.

Being fat is something you can measure, being ugly is somewhat subjective.

>nude restaurant

Why the fuck would you want to go to a place where you can accidental glimpses of other guys' junk?

Also, fatties are disgusting and all, but what about old wrinkly people? And children?

>glimpses of other guys' junk
are you inseruce?

That shit is fine in a gym locker room and everything, but it's not fine when I'm trying to eat and some guy walks by my table with his dick flopping around.

By restricting fatties and people that are unpleasant to look at it makes the restaurant a place for attractive people. People want to be a part of the restaurant where attractive people eat.

fatties only restraunt opening in 54321.....

just kidding, the CEO couldn't get off the couch.

>That's stupid
>They are losing business
One of the main reasons most people don't want to do "nude" tourist traps is because of fat people.

Think of how much business is to be gained from potential customers because now there won't be any.

Fat people aren't exactly outgoing. Not a big loss.

its not like u get randomly facefucked

One can't be helped without surgery, the other is their choice.

Isn't this the same restaurant that was incredibly prude? No looking, no touching, no boners etc

>conflating jap dicks with the big russian cock
You're bringing you're own biases to the scenario

That's true. I'm slightly overweight, just need to lose about 10% of my weight, but I feel grotesque and have no confidence. I don't even feel sexy enough to carry out my bdsm fantasy of being in servitune to a dominant couple.

wow fat american and i though its only meme.

>Not checking some jap junks while eating

>It's a fake rule to keep gaijin round-eyes out
then why would they use gaijin to promote it on their website?

It's ultimately a restaurant, not a brothel Sven