Why german so grandiosely commemorates one who mercilessly raped him and walled off half of his country?

why german so grandiosely commemorates one who mercilessly raped him and walled off half of his country?

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Don't think the Germans had much of a choice mate

You can guess three times what would have happened if we would've refused to build this.

Germans have no spine fucking faggots I doubt even 50% of the population are ethnic germans anyway.

You've had 26 years to take that statue down and you still haven't done it.


Too busy and don't want more problems

Because they are protected by a treaty that German signed with the Soviet Union in return for their approval of reunification.

what soviet union?

>mfw Vienna has a Stalin memorial
>Russians asked us several times to remove it

Not sure what to think of this

>signed with the Soviet Union

I don't think the Soviet Union is a problem anymore m8

What would ypu say if we tear down all ameeican memorials?

we have no stalin memorians here, thanks to destalinization

Why would one destroy monuments ?

You have lenin memorials thats even worse

lenin is ok
also deleninization would be too hardcore technically

Russia is the successor of the Soviet Union by law as such the treaties signed by the Svoiet Uion are continued by them in case they are not revoked.

U wot m8?
Putin has even visited the treptower park memorial
What people in this thread dont know that most of russia misses the soviet union and removal of soviet war memorials would probably causd huge outrage in russia

Lenin is rewponsible for brutal assassination of tsar and millions of people
He started the plague, russia could have been germany tier today

I think it is fair to give a memorial for all the civilians that died in stalingrad and leningrad
But autists on this board assume it is a military memorial

russia is the successor to soviet union only when it benefits russia, not when dealing with petty things like terror committed by the ussr. that's why eastern europeans don't really get the equivalent of holocaust-card. you shouldn't fucking give a shit.

yeah yeah
lenin was barely a funny mem even in late ussr
basically its our version of an edgelord, nothing more

Nazi collaborators dont get reperations ;)

it is a military memorial, like all of them, glorifying the ussr
sorry but no feigners understand the post war situation of germany. I've seen it a hundred times, they don't get it at all. They think the war ended and things went back to normal because that's what happened in their countries

>russia could have been germany tier today
Maybe you should learn a little about history before writing such nonsense. Russia before the October Revolution was an arrierated country, with serfdom abolished in 1881, eg.
And the soviet have been confronted in their prime to the coalition of all the major forces, sending allied expeditionnary troops against the revolution just after the Great War.
In these conditions, you should reconsider the attribution of responsibilities.

>the war ended and things went back to normal because that's what happened in their countries
lol no

February revolution could have brought reforms for initial path for demoracy
Also last twi czars were incompetent

>removing soviet/red army monuments left and right
>russshit kvetching everytime despite absolutely fucking no protection status
The only thing sacred and holy are cemeteries.
We take care of fallen soldiers just as we take care of fallen nazi soldiers.

fallen soviet* soldiers

>Destroying monuments supposed to remind about millions of killed civilians
>Being proud of that
Oh my

Wait for his response, I am 100% sure he will call you Ivan

>February revolution could have brought reforms for initial path for demoracy
But it did ! Not thanks to the Provisory Governments, by the way... The democracy in the revolutionnary Russia took the form of the soviets, fruit of the experience of 1905. February allowed the soviets to exist, despite the efforts of the bourgeois government.

lol butthurt.

red army monuments were put by the soviet union to remind the Polish people who owns them.
It was the same army that stood at the bank of Vistula and waited for the uprising to bleed out.

Im eastern europe yes
In Germany not really
Ask a german about the memorial and he wouldnt even know what the monument is about, because our experience with soviets werent that bad(excluding all the stuff happenede during war)

it looks cool and reminds them about their liberators

Didn't Poland and the Baltic states rip down all of their Soviet memorials? Russia cried like little bitches, but they didn't gaf.

>If avangard reached the border of the city it means it can easily take it
That's why you lost the war probably.

Should have we invaded them or what?

Russians cried because it's all they could do.
The only places protected by the polish law are cemeteries of soviet soldiers no matter if buried during ww2 or the 50 year occupation after the war.
Russians would like for the deal to be extended on monuments like it is in Germany but thankfully it's never going to happen.

If I ever desire an opinion of a retard I'll make sure to ask you first my friend.

we still hav this thing. once a year 50 000 russians there get loud, shitfaced and litter all over the place.

This is the level of any discussion with poles tbqh

>Ask a german about the memorial and he wouldnt even know what the monument is about
So German schools don't teach about the war? Weird

> because our experience with soviets werent that bad(excluding all the stuff happenede during war)
Is the german population okay with massive dick-waving monuments saying "We defeated you don't forget about it"?

Yeah I forgot that roleplaying as a chunk of land and threatening with invasion like some autistic ameriturd is haute discussion.

*we defeat nazis and hitler

you too btw

i've heard that russian hackers took the entire internet of estonia down for several weeks, estonians were shitting their pants

We don't separate nazis from germans. Nazis were germans.

Soviets and Germany were always trying to improve relations while EE objetively has been inferior to the former superpower
GDR was another thing, German authority were responsible aswell, to smear every atrocity in gdr on Soviets is unfair

There is just nothing to talk with you about, kid


germans also were HRE, teutons and what not

Good job.

Why should Germany care about Russia's opinion? It's German soil.

If Germany erected Nazi memorials on Russian soil and the latter removed it I'm sure they wouldn't bat an eye.

Chinks and gooks burned down pro-IJA memorials in their home countries and Japan did not throw a bitchfit.

Germans are an occupied colony.

Are communist parties illegal in Germany?

Nope, only butthurt belt banned them.

Good. Then there's still hope for the krauts.

Wut. Stop believing the propaganda Dada Putin feeds you.

Then are not butthurt belt=)

Because only cultureless barbarians destroy works of art they disagree with.

*spies on u*

We're coming buckos!


it's pretty rude to remove another country's memorial. Russia gifted a crying vagina to the US after 9/11. We accepted, to be polite, but put it somewhere that it wouldn't be seen.

It's a nice statue, but it looks nothing like the WTC. Looks a lot more like the building Godzilla destroyed in the american godzilla movie.

Soviets asked for terms??