This has never happened before with them why are they so butthurt?
This has never happened before with them why are they so butthurt?
They are right
they got called out on their hypocrisy for praising TFA for the same exact shit they bashed R1 for
This is Mike's vendetta, I bet Jay and Rich don't give a fuck.
This was pretty funny. A good parody of all the people on youtube who know jack shit about film yet feel the need to share their shit tier opinions.
it was pretty natural too
it's getting so pathetic now I don't understand why they're doing this
Anyone else agree with them entirely and isn't a fan boy.
If you've ever watched Collider's Jedi Council this is fucking gold lmao
Because they care about star wars.
And I'm not sure they're butthurt really. The comments may just be enough inspiration for new videos.
Because Star Wars fans are manchildren
Mikes nodding when Jay introduces himself is just perfect.
This is their third Rogue One damage control video.
You really don't understand? Are you that naive?
How is it damage control when it's obvious they're sticking to their original opinions on the film?
See I could get behind because ScreenJunkies is fucking awful, but they're no fucking better.
They're coming off more as manchildren tbqh
>damage control
do you even know what your buzzwords mean, faggots?
They are doubling down on their shit, not damaging control anything
doubling down is still damage control
>People keep disagreeing with us
>Better make fun of them!
How so?
Hello reddot hows the mental retardation?
ah yes, Reddit Letter Media.
This is hilarious. I hate those shmoes know podcast tier youtubers.
>The Nerd Crew
>pop culture
this better be a fucking parody
I don't see the problem here. Some people deserve to be made fun of
>another video
Jesus christ
Someone help these guys out.
Edit these commentaries to replace "Rogue One" with "The Force Awakens".
because their actual review wasn't enough?
ITT: People who can't understand satire and parodies.
Did you know being unable to detect sarcasm is a sign of autism?
I hope they make more
Just watch Jeremy Jahns instead, bro
Because real men worship at the altar of Gene Roddenberry right?
Get the fuck over yourself.
>It's satire, that makes making the third butthurt video in a row somehow less pathetic
>Jay changes his opinion on Empire after Mike weighs in
they know
wow who fucking cares
They're just so fucking creatively bankrupt it's not even funny.
I loved it
I loved their original review
I loved the Plinkett Rogue One review too
and I didn't even hate Rogue One
you guys seem to just like getting mad at RLM but I think we can all agree they are much better quality than any similar nerd review show out there who simply just take themselves too fucking seriously
Butthurt much? Literally the biggest BTFO to manchildren, fanboys and shit reviewers they've ever done
No idea who that is tbqh user
someone make a .gif of Jay nodding when Mike says "better than empire"
>le RLM is sooo butthurt
>literally the 14th thread today about how butthurt they are
It's almost as if...Rogue One fanboys...are.....butthurt
>It's trolling, that makes making the five hundred threads about the movie or RLM in a single day somehow less pathetic.
Why is jay sitting next to some black nerd?
>vader was on a leash, but now he is unleashed
hilarious, I like the NPR radio voices and obliviousness to their own idiocy, this format should become a regular "exclusive"
Its like Shrek the Third
Whoever thinks tfa is better tha. R1 is a retard
>faggots here are actually arguing about some fat old millennial faggots on youtube
Redditors truly did invade Sup Forums
10/10 satire of Collider and Screenjunkies
this is youtube tier
now that was actually quite funny
RLM back on track
Disney shills still mad as fuck
what's a vista
they are not talking about windows, right?
Glad someone else caught that. They at least lurk here. Guaranteed they'll read thread at some point
>Disney shills still mad as fuck
Yeah, RLM still seems to be quite mad.
look out your window
So they're basically telling fan boys to stop being retard fan boys.
Yeah, they mean windows. Microsoft invented the word
it's dark outside and snowing.
i can't even see properly because the light from inside my room is reflecting on the glass
Rich's laugh makes me hate RLM. Fuck me it's so loud annoying and put on. Cunt.
My issue with this is how they are able to shit these vids out no problem when its essentially the same content over and over but it takes weeks and weeks to do a HITB or BOTW. Why cant they be this quick with their normal content?
that was hilarious
>praising TFA for the same exact shit they bashed R1 for
They explained the things they liked about TFA and they explained the things they didn't like about R1. It's not their fault that you're too autistic to understand how opinions work.
Because Mike has no passion for their normal content anymore.
That shit's been known to them since Jurassic World's HITB when it all was made clear to them
They loved TFA for the OT pandering but hated R1 for the OT pandering
this is the best rlmkino since the wookipedia facts
For people who claim to dislike and not care about Rogue One they spend a lot of time making videos about it
>Sup Forums will never EVER hate Rogue One
keep it up RLM cuckbois
Did you pull this off 9gag?
Sup Forums BTFO
They've never received community backlash that's this severe before. The only reason I can see for this is because they talked shit about Disney.
Think about it. This is the first time they've released a review for a Disney film that's overwhelmingly negative. TFA got a positive review from them. All of the Marvel reviews they've released have been at least moderately positive.
They should have just avoided reading the comments like they usually do.
>Sup Forums is one person
sup, reddit
>Bashing Lootcrate
The action was good, nobody is saying otherwise. The problem is that there was nobody to care about.
The space battle scene that opens Ep3 was good, but that too suffered from having literally nobody to care about.
I don't care that they didn't like Rogue One, but so many of their criticisms apply so much better to TFA. They dismiss the glaring problems with that movie so arbitrarily.
I think they're confident enough now that they can go wading in and rek people
also, they've worked out that sticking to their regular content is grinding on them a bit so i don't think they'd mind if it all blew up now anyway
>a board can't have a general consensus on something
Mike and Rich are undeniably obese manchildren themselves.
Nah I recon it's because a lot of people refuse to believe nu-Star Wars is in all likelihood going to be the next capeshit, both in terms of quality and saturation.
But people clearly did care about them.
It's just that some people can't seem to care about characters unless they're making goofy quips the whole time
>it makes me think
>these are real people
>he is a commie
sup r/carlmarx
I can only assume that Disney wrote them a check for a good TFA review but forgot to do the same for R1
what was there to care about with any of the main characters
>Sup Forums
>having a general consensus on anything
How fucking new?
He ruins BoTW and runs jokes into the group.
Hope he dies soon.
They finally did it.
I genuinely doubt Disney outright pay reviewers, but there's got to be some kind of social engineering involved. Preferential treatment to positive reviewers, making sure the most influential ones are your friends, that sort of thing. They generate a "consensus", and hype does the rest.
>the loot crate shit at the end
kek, this video was perfect