Listen to this man, Brits

George Soros said the pound may slump more than 20 percent against the dollar if Britain votes to leave the European Union, a devaluation bigger and more disruptive than when the billionaire profited by betting against the currency in 1992.

The pound would fall by at least 15 percent and potentially more than 20 percent to below $1.15, the investor wrote in an op-ed published in the U.K.’s Guardian newspaper on Tuesday. He said voters are grossly underestimating the true costs of Brexit, which will have an “immediate and dramatic impact” on financial markets, investments and jobs.

A more than 20 percent slump would result in the pound at a level that would ironically mean the currency would be worth about one euro, a method of “joining the euro” that nobody in Britain would want, Soros said.

Oh no!

Why doesn't MI5 do something about this instead of worrying about right wingers in the UK?

20%. Fuck.. That's a lot. Money transfers from UK to Poland will be 20% less valuable.

>do not resist goyim
>keep yourselves enslaved to the anti-white identity movement
>or your precious money will be worth less!

Showing why Jews are the slimiest of all demographic groups.

UK is multiculti to such degree that they don't have to be worried about immigrants anymore

ITT: Full blown goyim fest

>Soros knows his kikery is on watch
>tells brits to vote stay
>leaving makes him a fortune
>everyone does the opposite of what he says
>everything goes according to plan

>everyone does the opposite of what he says

What exactly? Selling GBP? It lost barely 0,2% of value after Soros interview, which is nothing, normal daily fluctuations

Nice samefag
>there is a problem
>lets ignore the problem more
Yes, fantastic logic, I'm sure that will turn out just fine.

Your stupidity ruin not only you (which is not a problem), but foremost around million of Poles living in UK who send around 2 bln euro to Poland every single year. Our currency will be hurt too.

I think this is the pole who is butthurt about poms jumping on his flag

Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the waves.
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves


Factually untrue. Whites will always die on the altar on the liberalism and globalization. It won't be enough for the likes until all the whites are dead or imprisoned.

Except from the fact that most of the brexit related arguments are to do with immigration and sovereignty.
Cows go moo
Sheep baa
>B-but cows also produce methane
That wasn't anything to do with the initial reasons for brexit.


Most immigrants come to your country from outside of the EU

> sovereignty

You are a bitch of the USA anyway

"freedom is costly therefore you should let the brussles bureaucrats and NWO control you good goyim :>)"

>Most immigrants come to your country with outside of EU
Its about more than just where they come from. The EU forces is forcing us to take large quantities of unskilled manual workers when our economy is largely service driven. As a result we receive a bunch of welfare leeches.

>You are a bitch of the USA anyway
Not in any practical or legal sense. The points are quite clearly distinct.

Well yeah, hardly anyone would complain about a white European migrating there. It's the Africans and Arabs that shit the place up.

Also everyone is our bitch, so that's a moot point.


>ardly anyone would complain about a white European migrating there

Brits complain mainly about cultured and highly skilled Polish workers

Even if this were the case, this is what we want.

We want the economy of the west to collapse and the social safety nets to disappear.

Harsh times breed hard men. The sooner that the economic crisis comes, the sooner we can reclaim our nations and gas the kikes.

>pound may slump more than 20 percent
Haha, it's nothing. Rouble and hryvnia has dropped by more than twice, and we still live.

That is great news for the UK. Their exports will spike upward and this will create a massive amount of jobs due to the increased demand for British goods and services.

Thanks for the info, OP!

>yfw you realise "service economy" and "technology economy" is newspeak for "boomers offshored all our manufacturing for a cheap buck"

I hope this is a troll comment. Poles in my country steal, break in and rape more than kebab.

That's not a warning, that's a thinly veiled threat. He's basically saying that if they dare to leave the Jewropean Union, he will fuck them up even more than he did in '92.

>this kike is still around, and his son is about our age

It is better to have niggers in the country than to be poor. Thats why we have nothing against Ukrainians and Brits should vote "stay"

UK's economy is services-based, not export-based. Look at their trade balance. They will be ruined by devaluation.

UK must stay

Soros will benefit either way. Either Britain stays part of the EU and he can milk it for free money for eternity, or they can leave now and he can take a big payout on currency speculation

This is blackmail, plain and simple. Britain is better off free from his clutches, even if it means taking a hit from bastards like Soros

>Foreign Billionaire who made a fortune severely damaging the British economy gives British population earnest honest advice on how not to damage their economy, for free

>I hope this is a troll comment. Poles in my country steal, break in and rape more than kebab.

If they couldn't do it in your country, they would do it in Poland. So there is no loss overall.

so, does one buy pounds or not?

what's your opinion lads

When and how is he going to die, /pol?

>risk losing 20% of moneys value but be able to grow again
>wait for muhammeds and UE to destroy your country
I dunno britbongs, sure seems like a hard choice here

If UK goes out from EU, immigration from Middle East to UK will only grow.

I vote Soros for president 2016!

Soros made 1 billion raping the gov / Bank of England and now he pretends to care?

Only if you are a retard you think thats the case.
Leaving the UK will result in mainly:

1: devalue of currency
2: loss of trade agreements, taking a decade to make new ones
3: loss of free travel for europeans, aka less white immigrants, aka more brown ones.
4: no more EU making sure historic abuse of working class isnt happening in the UK

Yes, more growth, to bosses and business owners, at the cost of everyone else.
Unless you are rich, leaving is the most idiotic thing you could do right now.

She's really not a great spokesperson for Leave. I don't think I've ever met anyone who likes her.

Liberty is more important than gold to some and many. June 23rd will see by how much.