Why are celebs so skinny?
Post some celebs eating food/celebs that love food. Yes even Brando.
Why are celebs so skinny?
Post some celebs eating food/celebs that love food. Yes even Brando.
Didn't Jonah lose a bunch of weight?
yeah yeah
Yeah, and then he gained it all back.
Typical of a Hollywood crash-diet
Who has that pic of Patrick Wilson and his wife eating Roché at some award show
>I-it was for a role
What did he mean by this?
I want to take her out to dinner so bad, bros.
You can do better than that
but she looks like a horrible eater
wtf he looks like he is about to vomit
we aint your bros cunt
So does she actually have aspergers/autism or not?
How do you go from this...
To this
What do you think?
Eating pizza with a fork is a good way to out yourself as a synth.
>not posting the superior version with the Subway™ Mobility Scooter.
Well what if you don't want oily hands?
Looks too fake
what a useless cunt.