Last night's thread was a success so let's try it again. What do you lads think of her body of work? Looking for a torrent for Edge of Seventeen now
Hailee Steinfeld
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I had a feeling she'd be pretty successful after seeing True Grit. Plus that movie is apex comfy kino imo
Don't you know? Sup Forums loves jewesses
appears as if thread is kill
She'd be god-tier if she got fit
the face is not that great, she's cute though. looks great in but there's not enough evidence of passable tits to have a fully-formed opinion.
her face is trash
I know what you mean, lad. Her face is like 6/10 and body maybe 7/10 but I still think she's super qt. It's probably the dark hair and pale skin, reminds me of Sasha Grey
>tfw when no Sasha Grey- lookalike jewess gf to step on my scrotum
>Sasha Grey
lost me there, bud
>sing songs about fapping
10/10 my friends
Friendly reminder that this is fucking kino
thanks, i'll check it out
Have you supported her music yet Sup Forums?
>the edge of jew
fuck off you underage fags
she's ugly and was horrid in true grit
edge of 17 1080p screener when
how is he so based lads
Eof17 looks awesome. goofy jokes that surely shouldn't work but do just like early simpsons
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