ITT we remake movies and tv shows

ITT we remake movies and tv shows

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>"treatment starts next week"

Yeah, try "sometime in the next fifty years, if you live long enough. Btw you're four hundredth on the list and the system can only afford thirty a year! Good luck!

Nice meme reddit.

Both my parents had it and were admitted and began treatment immediately, like the next week.

That's why I love the UK.

Free health, dental, eye tests, education, college... bliss.

Plus now we're out of Europe there's going to be a lot less paki filth filling up the streets.

You have to go back.

Both of your parents got cancer? WTF?

>I have cancer
>*Takes vitals*
>OK, take a number

>Entire first season is Walt in a chair surrounded by hacking shitskins who have never paid a dime in taxes

Americans don't have kanker treatment?
How much does it cost anyway


>free dental, eye tests, college

yeah no

It's really your own fault this thread is shit OP

>Both my parents had it
the chances are you'll most likely have it too :(

Wait list exist for stuff that is actually hard to come by, like extensive surgery - there are only so many surgeons and hours in the day.
Standard cancer treatment involves you laying in bed getting radioactive poison pumped into your body, that doesn't even require a doctor.

Our taxes are stupidly low and I'll gladly fucking pay them since I won't go bankrupt if I ever get ill.

They fucking PAY ME WAGES when I go off work ill. It's like I'M robbing THEM.

IIRC it's not that walt couldn't afford the treatment. He went to his doctor and his doctor said "ur fucked m8", and then he went to a much better oncologist that his insurance wouldn't cover.

In a state run health system, the second step simply wouldn't of happened. Walt gets a diagnosis of terminal lung cancer and has to accept his fate.

He probably still starts cooking meth. The meth money was originally supposed to be a nest egg to leave for his family, not a way to pay for his treatment.

>wouldn't of
What in the FUCK is this supposed to mean? Why do people do this?

Care to explain this?


You can have as many consultations and second, third, fourth opinions as you want.

Why do americans want everyone to think paying the majority of your salary to an insurance company, only for them to cover 50% of your treatment is a good idea?

Why is the number one cause of bankruptcy in America from simply getting ill?

it's a brain typo I clearly meant wouldn't have

>Our taxes are stupidly low


If you have free dental then why not use it?

>people believe he started cooking meth to pay his medical bills and not so he could leave behind a gorillion dollars for his family

>a nationalized healthcare service can work in a country that is 65% white and 13% nigger

yeah okay, sven

>buying chingchong tvs
You get what you pay for.

Fucking rekt

>Americans actually believe this
go to another country sometime

not out of the EU yet. once UK leaves, suddenly all funding for healthcare will drop drastically. it's completely inevitable at this stage though, so I'm just warning you not to get your hopes up.


>people believe he started cooking meth to cover for his family and not because he was frustrated in a midlife crisis


Harry Potter USA:
>voldemort shoots harry's father
>voldemort shoots harry's mother
>voldemort shoots harry
>the end

seriously, whoever made the bait image in OP obviously didn't watch the series. he didn't even want to start treatment at first. he was just wanted to make some money for his family and then die.

VAT is a good thing you muppet. It's what seperates us from garbage countries.

The same monstrosities on Jerry Springer woth their hobgoblin teeth are the ones on our Jeremy Kyle.

Fuck those plebs. They're bottom rung and they know it. Scabby low expectation having detritus.

We have free education yet they're all fucking dumb as a bag of hammers.

as opposed to TVs made in Southampton?


I'm acutely aware of this -- thanks for the heads up.


inbred brits btfo

I don't think there's any canonical evidence that protego won't stop a bullet.

That's fake teeth for Legend you mong. And I brush all 4 of my teeth every day.

t. American apologist

three fiddy

Just wait til the police get in his house and find his unlicensed TV.

t. American retard

Wait list doesn't exist for life saving shit like cancer treatment.

I am an oncologist. In the show he is told he has stage 3a lung cancer , which is likely to be T4N0/1M0. This is actually potentially curable with combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Even if curative treatment fails, if his tumour carries EGFR, ALK, or PD1 markers he can be given relatively non toxic targeted therapies with an expected prognosis of up to 2 years if he responds.

Actual Canadian here.

Wait times for treatment in Canada are notoriously long.

Many Canadians have to flee across the border to get life saving procedures.

Harry Potter USA:
>student fails his N.E.W.T. exam and comes back the next day Avada Kedavring the whole school


>not purchasing his electricals through his business account so he can claim his VAT back.
Education is free homie. I suggest you enrol.

Not for cancer. Kill yourself please.

my head hurts do I have brain cancer?

>reduced warranty
Take your own advice

Honestly surprised none of the mudbloods did this.

>a tax that falls disproportionately on the poor is good


a billion dollars and if you're poor you get to watch your family die.

see It's from a comparative study of 1.9 million cancer patients

>extended business cover as standard
Your serve.

Life falls disproportionately on the poor

No, retard. He started for his family, and continued because he felt alive for doing it (midlife crisis).

>extended cover
You just paid more than you saved on VAT

I don't like wasting my time on breaking pleb

That's great but unfortuntely unrelated to the point about wait times I was trying to make.

You don't have to for cancer but you have to wait like 8 months for a scan to find out if it's cancer. Don't even deny this canacucks

So why do Canadians have marginally higher cancer death rates? Just less competent doctors?

No. You have AIDS

>public hospitals
Same shit is in EU too. Just shell out a bit of money and visit specialised private clinics.

Maybe the US has better treatment? I dunno. Point still stands there is no wait time for treatment.

It's offered free on business accounts.

I understand now why Trump feels so smug when talking to poorfags about never paying tax

>be American
>get cancer
>have to take out a second mortgage to treat it

Its not a bit of money tho is it. Every chemotherapy probably costs thousands of dollars

Bro I'm Bulgarian over here you go to a public hospital to die

I think around $10,000-$20,000 if you have good insurance. If you don't, hundreds of thousands.

There is no wait list for cancer. As soon as it's detected, within 14 days you have a team assembled around you and they are putting treatments into effect. Shit like hip replacement, knee replacement, MRI's, colonoscopy's, etc.. take forever to get, yes, but the one thing the Canadian health service does do properly is cancer treatment.

>Cancer is from that 6 legged giant GMO turkey you got for $5 on Thanksgiving
>Monsanto sues you because your cancer cells contain their patented DNA


Looks like our survival rates are still marginally better than the EU and Australia and they have socialised medicine as well.

Jesus, it really is ruthless in America in every regard.

>Wait list doesn't exist for life saving shit like cancer treatment.
It also doesn't exist for organ transplant? Are you legally retarded, leaf?

aren't dog blowjobs legal in canada?

so updated image would be
>hmm, you have a bad cough? come back in six months for an MRI


Canada has the world's best organ donor system.

Shit dude I guess the whites should start pulling their 65%

>Sup Forums - Socioeconomics

why would you even want that

because of an obscure legal loophole yes but at least we aren't making headlines like the US

So I can have a few spare hearts and spleens? Is there like a fucking yard sale at hospitals?


much lower than that now Cletus. but don't worry Trump will surely reverse your demographic shift.

It's from all those people who died waiting for a scan. Plenty of fresh organs left over

lmao so you can legally fuck animals in canada? if I move there I can just rape dogs in the neighborhood?

nice "obscure legal loophole", you're fucking disgusting

>there's going to be a lot less paki filth filling up the streets.

Pakis don't even come through the EU you stupid cunt

>you can legally fuck animals in canada?

No. The definitions are vague but penetration is still definitely illegal.

The answer is america pays its doctors more because america overwhelmingly has more money and therefore attracts better people for the jobs

It has nothing to do with the difference between social and liberal market approach and everything to do with being the only global superpower.

t. healthcare triage

He subscribed to the "UKIP said they'll get rid of the eastern Europeans so that must also mean they'll get rid of the mudslimes even though they've literally never said anything if the sort but that's because they don't want to look racist so they'll just mass deport muslims which won't look racist at all" meme
One of the longest memes around

>leafs literally live a legislation for how you should abuse animals


what's wrong with giving a dog a blowjob
it's not like he suffers

>amerisharts don't have the freedom to have sex with whoever they want

You sure that the fact that doctors are paid more doesn't affect the attraction of talent in some way?
I haven't actually looked at evidence going either way, but it's one of the main arguments that conservatives and libertarians make.

>fucking dogs

dumb leafs