Watching this for the first time tonight, what should I expect?
I watched both Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick this week and loved them
Watching this for the first time tonight, what should I expect?
I watched both Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick this week and loved them
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Expect Pitch Black with less tension and more Starbuck boob
This. It's like a Pitch Black remake.
A weak remake of Pitch Black
First 10 minutes were kino though, too bad the rest of the movie is your usual low budget SF
It starts off decent and gets dire. Really dire.
I pity Starbuck actress for her utterly cringeworthy role in this. It's a role so terrible it sets women's rights back by 50 years
Hm, it sounds passable at least. Also Starbuck, that's something to look forward to
1/3rd great survival against the elements film 1/3rd some cool riddick being batman then 1/3rd pitch black redo.
Also Katee Sackhoff looking great
Rehash of Pitch Black indeed but I quite liked it, those kind of films are just so rare nowadays?
Its DNA is borrowed from all the iconic 80's badass iconic antiheroes, Mad Max, Snake Plissken, Milius Conan, Predator... any other movies or character like this nowadays? this one's plot is especially reminiscent of Ghost of Mars, which was a thinly veiled remake of Assault... Maybe it's because I love Carpenter but I'm glad it exists, even with its flaws.
I like that the first act has basically no dialogues, just Riddick surviving and hunting. Then it gets more generic, predictable and derivative.
It's a great b-movie, in the noble sense of the term.
Shame Twohy sucks when he's not making a Riddick flick, he could have been more.
>any other movies or character like this nowadays?
Sequel N E V E R
aww, love her
Its just a remake of Pitch Black except this time they try to shove Riddick down your throat
Strong first half, disappointingly weak second half, overall its a mediocre retreading of Pitch Black with underwhelming action and set pieces.
kek yes
some good kills, especially the box one is great fun.
Just hope the next one goes into the necroverse, riddick fighting the dead. Maybe needs a better director
>Maybe needs a better director
Never gonna happen, Riddick is Twohy's baby, for better or worse.
you mean the underverse, but yeah that would be cool
Then again the next movie is apparently going to be called "Chronicles of Riddick: Furya" so they might save the underverse for the one after that. I don't they'll stop making them, Riddick movies are always top sellers in home video.
Doesn't Vin finance them himself after shitting out the next five Fast and Furious movies?
Not sure about that, all I heard was that he got the rights to the franchise in exchange for agreeing to appear in more Fast and Furious
some good quality entertainment
Watch Longmire on Netflix... good god she looks good crammed into western jeans.
>Starbuck will never your deputy in a rural midwestern town
Some quality man and beast bonding.
>almost 4 years since Riddick
>no word on another movie
This franchise needs a spiritual successor, Vin is too old now
I heard they were start pre-production this year
riddick 4 when
underverse you are correct, confused it with the bad guys from chronicles. And think you are right about the home sales, remeber seeing a video of Vin dancing after getting off the phone with the studio telling him to go ahead with a fourth one
Probably next after xXx 3
watched first season, she gets on a stripper pole in like the second episode, amazing stuff
Man, I forgot that they made a Riddick movie after Chronicles. I saw that in theaters too
you should watch Dark Fury after your done with Riddick
Vaako spinoff when?
actor too old, character too bland
character is bland but Urban makes him great, also he looks way better than Vin Diesel
him and riddick have to have a final showdown in the underverse. With Urban and Sackhoff dating in real life you can get Dahl back too which would be great
>what should I expect?
a soft remake of Pitch Black, but not as good, still good if you like the franchise
One thing that irritated me about Chronicles of Riddick is we never seem them fight. I really hope this happens
Anyone else think Vin Diesel is a total bro?
>huge DnD nerd who gets into acting
>gets to play as badass Riddick and loves every second of it
>appears in F&F movies for $$ so he can continue to finance his Riddick roleplay while the cameras are rolling
Way I hear it he was never really that close to Paul and that it was Tyrese Gibson who was really Walker's closest pal.
dare I say it, is he "our guy"?
The first 30 minutes(when he's alone with that weird pet of his) are genuinely great. Best in the series. Then it becomes Pitch Black and it's just fine.
Our guy for sure
I had all of those Street Shark toys when I was a kid, brings back memories
Pitch Black: Orange Edition, needs more necro girls.
Is The Last Witch Hunter any good?
It's fun, nice setting.
maybe sackhoff will look like that in the next one, heres hoping
this thread has made me want to watch that, hope its half as good as pitch black/riddick
I fucking wish.
>stars in the Riddick video games, making the already high quality even higher
Anyone else impressed the movie even exists? For the longest time Vin was a joke and people would laugh at him whenever he would bring up another Riddick movie and they were all wrong. He somehow willed this movie into existence. A movie nobody wanted but him.
yeh vin is great, but he needs to get moving on a fourth one while theres still momentum, and hes still "young" enough to do it, though "old man riddick" could be fun
havent seen riddick yet, how much of the cool necromonger stuff is in the 3rd movie? Really liked that in Chronicles.
erm, not as much as you want
Just in the first minutes, it's more similar to the first one.
riddick does some detective work across space and on different worlds and finds out furya is at the heart of the necromongers' entrace into the material realm, travels to the underverse furya with some fellow adventurers, enters a DnDesque dungeon type place to fuck up the big boss or collect the McGuffin
once he does everyone and furya is freed from their grasp
the ending is bittersweet, without the pax necra the universe descends back into small wars and crime, however people have freedom again
Katee Sackhoff' character asks riddick if he wants to settle down now or earn more cash, movie ends there
doesn't have to be the big boss, just le necromonger general guy
Necromongers were awesome, only thing that bothered me was the political system where anyone who kills the leader becomes the leader, even if they aren't a necromonger
fucking dumb, like I can be joe shmoe and drop a banana peel and if the lord marshall slips on it and breaks his neck I get his job
sounds pretty good, maybe have some cameos of dead characters from previous movies show up in the underverse
Such a bro
Pretty good movie OP.
Very enjoyable.
>fucking dumb, like I can be joe shmoe and drop a banana peel and if the lord marshall slips on it and breaks his neck I get his job
If you somehow managed to kill a demigod that retardedly then sure. Really it's you who is retarded.
I didn't like it as much. The first two movies were perfectly aware of Riddick being a badass but this one took it a little far for me, just felt like cinematic masturbation
it's called hyperbole faggot, I was making a point
the "keep what you kill" philosophy is dumb when it comes to public offices, I'm not going to trust my general just because he killed my last one
Is there a general code to this? Like, if he was murdered via poisonous means then it's frowned upon but if he's bested in one on one fair combat it's okay?
Well Vaako tries to kill the Lord Marshall after he's been wounded in his fight with Riddick, so I doubt it has to be "honorable," but not sure about poison or other non-confrontational means.
Everyone who has ever doubted Vin has paid the price. I remember an anecdote I read where Vin was playing a henchman in Reindeer Games and the director wanted him to take his shirt off. Vin refused and said his shirtless torso was reserved for a movie that would star him. Everyone laughed and called him a retard an who can blame them? He was a mixed race manlet with a retarded voice. What chance would he have at starring in anything but where are any of those faggots now?
no it's legit terrible