What does Sup Forums think of AJJ?
What does Sup Forums think of AJJ?
I don't get tge meme
pretty sure it is implying that Andrew Jackson Jihad is an band whose fans consist of manchilds/soyboys.
Don't you love it when a punk band censors their own name
for me, you lose all credibility
Viet Cong and Andrew Jackson Jihad are pussy nu-males
The band themselves are really pathetic too. Read the stuff they say on Twitter, etc, if the music didn't convince you already.
potatogirl is THICC
This desu. Can you imagine if Gang of Four changed their name because some Chinese-American teenager complained that his grandpa got beat up by Maoists?
>change your band name to just the abbreviation because it might trigger soys
The IRL Gang of Four where a bunch of insecure soyboys. Long live based Deng Xiaoping thought.
AJJ is great if you ignore the fans and sean as a person
t. Foxconn
and all their other records besides this one and can't maintain
the less you know about the band in general the better they are
exactly, i can give people who eat people a listen and usually enjoy it because its all i consume from them
t. xi and deng gang
Marx and Lenin would have scoffed at Maoist China and loved Dengist China.
Less well known band, but This Town Needs Guns did the same shit and I'm still mildly upset about it.
I actively avoid anything related to the band. To me they disbanded in 2009.
I don’t know shit about them but I like People Who Eat People, so what you’re saying is don’t go any further than that?
Why the Switch?
no no cant maintain is a great album knife man is ok all there split albums are pretty good the last two albums tho are pretty hit and miss
candy cigarettes and cap guns is good... lady killer is an awesome song
pretty fucking bad, I listened to people who eat people and thought the vocals were awful. Their cover of two headed boy is pretty bad too.
to be fair, viet cong only changed their name because people were getting mad at them for it and protesting their shows. andrew jackson jihad's name change was some of the most pathetic shit i've ever seen in my life
>They changed it because people got upset.
That's so fucking punk rock dude! Yeah right, what a bunch of pathetic cakeboys.
Some venues were refusing to allow them play there. Their livelihood depended on it. Still pretty pathetic I guess, but understandable.
I refuse to listen to any of their new stuff because of this. I'm not usually the one to throw out the soy insult, but goddamn, grow a fucking pair.
If it were any other genre of music I'd over look it. But they started the wrong group if they were worried about offending people. A real punk band would say fuck you, change their name to something even more offensive, and play twice as loud, just to see their detractors seething. Even if it meant playing out of bars for the rest of their careers. That's just my feeling, anyway.
>Changes their name from Andrew Jackson Jihad to avoid "alienating Muslims"
>Next album is called "The Bible 2"
Was Viet Cong even a fucking punk band? They had a lot more in common with like art rock than anything else. I could see them being post-punk, and I don't think post-punk really necessitates a punk ethos to be authentic.
Ive hated them since I first heard them on here in 2010. I listened to people who can eat people and knife man a few times. But man it did not grow on me at all, quite the opposite. Now I probably wouldnt even make it through the albums.
I think they're art-punk. Which is all starting to come together for me. Why do they even try?
I get that AJJ isn’t for everyone, I do
But people who actively shit on them genuinely don’t understand the music
Wtf are you talking about, Sean is like the nicest guy I’ve ever met and his personality is literally the entire appeal of AJJ
The soyboy mentality is that Christianity has all the rights to be insulted and criticized, but if you DARE talk about islam, you're a racist piece of shit
Viet Cong were totally punk in terms of aesthetic
I don't forgive any band that changes their name because it's too offensive, especially when you have to forego a name as cool as Viet Cong
Jesus fucking cucks
exactly. don't listen to the other user, can't maintain is unbearably whiny shit and everything after that is just straight up hot garbage
I mean I can't be bothered to give a fuck but to each his own I guess.
>This is modern folk"""punk""".
I can't appreciate music because a band changed their edgy name I liked D:
Christmas Island isn't bad as an album, it just sucks as a folk punk album and really sucks dick as an AJJ album. Also Candy Cigarettes and Cap Guns is pretty good as well. The Bible Pt. 2 is a pile of hot shit for sure, though.
>Your IQ just isn't high enough
Folk punk is the gutters of music
>nicest guy i've ever met
you don't say
fucking cuck, get off my board
Andrew Jackson Jihad was always bad
People who can eat people fucking slaps
absolutely nothing else thye've done even comes close.
Itt: triggered Nazis
pwcep > can't maintain > knife man > candy cigarettes >>> christmas island >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bible 2
get in the wahmbulance
i hope you'e doing this ironically, it'd be rather distressing ot learn someone could be this fucking joyless
punks have always been leftist pussies
>We are not Muslims, and as such, it is disrespectful and irresponsible for us to use the word jihad in our band’s name.
>AJJ announced their 6th studio album, The Bible 2
No sympathy. They're ignorant cowards who have lived their whole lives hiding behind the merciful society that Christianity has created. Them and their defenders are parasitic maggots that burrow into the flesh when you shine a light on how hypocritical they are.
Viet Cong should have doubled down and called out all the ""Vietnamese""" traitors who embraced imperialism and moved to America
For me, it's Can't Maintain. The superior AJJ album.
lmao christianity can suck my dicke
Was that image supposed to be ironic or
they're just pussies.
>muh religion is protected from criticism meme. except christianity which we have whole albums about. crusades are definitely bad, can't talk about jihad though! who knows!!
>andrew jackson was mean man so we have to whitewash his name from history forever
same distractionist american liberal shit as CNN. they're so not leftist actually
>being this upset over bunch of bands changing their names
holy shit what a bunch of overly sensitive autists
lmaoing at your lives
I used to love them. have all their music.
saw them live twice.
>then the AJJ name change came out
>song called FUCK WHITE PEOPLE
Im out
Viet Cong changing their name is embarassing because they'e a "punk" band that caved to butthurt anti-communists. I don't care about AJJ because I've thought they're shit since the first time I heard them.
Triggering alt-right swamp butts is punk as fuck, though. Based AJJ.
Fuck white people is satire you dense fuck
quit your social commentary
Half their songs are about self loathing and you people wonder why they do dumb pathetic shit, makes no sense to me. They've never broken character when you think about it.
>punk is when you desperately do everything just to be edgy and not hurt the feelings of bunch of extremly online retards who are scared of le spooky sjws
whats satirical about it?
also you've never dealt with that fan base. its dead serious.
there's a song about smoking meth and making fun of retards on the same album
It's meant to make fun of the people who think that way and show how hypocritical they are
>wahh I can enjoy this music because some mean people like it too!
What did he mean by this?
Spotted the soymale
ive literally never eaten soy in my life but ok
i love how the people who keep saying "the left cant meme" cant understand obvious irony
>we're punk
>fuck you
>uh oh, we should change our name because doesn't like it!
what a fucking joke
That isn’t what I’m saying, there’s plenty of music that I’m not at a place to understand emotionally
what the actual fuck is that supposed to be anyway?
Did actual Vietnamese people get upset by Viet Cong? It seems much more likely that it was just white liberals "acting on their behalf"
Wait, did they change their name for anti-gun reasons? That's fucking mental
>make retarded decision
>get called retarded and/or people criticize your retarded deicision
They are saying fuck you to all the morons like you who get mad about dumb shit like bands changing their names
>don't you get it? it's irony!
I don't know how to tell you this user, but they changed it because they didn't want to offend anyone.
nice fanfiction dude, not like they explicitly stated the reason why they did it
>call your band retarded name
>get called out when people criticize your retarded deicision
glad they actually changed their name instead of doing shit like this
>Did actual Vietnamese people get upset by Viet Cong?
yes they actually did
while being fully aware theres going to be bigger backlash from reactionary online retards than there originally was, cause that happens everytime nowadays
yes im sure thats totally what happened, they were sitting around the table thinking "haha this is gonna be such an epic troll"
They are huge faggots but they have 3 pretty good albums so i guess I like them
>missing the point this much
>"haha this is gonna be such an epic troll"
I say this out loud at least twice every day.
le nooberts! they have no idea, their plebeian ways... har har har
I used to like them but I stopped caring after Knife Man.