She knows
She knows
Kendrick is so 2016 ...
2017 is the year of Bunny
the best year
Think she likes eating cock cheese?
I prefer cows DESU
Sexual paws
>Pitch 3
Hopefully it isn't as shit as the second one was
>ywn call her feisty mouse as you plow her tight little fuzzy cunt
Gonna disagree with you there. Pretty disappointing desu. hought they were cuter in PP2. My mistake.
2 was 7/10 at worst, probably one of the better "nobody asked for this" sequels ever made.
>those big toes
Are they mutated?
what filter???
who is this
Fuck no. The first was an 8/10, second was a 5/10 at BEST.
>forced Fat Amy/Bumper love plot
Would have been much better if they had a quick fling during the Riff Off and left it there.
>Cliche Latina Chick
She had about 4 lines and they were all jokes on her country. If she had said something more then she'd be fine but since she was there for the sole purpose of them telling mexican jokes she was shit.
>Even more forced romance between Hailee and Benji
That was the biggest crime in the movie, there was nothing there. Benji came off as this "kinda cute dork" but there was no way Hailees character would go for it. She needed to find her place in the school and group first but no, they needed the magic kid to have a gf and figured "why not the new girl? who cares if they have chemistry make it happen"
>That shitty finale where they have the past Bellas
Awful, completely hamfisted and it was boring as hell
Not to mention the whole movie tried so hard to recreate what they did with the first one even repeating a ton of the jokes.
She's my bunnyfu.
I want to feed her carrots and to have her nibble on my fingers.
Fucking hell
>thinking you are the only people to have ever called her a mouse
retard she probably has carried it around with her ever since she was 5 years old
Why are there going to be 3 of these fucking movies
mah rodentfu
chipmunkfus > bunnyfus > ratfus
this is a fact
that's how normies call image editing
>30 yo waifus
kek, no, no
best bunnyfu incoming
she's more of a chipmunkfu, I'd say
I wanna die suffocated by Anna Kendrick's butthole. I want the stink of her vaginal fluids and somewhat cheesy smelly farts to be the last thing I feel. I want to taste the salty taste of he pussy juice mixed with her pee. And when I'm about to pass out, when I'm really an inch close to faint, I wanna hear her laughing at me while she says "bye bye lil rat" right before she squiks at me.
That's the perfect death to me.
really makes you think