The most patrician Star Wars film

The most patrician Star Wars film.

Every character is written very well and stands out from one another.

Cassian Andor: A rebel who isn't afraid to murder other rebels when it comes to taking down the Empire. He is in no way righteous nor does he try to be.

Jyn Erso: She doesn't want to fight the Empire (and would rather live under Imperial flags as she says to Saw Gerrera), until she hears a hologram message from her father, telling her that he designed the Death Star with a major weakness. Hearing this information from her father (who she hasn't seen in so many years), makes her desperate to locate the Death Star plans, for all she cares about in life is family.

Chirrut Îmwe: A blind monk who is very confident in the force’s existence and uses it in his day to day life. His friend Baze Malbus jokes about the force and doesn’t believe in it.

Krennic: An Imperial who is "trying" to stay in command by impressing Vader and the Emperor, whilst going up against Tarkin who is getting on his nerves because Vader likes him better.

Jyn by far is one of the best written female characters in Star Wars in my opinion. The love for her father is what keeps her going and when he dies, getting the death star plans is all that matters to her, no matter if it kills her.

The 3rd act is one of the greatest emotional endings in cinema.


>The 3rd act is one of the greatest emotional endings in cinema.

i bet you don't even watch films you fucking retard 8 year old

>I think Force Awakens is a well made movie
Leave this site

I hate this fucking board

This isn't entirely fair. Rey wasn't the lead in TFA, Kylo Ren was.

Jyn's motivation was definitely more fleshed out though.

Absolutely, it's a great film. It's a tremendous film with great characters. Wonderful movie. It's better than The Force Awakens, believe me

I think it is safe to say that CTR was hired by Disney after they are no longer needed by Clinton

To be fair, Rogue One characters had the same amount of development as Luke, Leia and Han, which was basically none, so lack of development is a non-argument if you like the OT.

>Rey wasn't the lead in TFA, Kylo Ren was.
This is what contrarians believe

>Rey wasn't the lead in TFA, Kylo Ren was.

If Galen Erso wanted to hide a weak spot in the Death Star why didn't he make it so that when anyone pushed the button to fire the superlaser, the whole thing would blow up



To be fair we get to see Luke, Leia, and Han Solo develop over the course of three movies, Rouge One was story a self contained to one shithole.


>The third act is one of the greatest emotional endings in cinema


As if the other engineers wouldn't have noticed that. I know he made himself the head honcho, but something that glaringly obvious would have been spotted by someone.


And an exhaust pipe going in a straight line from the core all the way to the surface didn't?

Rebel scum.
Original triology movies too OP for you're inferior minds.


>If you don't like my shitty man child movie you must like another shitty manchild movie
Nice try kiddo,

this is actually a guide for how to write any character, male or female

Title is sexist as fuck. You're sexist. Kill yourself. But watch Episode 8 first.

I agree with this. But autist SW fanboys aren't able to see the greater SW universe as an independent forest entity beyond the Prequel trees.

This fake poster is the best thing to come out of the movie.

The film itself is a flaming pile of horse shit.

>Kyle Ren was the lead in TFA

I fucking wish, user....

who is this character?

It's not the exhaust pipe for the last time.

The death star flaw was when the core explodes, it sets off a chain reaction to explode everything up. The whole point of the RO mission was to get the plans to find out a quick way to deliver a payload to the core.

Why didn't they call them WIN fighters?


This is the same bullshit philosophy that hurt the movie. Fill it with a bunch of who the fuck cares non memorable characters. In the original ANH art you've just got the main characters.

Erstin Deez was a male human who served as a sergeant in the Royal Guard of Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine. He accompanied the Emperor and his apprentice Darth Vader on a visit to the planet Ryloth in the Star Destroyer Perilous. When the Perilous was attacked and destroyed above Ryloth by the rebellious Free Ryloth movement, Deez evacuated with the Emperor and Vader in a shuttle, but their craft crash landed on Ryloth, leaving them stranded in the wilderness.


>Erstin Deez
shit I thought you were kidding

Oh yeah I totally remember him from the movie