As of her wedding day, anything that touches her pussy is off limits

As of her wedding day, anything that touches her pussy is off limits

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WATCH IT CHRISSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>you wanna raise your hand, you give her your last name

mobsters got that marriage shit right

>When Junior rushes home to see the news of his trial on television
>The drawn courtroom likeness of him looks terrible
>Next day he spends the entire court session facing behind him, staring bitterly at the cartoonist
Fuck me this show is hilarious

The Jackaaaaeet

Why did he shit in the shower?

To assert dominance

I guess the turd doesn't fall far from the faggot's ass

It's a silo


Who the fuck is this??


what did he mean by this

A Puerto Rican hooah

hardest i laughed during sopranos. a bit predictable but they way phil delivered that line, not to mention the context had me in tears

Phil Leotardo's arch nemesis.


A healthy well-adjusted son of a homosexual man.

>A guy like that is going out with a woman... he could technically not have penissary contact with her Volvo

It happens.

>we found a chinchilla up his rectum canal, ma'am.

>said he was an interior decorator

Why didn't he go to the game with Vito?

>that scene after of Vito sadly stomping his turds down the shower drain

no other show will ever reach these levels of pathos

Take it easy! We're not making a western here.

>you sound like a racehorse pissin in there

Finn was a hottie

That nose is like a natural canopy

>Well maybe he wants to fuck me and then kill me!

>Get Meadow at her best


More like cute.

one of the greatest mysteries of the show was bat night too

her roomate was better

Where were you when jackeeet?

>what did that fanuch do with the bat?


The fat depressed dorm mate?

>you will never have a Sopranos Prequel set in the 50s

Why even live.


Who would play Johnny boy?

my favorite scene


Janice is a fucking cunt.

>You two ran north Jersey
>That's nice

In the end, none of it mattered.

Never seen Tony so spooked since when Pussy was parked outside his house.

They eat some great looking food on the show. Even at the Bing.


Sopranos 24/7 ALL DAY ERRY DAY.

Burn Notice on the big screen, Sopranos on the small.

>it's the "fucking queers" episode
great timing

You need to switch that shit around son. It's the 3 o'Clock episode.

Tbh, The Sopranos is definitely funnier than at least 90% of sitcoms I have ever seen.

>when you're married you'll understand the importance of fresh produce
What did tony mean by this?

Fresh new pussy.

Is there a way to watch this with adblock on?

I can do that standing on my head

Nope. Just turn it off for the website, it ain't a big deal. The ads are just some shit at the bottom of the page, you can fullscreen it and have no ads.

click on the video frame and the video wil start



Why did De Niro, Brando, Abe Vidoga, Pesci or Pacino never appear in The Sopranos?

It's strange to think, but this show couldn't be done today.
It's too... ethno-realist?

favorite episodes?
from where to eternity
pine barrens


>tony has white privilege

maybe they were too big for tv, or maybe chase thought it would have been too jarring for pesci and de niro to be in a show that makes references to the godfather and goodfellas

Like half the cast was in goodfellas.

Lowkey the most important and poignant scene in the show's history. We didn't often see the outsiders' perspective, but when we did get a chance - it was always amazing, with the scene you posted being the very best.

TV was different back then. If you did TV, you were looked as someone who was struggling to make it to the big screen. What Sopranos did was historical for TV.


All love to act high and mighty, but in the end - they love the lifestyle.

who was best character and why was it pauly/pussy?

Sil. Fucking stayed true. Sided with Tony when needed to, and gave Tony a talking to when he needed to. Never talked shit about Tony or ratted on him. Chris/Paulie/Pussy all talked shit and betrayed Tony in one way or another.

Not Sil, my man stayed true.

>not Jr./Silvia.

whatever happened to the interior decorator that killed 50 czechoslovakians?

Does AJ act high and mighty? I don't think he ever considered himself morally superior to Tony.

Ralphie was the best heel

Uh huh

Complaining about all the violence in the world. Threatening to go to the military, when in his own backyard his dad is burying bullets in fuckers.

I didn't like that he did Adriana, though



would the show have been better or worse if tony ended up banging the therapist?

once he gets into his depressed phase he gets incredibly self-righteous and pretentious

like bitching about pollution while his dad is in the hospital

What was his end game?


What the fuck was her problem?


>me reading these threads

>tfw I know exactly which scene this is

If you give me a Sopranos screenshot I can tell you the context of the scene. I've probably watched it too many times but I'm actually proud of myself for that