who the actual fuck
All lives matter = "racist"
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they were so much nicer when they were slaves
>"White folks gotta give up something".
Like their hard earned money that goes towards the walfare state? Like spots in college or at jobs thanks to affirmative action?
aye, equality is never enough for people like this
we've gotta give stuff up because these people are too lazy to get off their asses and get a high paying job
we will give up something when blacks give up crime
Watch the video of a baseD black teenage trump supporter arguing with some old ass gay nigger. The old gay nigger kept telling the black kid how he is black so he needs to join him, that black lives matter more
well yeah, it seems to me that white crimes are typically economic whereas black crimes are typically violent, which lands them more prison time
Fuck them. Who are they to tell someone what to do?
good for the black kid
keep delivering this good news user, you give me hope
Niggers grasping for headlines. Trying to stay relevant. BLM is a failed meme on par with kony2012 and occupy walls street.
BLM don't even know what they want, just watch this video (6:00 - 7:40)
we already do you nigger
>missing the point of the thread
Nature's comedy gold.
it's more sad than funny, considering through welfare we have to support the lazy ones
i'm friends with plenty of non-scum blacks and those people are alright
We did-we gave up our slaves. You're welcome.
Implying we give up our lives
>White folks gotta give up something
Not even BLM leaders know what they want.
All they ever know.
>niggers in charge of anything
All lives matter is retarded.
>implying black lives matter
They don't.
Pic related... My biggest get ever.
Leave one crisp Tubman 20 in a public park in Chicago, whoever comes out alive gets to keep it.
>"White folks gotta give up something".
The right to life?
It's like they are pushing us to snap.
Is it because they want a race war where they somehow think they will win?
Oh we've given up too much already, thankfully this farce is waking the people up.
All lives matter is accepting the egalitarian premises of the marxists
thas racist
>White folks gotta give something up
Besides our tax dollars and free speech?
Fuck that, I'd rather see them in shackles again than put their lives above my own.
Time to make some more niggers behave.
I bet this is the biggest achievement in your life.
>White folks gotta GIBS ME DAT
It is racist though. For fucks sake, Black Lives Matter doesn't mean only black lives matter. It means black lives ALSO matter.
I think they would be pretty happy with equality actually......
Hes a burger on pol, so yeah
All lives matter means literally all lives matter.
Black lives matter implies that only black lives matter.
Black Lives Don't Matter is the true redpill
No, they want to be more equal than the rest of us.
no, they don't
you know you are wrong, don't you?
>It means black lives ALSO matter.
No it does not. If it did, it would be "Black Lives Also Matter" and a simple suggestion like "Everyones lives matter" would not be so upsetting.
"White folks gotta..."
Head down to Tractor Supply for more rope.
Snappy comeback, mong.
Let me make you a good nigger.
Niggers are shit mate, and your new is showing bad. Lurk more, or go back to plebbit.
We gave up on slavery what more do those niggers want
BLM sound like a bunch of kids who didn't listen to their father.
damn lazy blacks sleeping in shops
What father?
We ended slavery, have affirmative action, provide them with welfare
"White folks gotta give up something"
There is nothing worse than niggers.
Not feminists. Not jews. Not mudslimes.
Niggers are by far the worst.
How about you niggers actually DO something to earn your money/respect/gibs instead of being racist towards white people.
no you're wrong. BLM is a movement to """"help"""" to black community to end institutionalized racism. But the problem is; there is literally no institutionalized racism left,
>of cause some cops are racist, but when you have to deal with the worst of the worst, who would stab you for a needle full of heroine, you would also be one edge.
>furthermore the whole movement is hijacked by some rich black kids that, glorify black criminals.
Please tell me how a rich black kid suffers more, than a lower class white family?.
>why doesn't the black community tackle intern problems like thug-culture,single parenthood,drug abuse, with out blaming white people, for all their misery?
look at the Asian community, they also had to fight racism in america (they had also way worse working/living conditions at some point) do they go around prancing like the whole world belongs to them?,NO!, because they worked hard, to establish them self as working cog in the society, they worked hard, and it paid off, seeing the stereotype, that every Asian is a doctor in America.
>White Folks gotta give up something
The Audacity of these niggers.
It's similar to feminism, they don't fight to be equal, they fight to be more than equal. They don't call themselves equal rights activists for a reason.
Same thing with black lives matter, except they're also funded by the final boss
Its unfortunate he probably left after the first Sup Forumsack called him a nigger
BLM is a racist organization
Everyone knows this
They were also a lot more productive back then too.
>white folks gotta give up something
guess another battle won on our turf
Thug lives don't matter
White people owe black people their lives because of slavery and systemic racism.
It's like that Eddie Murphy bit, always with the "What have you done for me lately" shit.
So they admit that it's a zero-sum game.
Ya because you have to be smart to pull of economic crimes
We already gave up our happiness by having to live around niggers.
I saw a nigger turn in to white in from of my eyes
Lel, never forget that in the case of Obama being in danger all muricans have to literally defend a nigger life with their own.
Black lives > white lives
Nigger privilege:
>Mumble a bunch of degenerate, misogynistic, violent lyrics over auto-tune on a generic instrumental.
>Make millions.
Yet they still complain.
We gave up South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.
Look how well they're doing. Surely whitey can keep giving shit up so everyone can prosper?
I forgot all about that. And most likely this too, will fizzle out and be forgotten. Their foundation isn't equality or something noble, it's "gibbme dats"
Can a BLM member name one non-black person that was killed by cops? Not even a white guy, even just a Mexican would do.
Freddie Gray gets a massive protest on CNN, but how is Juan Gomez' family supposed to feel when nobody gives a fuck about his death?
The whole thing is so racist and hypocritical.
What rights do they not have that whites do?
>INB4 privilege
You almost feel pity for them. They have no culture, no traditions, barely any technology. Their people are barely above the feudal age in Africa. But they're not like those other Africans, because race is not that much of an issue to those types of Africans. They struggle every day trying to find their place in society, and like a rebellious teenager growing up in a rich suburb, they lash out from a position of comfort and solidarity. Their individual failings, the failings of their communities, the absolutely disgusting hovels they call cities, everything they control and run almost always crumbles. I feel as if they don't truly comprehend why, at this stage most of them who aren't on tumblr are educated by their families, their churches and their all-black schools, that the White man is responsible for all of this.
They have no other defense, they lost hope for organized, peaceful demonstration after MLK and so resort to political subterfuge, like making the word "racist" apply only to whites. Do you know how big it is to be called a racist in modern America today? It's the ultimate tool for a person of color to fight back against the "injustices" they suffer, and if the accusation sticks, it can ruin a person's life. And they know this. They planned their main strategy through this and this alone.
I'm not sure BLM or any other racist organization truly knows the endgame. Perhaps a thousand years of reparations? But surely that will not be enough, because they'll find some way to link that to racism, too. Everything is racist. The computer you type on, racist. The website you visit, racist. Your white skin, because you were born that way, racist. And you will never have control like they do when it comes to dictating race, because you are the oppressor, you are the eternal White Man, your opinion about race is just as good as Joseph Goebbels' in modern times.
They can just go back to Haiti :^)
capped that, saves a lot of writing for future theards
Its a lay in protest.
>hey, look mom, a good canadian! Can we keep him?