Why are we losing the meme war?

Why are we losing the meme war?

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>1 post by this ID


Thats actually pretty funny.

>1 shekel has been deposited to the 1 post by this ID

Oh shit.

>Trump is so efficient and erudite in his genius that he doesn't need to turn it up to 11
Makes me want to vote for him more

not really funny to anyone who knows what bankruptcy is

a joke like this exposes children, 2bh

>Chapter 11
Inside job

Sick burn. I'm a hill dog now!

Trump BTFO!

This meme is stupid as fuck. Go ahead. Post back "You tirggered bro" or whatever gay shit you need to come back with to validate your shitposting.

She's going to meme her way into the White House isn't she?

I don't get it

As usual. Shillary cucks get their teeth smashed out effortlessly, yet again.

You triggered bro

Meant funny in the sense that its hillary clinton. Her previous tweets always made her seemed like she was above the shit.

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

mad as fuck childish little bitch lmao

Fuck your feelings.

>TFW its taken over a year for a democratic candidate to have a single piece of good bantz
>admitting your rival has written a lot of books
I think this counts


>meanwhile in the near future

Chapter 11 is a form of bankruptcy.

what do feelings have to do with understanding the machinations of business?

First time I've read something by her that's funny. I really hope she keeps it up.

I'm worried, Sup Forums.


Hillarys books end when a Saudi prince buys 10,000,000 worth of ebooks in exchange for F16 fighters.

>There are literal twitters wars between two possible future leaders of the free world

I don't know if this is good or if I should just end it now.

>even are jokes are engineered

this is sad

Not a bad quip, I doubt she wrote it. She better get them in now, because as a career politician Trump will destroy her character and soul.

8 + 3 = 11

Except he never wrote that. You got it off Reddit. Still losing

The debates are going to be the stuff of fucking legend

she might kill herself. I truly believe that

Yeah, I'm really booty blasted over here user.

She could have dropped some serious bantz against Sanders but she needs his retarded voters in November.

are you getting paid for this?

Was it you who engineered them, Satan?

And I'm pretty sure like all female jokes, it was stolen from a man

Guys you know that one sentence we keep repeting ? the one that goes what did she mean by this ? well now is the time, what the heck did she mean by this ? is it an inside joke only Americans can understand ? I don't understand

This would be funnier if it were from someone who's run a business, or even had a real job.

Hillary's experience with business is walking into Wall Street banks and walking out an hour later with $100k+ stuffed in her pants.

You're right. I hat that meme too. I just have no where else to vent my frustrations. Sorry dude. I also hate that "no shills are being paid to shill, it's a republican funded lie" meme. Glad it's dead now. Fucking hell what have I become. :(

Notice how the tweets aren't signed with "-H". It means Hillary isn't the one tweeting them. She's taking credit for shit she didn't even say.

282,000 likes. yea that's fake as can be.

Fake and cis


Read the thread Pierre.
Chapter 11 is a form a bankruptcy.

This is how it ends. Hillary pretends at first to be a ditzy politician who would easily get crushed by Trump, but when the general comes around, she immediately flips and out-memes Trump all the way to the WH.

>Her previous tweets always made her seemed like she was above the shit.

And thats how he wins. Don's forcing her to play on his level, and she can barely function on that playing field. Her only claim to fame was a super forced DELETE THIS meme, which reminded most people that she's still being investigated for deleting emails. Should this one gain traction, and it looks like it might due to twatter being in the tank for her, its basically her making fun of bankruptcy which I'm sure will go over well with those who have experienced it.


Sure thing Reddit

This doesn't work when you're the first fucking post in the thread.

>think of the children!
>wut feelings

You're overpaid.



I forgive you user.

>Hillary has written a few books about politics-but they all seem to end with dead Americans.

Am I supposed to reply with a frog meme?

Not an argument

Yes. We're waiting.

Of all the hundreds of business ventures Trump has had, only 4 have ever filed for chapter 11. Sand off a fucking beach.


You're right. Some just failed and disappeared. Like Trump Steaks, and Trump Vodka, and Trump Mortgage, and Trump Airlines...

That's the joke

>Why are we losing the meme war?
Advanced Memetics was working for Cruz... damn it... I knew I should've been a #CruzMissle... now I'm With Her...


>1 post by this ID
ha ha funny right?

Thanks for that image....It turned me gay.


Fucking burned right there

On a serious note, I kinda wonder why one would vote for Shillary considering that her Twitter is literally just damage control at this point... Oh wait, she's a democrat, and there's more "Never trump" people than "Never Hillary" people

chapter 11 means bankruptcy in legal terms


Same no homo

Neither is the OP.

>starts a mortgage company and a bunch of luxury brands 2 years before the housing crash
>starts an airline 6 months before the airline crash


>16 hours in MS paint
Sure thing schlomo

He should have used his excellent business skills to predict when those crashes were going to happen :^)

>Trump has written a lot of books about business--
>but they all seem to end in Chapter 11

Shilter has resorted to stealing jokes from Triumph the Wonder Dog

At the 3:00m mark


I don't get it.

I heard Hillary wears underwear with dickholes in em.

>level her for months with memes
>get counter-memed once

lel no


>it took a team of over 1000 people supported by the best comedians in the world and Jews to come up with this zinger

Clinton is going to get smashed on te debate stage.


thats nothing compared to 400 successes

It was pretty clever, the effort isn't the underrated part, nigger faggot.

it wasn't that impressive, 75% of posts attempting to GET, were that exact phrase.

>finally come up with a joke
>it isn't even your own
Shillary and her shitty team should just off themselves.

Still waiting?

>Why are we losing the meme war?
because you and your people suck at it, Hillary.


>>it took a team of over 1000 people supported by the best comedians in the world and Jews to come up with this zinger

It only took (((Robert Smigel))) and his puppet Triumph to come up with it last February

>when you hire 40 people to think of "zingers" for you

>bathroom logo

zing nominee, zing! lol

>Twatters are so retarded they fell for it
Kids are definitely becoming dummer.

Honestly Trumps tweets are low energy, and 99% have been since he started this campaign.

I'm full Trump but it's mostly because of the wall and secondarily because he represents a resistance to PC culture .

He's rarely sharp or witty in his tweets and it's clear that you guys are forcing the Trump can meme meme.


Hillary....understands Chapter 11, but has no clue how to operate two different email accounts