is it worth a watch?
Does it actually have Lovecraft stuff in it?
is it worth a watch?
Does it actually have Lovecraft stuff in it?
i don't know anything about Lovecraft but it's really good but just don't watch the second season. The opening of this show made every other show plagiarize it's dope aesthetic vibe
>don't watch the essential Vaughn-core that is season 2
no, it doesn't have any elder gods or cosmic horror stuff. however, it does have some dialogue in the last episode that shows one of the characters feels like the universe is lovecraftian
>Does it actually have Lovecraft stuff in it?
Where did you get that idea?
Hastur and Cthulhu bare knuckle box on top of the Superdome in the last episode, watch it
That's all I hear about the show.
That's weird considering it has nothing of that. It's about a serial killer.
It leads you into thinking there might be some spooky spiritual stuff going on but never confirms it or anything.
Show is great.It's like watching a good 8 hours long movie.Not much Lovecraft stuff though.
Doesn't it talk about the king in yellow and stuff like that. I kinda fell disappointed now.
King in Yellow isn't Lovecraft but it is brought up in a pretty meaningless way.
its more or less Lovecraft since he based most of his shit of it.
>"Ray, y'know what someone once told me?"
>"Alright fuck you Ray, but when you're getting pounded from both side by giant dicks the least you can do is try to enjoy it."
In the midst of being gangbanged by forces unseen, I figured I'd drill a new orifice. Go on and fuck myself for a change. Casper knew this.
Fuck. I gotta check it out then
>"When life gives you a lemons Ray, you gotta ask, why the fuck did they make Fanta outta orange?"
>ywn watch another season of TD with Sup Forums again
this sucks more than usual
Yes and yes (though subtler and not overtly supernatural).
Short answer: yes
Longer answer: not really
it does
To an extent, but if you go in expecting for that and hoping something big out of it, you will be disappointed.
>it is brought up in a pretty meaningless way.
This, more or less.
Top kek
Also, this. Season 2 (at least in my opinion) didn't have as good of an atmosphere or "main plot" but it made up for it by having Ray and Semyon in it. The third guy also has a few operator-tier moments in it as his highlights. Whether you like the girl or not is hit or miss depending on the user watching.
It gives you the same/similar feeling to the one you get reading Lovecraft.
I want a season 3. I don't care how good or shit it is. I just want the Sup Forums threads
it doesn't
Me too, I don't care either, just gimme
Casper knew this
this thread wasn't as subtle as you hoped OP
we see right through you
its really good just watch it. second season ended up growing on me, but it won't ever really compare to the first. the dialogue and the story just seems like it tried a bit too hard when looking back at that behemoth of a first season.
Only if you enjoy tv shows in general.
I don't enjoy them, but everybody recommended me TD because it's more of a "mini-series", not a tv show for them.
Well for me the experience was exactly like any other tv show, unenjoyable.
The primary focus is on the narrative and nothing else, the repetitive structure, countless establishing shots and shots of a car entering a location, countless "let's go to a bar for a beer" exposition dialogues, every episode has to end with a cliffhanger, every episode has one big moment which is executed well while the rest is mostly filler, countless twists and turns etc
Like any other tv show.
Most of the time you don't even have to look at the screen, you could just listen to it and you get the same thing out of it because the written narrative is the main thing here, while in film it's the visual narrative.
You will never watch season 3 with missing childrens, lights in the sky, shapes in the dark and alien worship cult...
Well, it is actually kinda true. The main bad guy (no spoilers here), is called by the name of a Lovecraft character/god. Plus all the witchcraft stuff in it gets similar to some Lovecraft short stories. Either way, this is only like the 20% or less of the show, it's more of a detective drama.
Season 1 is good but Season 2 is pure garbage
Still remember before season 2 someone was saying how it would be about cults in LA and how there are dead bodies inside the concrete of the highways.
Haven't watched, but from what I hear it's more Ligottian than Lovecraftian
>it's a Sup Forums overanalyzes background paintings and yellow king quotes and comes up with interesting theories about marty's daughter or killer's earmuffs that make more sense than what pizza actually wrote thread
at least now we have pizzagate threads on pol where we can finally become true detectives again and awkwardly search for various clues that don't really mean anything but sound vaguely spooky when put together
It seemed like a lot of people or maybe not because we're anonymous, thought that it would involve Bohemian Grove
All I want is to be a True Detective like Marty or Teague Dixon
People saying season 2 is unwatchable are retarded plebs that post emotionally. Season 2 was nowhere near as good as season 1 but it's only not that good when compared to itself in season 1. Compared to general TV standards it's still a decent watch with some cool characters.
Season 2 made me finally realize that Colin Farrell maybe has some talent, I always just kind of wrote him off as a pretty boy. The scene where he finds out that he murdered the wrong man in the past I thought was particularly good. His pained facial expression there was just great.
I have never heard of someone not enjoying season 1 of TD
He doesn't like TV shows so that's really all there is to it.
king in yellow isnt lovecraft you fucking plebs
No shit, it's a fictional character
fuck you faggot
I just re-watched and the quality lasts longer than I thought. Originally I thought only the first 5 episode were high quality, but all 8 are really good. Just until the final 10 minutes of episode 8, which sucks.
It does in the sense that the closer they get to the middle of the conspiracy the more fucked up and unbelievable things get. I won't spoil it though, but I will tell you that there is nothing supernatural. Any lovecraft themes are simply metaphorical.
>still can't spell Caspere
What made S1 so good was the writing, directing, and the chemistry between matthew and woody. S2 had Ray, but that was it. The actors did well with their performances but what made made 1 work was the banter between Rust and Marty. Two complete opposites that called each other out throughout the whole season. S2 needed a Marty. Someone who would make it light or somewhat comedic. Everyone was so dark and 2deep4you. It was obviously rushed too. Pizzeria should have had more time to write that story.
It is the greatest season of any show ever.
Anyone who hasn't watched it yet is making a big mistake.
Irony how bad the 2nd season was.
First season was incredible, some of the best TV I've seen besides the first season of Fargo (which probably is the best 10 episode arc of all time).
2nd season had one of the most disappointing endings ever and I don't know what they were fucking thinking honestly.
He should have also directed more than 2 episodes.
Yeah I read he spent nearly a decade writing the first season and had a little less than a year to write the second