He's not part of the official Sup Forums Discord server

>He's not part of the official Sup Forums Discord server

Other urls found in this thread:



hello recldit!


its also good for gaming you sanctimonious retard

i spend all my fucking time here already i do not need more Sup Forums in my life

Gamer-tier censoring bloatware cancer. Haha I leveled in my discord now I can get more emojis haha ebin! Computer give me a quote lmao like batman. Might as well install a fisher-prince messenger. Kill yourself.


Hi redd1t!

go back to plebddit. user doesn't use discord

>Am I cool yet, Sup Forums?

imagine taking the time to make this image

how's the people there? is it just obnoxious memeing?

tfw youre in an elite mu discord server that is invite only that no one will ever get into

1200 people online at any given time i believe

>he's proud of that

screamer, dont click.

>using corporate IRC in 2018


That's not a real discord link fuck off sketchy pajeet

discord is run by Jews or (((porkies))) if you are mentally handicapped

checked, with a big additional kekkkkkkkkkkkkk