Just what exactly was her problem?
Just what exactly was her problem?
would you hit it?
>the "good guys" think nothing of creating a massive clone army of sentient human beings and sending them to their deaths and have no ethical qualms about doing so despite the fact that droids exist and can serve the exact same purpose
Why did they mean by this?
Clones are superior to droids and they don't have souls
>Clones are superior to droids
How exactly?
This meme doesn't work when the character literally has no problem with anyone.
She led Kenobi around the complex and that was it. There was no bad blood. Fuck off Reddit.
>don't have souls
Did you just pull that out of your ass? When do they ever say that in the movie?
Was finn a clone? And why did he suddenly become so emotional when no other stormtrooper has shown any emotion throughout the previous movies.
Not all stormtroopers are clones
Well they are superior to the cannon fodder droids in many ways, one being a higher intelligence level and the ability to use tactics. They don't have a weakness in programming
Most of the clones are gone by the time of A New Hope, let alone The Force Awakens
not enough of my fat cock
>fat cock
prove it
did you ignore all the scenes where droids were really clumsy and shitty
Of course
Hell yeah. Me and a bro could spit roast her and not even be in the same room.
>sending sentient human beings to their death
You just described war.
It's not my personal opinion, it's the reason given in the canon as to why they use them
Only beings created by the one true God, Allah, have souls.