Why is this so /comfy/?
Why is this so /comfy/?
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It is very buddhist in its warm welcome of the end.
idk but it is
Me? I feel it's the lighting.
I hate Lars Von Tryhard with a passion but the fact hes was able to get Kirsten Dunst to show her ta-tas in full glory is something that should be commended.
Childhood is idolizing Claire. Adulthood is realizing Justine makes more sense
The first half was more depressing than the second.
All of us are going to die one day, Not everyone gets their massively expensive wedding ruined by some cheating bitch
What a joke.
The movie is shit.
This guy's a shit too.
Sah ah alt tee
love that meme
I don't know why either, but the first time I watched it I was put in a fucking trance. Watched it again the the next night.
It definitely indulges in all my self-pitying and nihilistic thoughts, which can be comfy and is usually how I get myself to fall asleep.
where has she been? i though kirsten pulled a alicia siverstone.
>You will never be that 17 year old boy
Why live?
Why didn't Lars have her fucked by a BBC bull? Isn't that his shtick?
>i have read about lars van trier in the papers
He doesn't love her like he loves Charlotte.
Name one good thing about it
Besides Durnst's tits
The music
>Uses Wagner almost exclusively
>Doesn't play Siegfried's funeral march at the end
Someone got paid to fuck up that bad
because you imagine kristen dunst raping you in a wedding dress
I imagine trying to get her to take a bath desu
What did Lars Von Trier mean by this?
she was in fargo
>There are people who unironically watched two hours of Scandinavian depression-porn just to see a pair of titties
never watched it. probably will do a marathon when i get desperate for something to watch. which since it is snow and cold as fuck might be a very relevant show to watch right now.
They WERE some pretty nice titties though.
The movie is great
>tfw a Danish movie is too high-brow
Justine or Claire Sup Forums?
If I didn't find this depressing does that mean I have depression?
I thought it was pretty comfy and Dunsts character was being a spoiled bitch, her family owned a fucking castle for gods sake
Why does it seem like Sup Forums hates Lars?
He honestly has some of the most innovative films out of any director...
Bonus: For the most part they're all fucking amazing too or at least interesting
Does Sup Forums just hate anything anything that can be perceived as art house?
The rape scene was a bit much. Several people walked out of the theater at that part
Thats kind of the point though. If everything sucked in her life, her depression wouldnt be interesting or significant. Von Trier actually understands that melancholia can take over for no reason at all, e.g. in Claire's life where everything seems to be great.
>We've had great sex
What did Squeeky-voiced teen mean by this?
They fucked? I'm pretty sure they didn't, the dude didn't take his dick out.
I think he said "we'd"