ITT: movies that are universally considered great or at least solid but are complete garbage in your opinion
>pic related
ITT: movies that are universally considered great or at least solid but are complete garbage in your opinion
>pic related
>The Game
>universally considered great
What? It is not critically nor general public acclaimed.
It's just an average movie with some Fincher precise framing.
No one even mentions this movie that much because of that.
I think even Fincher himself isn't happy about it.
it's alright i was surprised reading some of the reviews maybe it was that little twist at the end
plebs love twists
>the uncanny belly
fuck that cover is hideous
Does anyone else feel that the twist was seen a mile away?
Literally 2 good scenes
Requiem for a Dream
Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind
Hate that shit.
First one is vastly superior.
Also, it's not complete garbage, but Dawn of the Dead (1978) is extremely overrated.
Literally one of the worst written movies I've ever seen. Couldn't even sit through the whole thing
That's a big argument
Still not as horrible as the first Dark Knight which was also more universally loved, somehow
The first dark knight at least had Heath Ledger's Joker and Gary Oldman
this movie was such a snoozefest and thought that taking on a gritty look and serious tone would save it, but it's just lifeless and terrible.
Blade Runner
It's just boring. It's about a guy who has to track down robots who are found easily. The robots don't even do anything. At what point am I supposed to care and why? The sound track is shit as well.
Isn't this film only popular because people like telling the fun fact that someone died during the filming?
It got extra popular because of that yes, but the style and feel of it was pretty catchy for early-mid 90s rock/goth sensibilities. The soundtrack was also a big seller. Trended into the sequel.
I think it was one of Bruce Lee's sons?
I agree with you, but I heard that there are a few different edits that make the film better. Haven't watched them, though.
Raging Bull
For You
wew spotted the pleb.
It was also a rip-off of Mann's Heat
You haven't seen a lot of movies then.
anything directed by this faggot.
also this and everything directed by this faggot too.
This. I liked it a bit, 6/10 at least better than other movies of its kind. Shit choice to start though.
Cringy romance plot and other elements but its Okay because of action i guess.
>movies are a sequence of events with nothing else of relevance.
Try thinking next time.
Literally anything by Terrence Malick.
delete your Sup Forums account
I might have to rewatch it but it was completely forgettable, I agree. I was really thinking I would like it too due to the time it was made and the style of it
ur wrong
THX 1138
Pulp Fiction
>Charles Martinet is in this movie
Mama mia!
I can understand why people would like his movies. They are beautiful to behold but a chore to watch.
the deer hunter and this i wouldn't even call what malick makes movies, they're more like airheads frolicking in nature. i don't know why he even tries to make movies, it's kind of obvious he wants to make nature documentaries.
Never finished; said fuck it during the overly long, stupid opera scene.
completely agreed
go fuck yourself with a post hole digger