The Mandela Effect in movies

I don't remember these scars on Jared Leto's Joker's face?

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He's getting more and more damaged as time passes

Is there a timeline where this movie was actually good?

Seriously, I do not remember this scar near his forehead and I have looked at lots of Jared Joker stuff on google and suddenly today I notice it

DC being shit is a universal constant.

>i dont remember this
>am i wrong?
>no, i must have slipped into an alternate universe and the world is wrong
how does anyone possibly reach this conclusion?

I don't remember seeing Harley Quinn driving a motorbike the first time I watched the movie, but then I torrented the movie a few days ago and that scene was there


>Is there a timeline where this movie was actually good?
Yes. The David Ayer cut where Joker gets Monster T to kill himself, Joker abuses Harley, Joker beats to death a couple people and he throws Harley out of the helicopter trying to kill her (instead of him saving her).

He then returns with a "damaged" face from the helicopter crash and demands Harley run away with him but Harley tells him to go away and so Joker throws a smoke grenade and says his "BYE BYE" line from the trailer.

WB showed this cut to a test screen audience who didn't like it and wanted Joker and Harley more romantic.

>mfw we will never live in the alternate reality where Jared Leto plays a psychotic abusive Joker and he got over 10 minutes of screen time

because you werent used to the DAMAGED silliness yet. your eyes could not see.

You saw the "Extended by 7 pitiful minutes" Cut the second time.

>Joker gets Monster T to kill himself
>the Sup Forums meme of "kill yourself" literally became true in the David Ayer cut
>WB destroyed this cut
Feels bad


You ruined my night

where did his eyebrows go


I only method acted for an entire year as the Joker

by having a sense of humor

extended version

>all that fucking talk about how wicked jared leto gonna be in the movie
>all the threads about how fucking psycho he was irl and gonna be in the movie
>CUT CUT CUT CUT, even the fucking extended version can't help it


you should check out /x/ threads about this
actually, you should never go on x, nevermind

>all those fucking scenes were deleted

maybe the movie is meta and extends beyond the film and when leto actually commits suicide because of this flop then the true genius will be revealed


>Jared is already proposing a suicide if his deleted scenes are not released
JESUS CHRIST WB... what have you done to this poor man

>mfw the last Joker related content Jared posted on his instagram
I so hope he returns in the Batman movie. He deserves to be given a good decent screen time with a better script

It's pretty fucking obvious he's coming back for the batman, why would they not use him?

>mfw the Joker Cut gets released in 20 years when the MCU and the DCEU have finished competing
>we witness the greatest acting presence ever
>Suicide Squad now becomes a cult film and has regular screenings like Tommy Wiseau's The Room every month or so
>Jared is labelled The Joker God

>It's pretty fucking obvious he's coming back for the batman
We don't even know if Affleck is going to make it with how things are at the moment at WB

It's all up in the air

The scenes of Harley on the motorbike were posted all around the net way before the movie was released in cinemas.

Most were expecting this to be in there and thus were disappointed when it wasn't

>even the fucking extended version can't help it
The extended cut still has so much Joker at Arkham cut. No idea why they didn't just reinsert all the footage back into the movie along with the extra Jonny Frost scenes where he is about to kill Harley but Joker wiggles his finger at him not to.

Amazing cinematography.