In the Revenge of the Sith video game you could kill Obi-Wan in the mustafar duel if you played as Anakin
In the Revenge of the Sith video game you could kill Obi-Wan in the mustafar duel if you played as Anakin
Holy shit.
>Anakin gets to Padme before she gives birth.
>She sees him, he comforts her, she doesn't die of a broken heart.
>Anakin rules the galaxy. Padme reluctantly goes along, trying to ease his rule and make conditions less harsh on the people.
>Luke and Leia, if Anakin has agreed to those names, grow up with their parents.
>Anakin watches them both closely, hoping to see some sign of the Force in them. As they age, he can sense great power in them both.
>It's more latent in his daughter; he focuses more heavily on his son. When she comes of age, Anakin gives Leia a small diplomatic position to occupy herself with.
>Leia is resentful towards her father for favoring Luke.
>Luke is his father's apprentice. He studies the art of the Force very carefully.
>One day, when he is a teenager, his father takes him to a military meeting. Luke speaks out against his father when Anakin suggests the massacre of many innocents in order to achieve some end.
>Anakin feels disrespected and challenges his son and padawan to a duel.
>Anakin cuts off Luke's hand and force chokes him until he passes out.
>Padme runs into the arena.
>Padme and Anakin have had a tense relationship for many years, now. He's taken to hitting her and even using the Force to do her harm, in fits of rage.
>Anakin beheads Luke's mother in front of him before he passes out from fear and exhaustion.
>When he wakes up, he sees the ghost of Obi-Wan, calling to him, instructing that he make his way to Dagobah.
>Luke does not recognize the man
>He wakes up in a hospital with a robot hand
>He sneaks away in a ship and arrives at Dagobah
>He finds Yoda, who teaches him the way of the light side
>Luke grows strong, finds his sister, who he discovers has actually been working in secret with the rebellion this entire time
>Somehow meet Han and Chewie and Lando and now the events of the Return of the Jedi can more or less happen the way that they did.
I really like that, surprised it hasnt already been done in the EU
>these graphics are better than the CG effects in the actual movie
this game was so good.
>>Padme runs into the arena.
>>Padme and Anakin have had a tense relationship for many years, now. He's taken to hitting her and even using the Force to do her harm, in fits of rage.
>>Anakin beheads Luke's mother in front of him before he passes out from fear and exhaustion.
>Anakin killing Padme
You're a fucking moron.
If not samefagging you're a moron for encouraging this faggotry
I'll be honest, that fucking swerve at the end got me
You might like Star Wars Infinities
>The comics tell the stories of alternate histories to the original trilogy...Each comic tells the story of what would have happened if certain key events in their respective canon sources had played out differently.
You obviously have no clue what it's like to live with a woman for 20 something years
ba dum tss
>>Anakin killing Padme
>You're a fucking moron.
*chokes her*
The thing is it's perfectly in-character and supported by EU sources for how Anakin really felt before Obi-Wan higher grounded him. Star Wars media from 2003 on was actually pretty great for the most part. This is the period of time that gave us KotoR 1 and 2, Republic Commando, the original Clone Wars series. If anything this is the biggest thing Disney fucked over.
Nice projection, user.
There's a difference between losing his temper at betrayal and outright decapitating her in front of their son.
It's been done very well in certain fanfictions, which in many cases are better than the EU. There's an extremely good fanfic, which has a title I don't remember, which was a trilogy about Luke being raised as General Skywalker's son. Anakin is a sort of military dictator who took power after overthrowing Palpatine.
It's a novel-length work, like 300 chapters, really entertaining. And Anakin's Empire is more morally ambiguous than Palpatine's Empire, it really does attempt to achieve good things through brutal means and that adds and interesting dimension to the rebel/empire conflict.
fukkin saved.
>There's a difference between losing his temper at betrayal and outright decapitating her in front of their son.
Not very much. Anakin murdered Jedi that he had essentially grown up with, who had been his family almost as much as his mother, Padme, and Obi-Wan had been. Is it really so much of a stretch to think he could lose control and swing his lightsaber at Padme?
Obi wan wasn't the only one you could kill...
Yeah, because it's fucking Padme.
Don't lie to anons. That's from a Jedi Academy mod.
Samefagging now, I really wish I could remember the name of it because it was pretty good. It almost feels Game of Thrones-like in certain places, with the way Luke navigates the cutthroat world of Imperial politics, despite being written long before Game of Thrones became very popular. I downloaded it in pdf form and read it on long trips between school and baseball games. Secretly, of course, I didn't want my teammates to know I was some sci-fi loving faggot.
>inb4 ASOIAF came out long before the show
I know, but the show wasn't made at the time.
True, but Anakin strangled Padme in Episode III.
"Movie Duels 2", one of my favorite video game mods ever. A lot of levels are very buggy, but the level where you play as Anakin and cut your way through the Jedi Temple might be the most entertaining 30 minutes of Star Wars video gameplay that I've ever done.
The music is ripped straight from the movie's OST, too. Hearing "Anakin's Betrayal" and "Anakin's Dark Deeds" really gives the screams of the Jedi you're chopping up some emotional impact.
/our game/?
>True, but Anakin strangled Padme in Episode III.
It still feels like a stretch to go from one isolated incident of force choke and Anakin turns into a wife beater who decapitates Padme.
>"Movie Duels 2", one of my favorite video game mods ever. A lot of levels are very buggy, but the level where you play as Anakin and cut your way through the Jedi Temple might be the most entertaining 30 minutes of Star Wars video gameplay that I've ever done.
Tey had that in the Episode III game too, but Jedi Academy combat is so satisfying even though I dodn't know what I was doing half the time and it felt like my lightsaber duel victories were more random than anything else...
>Anakin knew sinning was a good trick because Plagueis gave him life and Plagueis taught Sheev how to spin
Really massages you midichlorians....
>It still feels like a stretch to go from one isolated incident of force choke and Anakin turns into a wife beater who decapitates Padme.
I don't think it's that big of a stretch. I'm not the guy who posted that wall of greentext at the beginning of the thread, but Anakin strangling Padme was down to a moment of rage overpowering his judgement and sense of decency, much like Anakin chopping off Dooku's head. In a scenario in which Anakin is the Emperor (or more likely, some kind of "temporary" military dictator) I do't think it's much of a stretch for Anakin to have been so worn down by more than a decade of trying to rule the galaxy that he's even more prone to anger than before.
What was once a short choking session turns into decapitation. You see it happen all the time in real life. Abusive husbands and wives start by verbally abusing their spouses, then move on to slapping, then hitting, and then next thing you know they've got a kitchen knife and Bob/Sally is lying on the ground with 23 stab wounds.
>Tey had that in the Episode III game too, but Jedi Academy combat is so satisfying even though I dodn't know what I was doing half the time and it felt like my lightsaber duel victories were more random than anything else...
Have you tried installing the saber lock mod? It allows you to intentionally deflect your opponent's attacks, and it adds a sort of strategic element to lightsaber combat. If you get the timing right, you can parry attacks and get an open shot at enemies. If you get it wrong, you die. It's compatible with Vanilla Jedi Academy and with Movie Duels 2, in both cases it makes the game much more entertaining because you're actually "dueling" instead of just slashing at random.
>Sheev was able to plan and orchestrate a civil war and take over of the republic senate by strategic use of temporary votes of total power
>wasn't able to sense his emotionally compromised new apprentice doing a dramatic swirl and stab
>Abusive husbands and wives start by verbally abusing their spouses, then move on to slapping, then hitting, and then next thing you know they've got a kitchen knife and Bob/Sally is lying on the ground with 23 stab wounds.
People who criticize Lucas for having Anakin choke out Padme are missing this, imo. There are many cases of abusive, psychotic, or PTSD-afflicted people committing violent acts against their spouses. It just happens that Anakin had telekinetic powers, so his abusive act involved strangling with his mind. Anakin's characterization is the most misunderstood and underrated part of the prequels, Lucas made him the kind of person who was likely to turn evil and did a very good job of it as far as I'm concerned.
People who are upset about it are upset because of Obi-Wan's line in Episode IV (he was a good friend) and Episode VI (the good man who was your father...). If you accept that Obi-Wan was wrong, which he obviously was because he thought Anakin couldn't even be redeemed, then Anakin committing horrible acts in Episodes II and III makes sense.
I'm still samefagging, by the way. Don't want to give the impression that some other person is agreeing with me.
shitty fanfic, nerd
>>wasn't able to sense his emotionally compromised new apprentice doing a dramatic swirl and stab
He was, actually. Remember in Episode III?
>"Captain Kagi, have your men prepare my shuttle. I sense Lord Vader is in danger."
He felt this halfway through the Obi-Wan and Anakin fight. He realized that Anakin was about to get fucked up several minutes before it happened.
Unless you're talking about this cut scene from Episode III. In which case it's very likely that Palpatine simply misunderstood Anakin. Anakin was a ball of rage and psychotic urges at this point, which is why Palpatine sent him after the Separatists. It's very possible that Palpatine could have recognized this but failed to recognize that Anakin planned to kill him. It's similar to the way that the Jedi failed to recognize that clones' feelings of honor and loyalty to the republic were being twisted to carry out Order 66.
I'm very drunk, I got a big bottle of Bacardi gold for my21st birthday and I've drank half of it in the past hour and I haven't been this drunk since I was 15 and maybe my posts aren't making sense and they're way too long and poorly organized
I guess it feels very weird to me for how much he mourned her after she died. And how he still loved her. But then again I know people irl who are abusive and loved their significant others they were abusing. So maybe this isn't totally off-base. But it's hard for me to see Vader/Anakin as a wife beater even with the force choking. Though you're right. That is abuse/assault.
>Unless you're talking about this cut scene from Episode III. In which case it's very likely that Palpatine simply misunderstood Anakin. Anakin was a ball of rage and psychotic urges at this point, which is why Palpatine sent him after the Separatists. It's very possible that Palpatine could have recognized this but failed to recognize that Anakin planned to kill him. It's similar to the way that the Jedi failed to recognize that clones' feelings of honor and loyalty to the republic were being twisted to carry out Order 66.
He definitely underestimated what Anakin was planning. The Ep III novelization makes it pretty clear he was planning on betraying Sheev pretty soon after his turn. Sheev just saw him as his golden boy, and only really started being a cunt to Vader after he got disfigured. That's when they more obviously were conspiring against one another.
top kek
>video game dialogue is better than the Lucas film script
Avatar The Last Airbender did that already
>I guess it feels very weird to me for how much he mourned her after she died. And how he still loved her.
It's how abusive people act. My mom abused me and my little sister for most of our childhoods but she truly loves both of us. She's kicked us, punched us, scratched us, but every time she's felt real remorse afterwards. I remember one time I was 12, she kicked me so many time in the side that one of my ribs cracked (we blamed it on a lacrosse injury when I got to the hospital) and she couldn't stop crying and she truly felt remorse on par with the way Anakin felt after killing Padme.
>But it's hard for me to see Vader/Anakin as a wife beater even with the force choking.
Abusive people can often be very sweet and decent in all other aspects of their lives. Anakin was a war hero who saved many people and was always kind to everyone he knew. My mom is a nurse who has sved many people's lives and goes to church every sunday and gives money to charity and sends my sister and I homecooked meals while we're off at school. People like them are fundamentally good people, they're just mentally ill and act like evil people on certain occasions for reasons completely out of their control.
If my mom had accidentally killed me, I am certain that she would ahve fely just as guilty as Anakin felt fort killing padme.
Exactyly. Sheev understood the Rule of Two, he was the perfect Sith Lord, the culmination of literally 1000 year of Sith planing. But just like Obi-Wan and Yoda were ultimate Jedi but were sitll blind, Sheev was ultimately blind about the nature of other Stih. He believed that Anakin was still 100% dependent on him, the idea of Anakin actually choosing to overthrow him was almost not even considered from Sheev's PoV in the EP III novelization. It's funny, because with all of his cunning he should have realized right away that a fully-powered Anakin's first move owuld have been to murder his master.
Hell, he's even happy about Anakin killing his old master!
Sheev, talking to Yoda: "Who did you send to kill Lord Vader? Is it Kenobi? Oh, please say it's Kenobi, I do so love it when Vader kills people who care about him."
He was literally laughing and gloating about Anakin doing the exact same thing to his Jedi master, without even considering the possibility that Vader would turn on his Sith Master. That's the power of arrogance.
These are good points. My dad was physically abusive to me too for most of my childhood and part of my adulthood too though it calmed down mostly after I was 7. So I get what you're saying. Really makes you look at Anakin's character differently though. I wonder how triggered Vader would get if someone called him a wife beater off-handedly without actually knowing what he did.
>I wonder how triggered Vader would get if someone called him a wife beater off-handedly without actually knowing what he did.
Oh man, that would be one hell of a great scene. Like in a verstion of Star Wars where Anakin wins the duel and take over the galaxy (he was a popular good looking war hero, so it could happen). Padme, formerly a bright-eyed, vocal pro-peace idealist, is suddenly a quiet good little housewife who approves of her husband's brutal military dictatorship, like a sci-fi version of Evita Peron. Senator Bail Organa makes a snide remark quietly about the fact that "General Vader" probably beats the shit out of his (formerly) pacificst wife, which is why she stopped being so pro-peace and suddenly turned into a Space version of Evita Peron.
Senator Organa disappears less than 24 hours later. He spends the next week in a dungeon in the Imperial Palace, begging for mercy while Vader electrocutes him. Alderaan is placed under imperial occupant indefinitely. Senators stop talking about Vader's wife.
>Exactyly. Sheev understood the Rule of Two, he was the perfect Sith Lord, the culmination of literally 1000 year of Sith planing.
This is what makes Palpatine so ironic as a Sith, just like Anakin is so ironic as a Jedi. In many ways, they each would have been far more successful had they been raised by the "other side". Anakin had all the tools to be a great Sith Lord: incredible strength, a belief in force above all else, genuine good intentions paired with brutal methods of executing those intentions, and a good looks/charm to go along with it. Palpatine would have been a flawless Jedi. Able to keep his emotions under wraps, remembering the mission above all else, long-term planning above short-term impulses, willing to trust the force even when he has a lightsaber at his throat......if Palpatine had been discovered by the Jedi as a young child, he would have been a perfect successor to Yoda.
Ironically, this is also what made Dooku such a good Sith and what would have made Obi-Wan a flawless Sith Lord (which Dooku recognized, which is why he begged Palpatine to train Obi-Wan instead of Anakin). The ability to channel anger/fear only when necessary, the willingness to trust in a long-term plan, the ability to keep a calm exterior at all times.....Palpatine made a huge mistake by choosing to focus on Anakin. The smart thing to do would have been to murder Anakin, take Obi-Wan prisoner, and turn him into a Sith Lord. If the imperial military had been led by a dark obi-wan, the rebellion wouldn't have even lasted a year.
There was also a good fanfic involving a dark obi-wan. Basically, Anakin dies in some meaningless clone wars battle, and Sheev is super pissed off, then he realizes "wait a second, kenobi is the strongest jedi and he's all confused by grief and shit" and slowly turns obi-wan to the dark side. It's terrifically writte, for some reason star wars seems to attract a surprising number of fanfic writers who actually know how to write, maybe because they tend to be older/better educated and our fanbase is so desperate to re-write the (mostly) disappointing prequels. Fucking christ, I wish I could remember the name of the story, it was unironically my favorite written work when I was 14, although that's probably not a very good sign.
Again, I'm samefagging. All these paragraph lnog rambling eu posts are written by the same drunk user.
I was talking specifically about this alt-canon scene yeah
Sheev is shown to be calculating but doesn't understand Anakin is likely to murk anyone
Kind of similar to Roose Bolton not thinking "hey maybe my mentally ill son might kill me in season 6, I should stay out of knife's range of him" if you've seen GoT
it's just inconsistent with his character
i realize i'm nitpicking about an alternate ending scene in a shitty game that no one at lucasarts probably had to ask permission to script that way
i have autism
Speaking of fanfics, have you read a fanfic where Luke gets adopted by the Organas and Leia gets adopted by Ben and Beru? Luke ends up getting kidnapped by Sheev as a kid and is trained to become a Sith alongside Vader, while Leia is trained to become a Jedi.
I think the idea of Sheev being calculating but underestimating Anakin is very consistent with his character. In a way, Sheev almost certainly cares about Anakin.
We see this happen in the Star Wars universe all the time, even with sith. Dooku spares Obi-Wan because he sees him as "one of the good ones", a potential perfect Jedi for his future order and almost a sort of grandson. Anakin shows admirable restraint towards Obi-Wan, with the whole "don't make me kill you" thing (while he just slaughtered all the other Jedi). Even Sith are prone to emotional weakness. THis is just headcanon, but I believe hat Sheev began to see Anakin as a son almost as much as Anakin saw Sheev as a father. Also, we always believe that people will be better towards us than they were towards others. Think of all the dudes you know who began dating women who were already dating someone else, then were somehow surprised when she cheated on them. Or the young people stunned by the revelation that they had some kind of chronic or terminal illness. Or the absurdly dangerous things we did as teenagers, convinced that we wouldn't get hurt despite all logic pointing to the contrary. We never, ever, ever think that the rules that apply to everyone else apply to us.
Oh shit, that sounds terrific. I haven't read it, and I was under the impression that I've read every star wars fic. I even read one wher Obi-Wan lands on Middle Earth! Can you give me the link? I'd love to check it out.
The first part of this sounded so much like avatar the last airbender i cant take it seriously hahahaha
For real, just imagine Luke as Zuko. They are both whiny bitches at first, it lines up so well hahahahaha
Ya, I agree with this.
If Anakin had won that battle, or if it ended in a stalemate, or if Anakin left without being dismembered somehow, he would have been absolutely unstoppable.
He would have been by far the most powerful being in the galaxy and the Emperor would have no way of stopping him.
Vader is canonically more powerful than Sheev. He just didn't really do anything about it until the end.
If a full powered Anakin was to take on Sheev, it would have been a push over (assuming Anakin could control himself).
>Star Wars under Lucas
>Awesome video games, comics, books, and lore at the cost of 3 shitty prequel films
>Star Wars under Disney
>New films released every year that play it safe at the cost of mediocre video games, books, comics, and lore
Which do you prefer?
There's also a fanfic that focuses on Obi-Wan sending Vader back to the past after his death in ROTJ so that he can change the future for the better.
>shitty film
Neck yourself.
It had moments of brilliance, but the overall package was shitty.
Where even are the video games? New Battlefront? That's it? God damnit Disney there were like 8 god damn Star Wars games a year back in the day.
and usually half of them were good. Now we get shit like battlefront and mobile trash that all suck
Please enjoy your star wars chess mobile game.
Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas
I actually like it a little better than ROTJ. Dialogue was typical Lucas cringe most of the time but god damn what a beautiful flick
>audio switches to some nerds voicing obi wan and anakin.
why couldn't lucas make the actors do it.
>all of these people who were abused by their parents
well, that explains a lot
this image is cringey and whoever made it is a pathetic froth-mouthed retard
You're compeltely right. As interesting as the idea of Anakin conquering the galaxy would be, and as interesting as Luke's journey would have been if he knew from Day 1 that he was the Emperor's son, the original is certainly better frmo a movie standpoint. Emperor 90% human Anakin is so powerful that it would make the story boring. It's like if you made a movie with Sueperman as the villain. Imagine how Episode 6 would play out with Emperor Anakin.
"I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
"Ok then."
*murders luke*
These all look cool, I'll check them out, thanks.
I unironically love Episode III. It's difficult to explain because the dialogue is objectively bad and the story isn't great, but the way it creates lore and headcanon offers escapism that few other movies can match. In real life conversation, I would say 5>4>6>3>1>2. But in terms of what I personally would enjoy watching the most? It's 5>3>6>4>2>1 every time. I fucking love this move so much. The beautiful reworking of the original star wars theme as Anakin and Obi-Wan fly across a Republic cruiser, Dooku's overconfidence giving way to terror, the explosion of lava on mustafar, Anakin's not-so-subtle suspicion that Obi-Wan is banging his wife, the moment where Anakin kills Dooku (flawlessly mirroring Vader's decision to save Luke in 6), the opening notes of "Anakin's Betrayal" as Obi-Wan falls into the lake, the choir screaming as Anakin savagely murders the Separatists.....I fucking love this movie, every scene, every shot, every note, every shitty piece of dialogue, even the deliciously awkward Anakin/Padme scenes, which sound exactly like me and my gf in high school trying to be all romantic and shit with one another (she unironically tried quoting romeo & juliet once, it was as adorable as it was cringy).
Anakin would have eventually killed Padme when she got in the way of his conquest of the galaxy.
Anakin was evil. He used Padme as a means of self-rationalization, but deep down he went to the dark side because he wanted power.
>Anakin keeps hurting Padme when bad shit happens
>he feels bad because he did bad things, falls further into the dark side
>does more bad things
I can see that going to some bad places, emotional stability was never Anakin's thing and it seems like you've got to be one cold motherfucker to use the dark side effectively.
Whatever happened to movie tie-in vidya? Going back 10-15 years ago it seemed like nearly every big studio tentpole flick got some kind of console game to coincide with the theatrical release, and even though they were mostly all trash, every now and then you'd get something surprisingly competent like Revenge of the Sith or Spider-Man 2 or those early few Harry Potter games. I sort of miss it.
I'm not sure this is it, though. The work I remember was entirely from Luke's PoV, and it was ridiculously long. Like so long that I spend days (like 5+ hours at a time) reading it, and I'm one of those freaks who reads super-quickly (burned through Atlas Shrugged in a few hours). Either way, it looks really cool, can't wait to go through the whole thing.
Console games are a lot more expensive to produce now, even shitty ones.
People expect a higher standard of games now and it's harder to do
>Anakin was evil. He used Padme as a means of self-rationalization, but deep down he went to the dark side because he wanted power.
YES. EXACTLY. Anakin is fundamentally an evil person, and he always was. This is what so many older fans fail to understand when they complain about prequel Anakin being evil. Anakin acts exactly the way a future evil person would act. Look at famous dictators and murdereds through history. Where they nice people who just flipped a switch one day? Of course not. Hitler talked about slaughtering the Jews and Russians literally 20 years before he actually did it.
Deep down, Anakin was an evil person, or at the least a severely mentally ill person who would have killed Padme. Remember that Anakin was a young boy slave. Just think of all the horrible shit we've read about young male slaves being forced to do in Africa and the Middle East, that will certainly fuck up anyone lateri n life. In a lot of ways, this makes Luke's redemption of Anakin even more impressive. Luke didn't bring a fundamentally good person back. He took a fundamentally evil person and coaxed one critical good act out of him when it mattered most, finally fully turning him food.
Vidya game tie-ins are sadly usually errible.
The only good vidya movie tie-ins I remember are harry potter 3, spiderman 2, star wars battlefront 1+2, and star wars ep 3 (solely because of the excellent lightsaber duels, I've lost track of how much time me and my best friend spent playing that).
You can argue that other games based on movies have been very good (KOTOR being the ultimate example and what really launched Bioware's journey from small-time rpg maker to eventually massive EA RPG sellouts), but they weren't directly taken from the plots of a movie.
To be fair, Lucasarts was a loose cannon and had so many failed games, movie ideas, storylines, etc. In addition to cancerous business practices.
Granted, Disney is not much better and I hate that they basically gave everything over to EA rights wise without much effort.
*finally turning him good
Not "food". Although I guess technically, at least some of Anakin's flesh became food for the organisms living on endor. The ewoks probably took the Roast Anakin that Luke prepared and used it in a stew or something lol.
Yeah there is definitely something about ROTS that spawns more stories and fires the imagination.
>"murders Luke"
But in this continuity, Luke has been able to train since birth, right? So he's gonna be a bit OP as well.
>To be fair, Lucasarts was a loose cannon and had so many failed games, movie ideas, storylines, etc. In addition to cancerous business practices.
Yes, but this is what I love about it. Don't get me wrong, the lows of Lucasarts are unbelievably low. Dark Empire, "Bloodlines", "Fury", most of the Vong series, almost anything written by Traviss (nothing against her personally, but she has a bad habit of endlessly shoehorning Mandos where they don't belong).
But the highs? Fucking hell, I love the highs like nothing else I've ever read, played or watched. KOTOR, Bane, Thrawn, "Betrayal", Ganner Rhysode, Coran Horn, almost every EU thing Lando does (he becomes the coolest character ever), the Imperial Knights, Han conning an entire fucking PLANET, Jacen Solo's transition from class clown/animal rights activist to Palpatine 2.0 (yes it was clunky in places, but the arc as a whole? perfection), Admiral Pellaeon, EU Luke becoming a more powerful, more flawed Obi-Wan......perfection.
But he was supposed to learn how to keep pandabear alive from sheev.
Fucking christ, you're right. That would be the greatest fight ever. The two most powerful force users to ever live, one a Jedi, one a Sith, fighting for control of the galaxy.
Oh, and I forgot to mention Republic Commando, the Episode III novelization, and the 501st legion levels from Battlefront II.
"Did we have any quiet, traitorous thoughts? Maybe. But we didn't say them out loud. Not when Order 66 came down, not when we went to Coruscant, not when Skywalker ordered us to murder his own kind. Not a word."
now they all make shitty wait2play mobile games
Sheev's one weakness was probably Anakin.
>known him since he was a little kid
>might have had a hand in creating him
>hooked him up with his oneitis
>Anakin chose him over Obi/Jedi (this would have been Sheev's interpretation.
>Travels halfway across the galaxy to rescue him on Mustafar
>Tenderly lays his hands on burnt Anakin
>Keeps him around afterwards even despite Anakin's power loss
>Trusts him so much that it got him killed.
Ian McDiarmid is a good enough actor to sell little things like this under the radar.
It's not technically a movie tie-in, but the (relatively) new Star Wars game isn't bad at all. It's one of those multiplayer online games with a lot of people, I've played through the Knight and Consular storylines and had a blast. Never got into the whole "group play" thing except for missions where it's 100% necessary though. The trailers are god-tier, too, IMO they're literally better than Episode 1. In some ways they make me think "this is what the prequels SHOULD have been".
>"You assumed no force could challenge you. And now....finally.....we have returned."
>Regular human soldiers charging into certain death against full-fledged Sith Lords, knowing that the freedom of the entire galaxy depends on it
>My first day as a member of the 501st... it was hot, it was sandy, chaotic. Nothing at all like the simulations on Kamino. Of course that's pretty much the way it was for all of us, wasn't it? All that breeding, all those years of training... it doesn't really prepare you for the all the screaming or the blood, does it? Frankly I'm still amazed we ever made it through the first hour, nevermind the first day.
The 501st Journal was literal SW vidya kino.
There is a full conversion mod called Movie Battles II (don't know if it's same mod the other user is talking about). It adds actual saber combat ( stamina/block points vs Attack Points, combos, perfect blocking etc ). It's pretty damn good for a mod. It's still regularly updated, but has a very high learning curve, and a relatively small community who aren't exactly forthcoming with advice. You can find servers usually full but it's the same 2-3 with mostly the same players. If you can get passed the learning curve it's a ton of fun.
It also adds other classes such as bounty hunter, hero, storm trooper and whatnot. Each class has certain skill builds you can do to unlock niche abilities ( Force Repulse for Jedi/Sith or a Laser Mini Gun for Mandolorians ) and believe it or not gunners generally have the advantage over saber users. Jedi/Sith are generally support roles. Plus there are fun classes like Droid Deka or Wookie that are easily countered but fun to play.
I've already rambled on, here is a video of the gameplay of the mod.
Yeah, it really is cool. Palpatine was legitimately concerned about Anakin, as far more than just the representation of the legacy of the Sith.
And to a certain extent you can see it in Episode 6. Sheev kept trying to goad Luke into attacking him, because he *knew* Anakin would protect him. It's similar to the way that any father would expect his son to have his back in a fight.
>Anakin chose him over Obi/Jedi (this would have been Sheev's interpretation.
It's not just sheev's interpretation, imo it's what actually happened. Anakin was given a straight choice in Episode III: Jedi Council and Palpatine, not only as a matter of who could save Padme but who could help him achieve his dreams. He chose Palpatine.
>Ian McDiarmid is a good enough actor to sell little things like this under the radar.
Agreed, he's a fucking terrific actor. If Disney decides to do more work, either in tv or movies, with that "golden age of the empire" era (basically the 19 years in between episode III and episode IV), I really hope he makes a repeat appearance.
Are you saying he was connected to the Darkside the whole time, or that he was an evil psychopath?
Coz he clearly cared about other people.
>Helping literal strangers in TPM at great personal risk (and he started helping them before he knew Qui Gon was a Jedi).
>Not killing Watto in AOTC when he had a chance to do so.
>Going back to save clones at the beggining of ROTS despite Obi's orders.
>Loves his mama despite being brainwashed not to love her for nearly his whole life by psychic monks.
>Having a fairly bro-tier relationship with Obi despite Anakin being an Autistic Schoolshooter Chad whereas Obi is a beta whiteknighting trilby faggot.
I left out all the padme stuff, obviously, because he could have just been trying to shag the Hershlagg.
The acting and the effects are about the same as in the movie. Thankfully it was only about have as long.
>It's still regularly updated, but has a very high learning curve, and a relatively small community who aren't exactly forthcoming with advice.
The learning curve is so high that I just enable "god mode" every time I play lol. It's a fun way to play out certain scenarios in single-player. My happiest memory with the mod (haven't played since I was like 13) was selecting Obi-Wan as my character, using cheats to switch my lightsaber color to red, and slaughtering the Jedi. Imagining what must have happened to turn Obi-Wan, Mr. Perfect Jedi, into a Sith Lord, is almost as entertaining as the game itself.
Star Wars ep III doesn't have playable Sheev in it. Its really tickles my autism.
They have fucking Cin Drallig and some OC Donut Steel Jedi chick.
You can play as ANH Obi, and a fucking Magnaguard. Everyone is on the roster in at least some portion of the game, except the main villain, who has multiple big fights in ROTS.
The even reconstruct the Chancellory fight but leave him out of its. Its insane.
>Are you saying he was connected to the Darkside the whole time, or that he was an evil psychopath?
>Coz he clearly cared about other people.
Caring about other people and being a psycho are not mutually exclusive.
Even the worst serial killers, gangster, and dictators had wives and girlfriends who they truly loved. Caring about other people and being on the dark side are not mutually exclusive either. Remember the entire foundation of the dark side is the recognition that love and strong peelings are everything.
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength."
The Sith do care about other people. They care about them so much that they allow the emotions to overwhelm them and make them hurt those people. Love isn't far from jealousy, and jealousy isn't far from greed.
>They have fucking Cin Drallig and some OC Donut Steel Jedi chick.
lol, I remember that girl, she had two lightsabers and a uniform that looked more like a leather stripper's outfit than anything actually practical. I remember feeling sort of bad when I was playing as Anakin and you have to basically squash her with a giant stone pillar as part of the level.
>The even reconstruct the Chancellory fight but leave him out of its. Its insane.
I remember this, it drove me nuts. I just wanted to electrocute people :(
anakin also kills dindu in a duel
I was so disapiuntef when that didnt happen on the movie considering the came before the movie
>Anakin acts exactly the way a future evil person would act. Look at famous dictators and murdereds through history. Where they nice people who just flipped a switch one day
This is one of the few aspects of Anakin's characterization I agreed with.
Anakin vs Windu would have been so much better than Sheev vs Windu in the movie that it's tough to put into words. Hayden Christensen spent literally months preparing for his fights, training with a legit swordsman, getting on a new diet to bulk up, as did McGregor. That's part of the reason why their duel, as goofy and drawn-out as it was, was entertaining. Sam Jackson could have easily done the same. McDiarmid, however, as excellent of an actor as he is, is an old man, he wasn't physically capable of doing any of that so the entire fight suffered.
An Anakin vs Windu fight would have allowed more time to explore Anakin's decision, too. IIRC, the game actually goes in depth with this (rare for a video game lol).
>Windu: "He's manipulating you! Making you turn against the Jedi Order. Can't you see that?"
>Anakin: "All I see is a supposed peace-loving Jedi trying to assassinate a politician. I won't allow it."
Not excellent dialogue by any standard, but compared to "I need him!.....NOOO!" it's fucking Shakespeare.
>More Ian McDiarmid
Agreed, as long as he doesn't become Rey's great grandfather or something.
>Anakin chose Sheev over the Jedi
Kinda agree. He definitely would have cut Mace's hand off to save Sheev 10/10 times.
But if it was Obi vs Sheev and Ani had to kill one to save the other, I reckon he would save Obi.
Something about the "his fate will be the same as ours" delivery.
Even when he is totally 110% drunk on the darkside he still doesn't want to kill Obi. Apparently Obi means more to him than the lives of little kids. More to him than not beating up his wife. He even thinks Obi fucked Padme and he still doesn't want to kill him.
Compare that to:
>"I'm more powerful than the Emperor, I can defeat him."
Sheev liked Anakin more than Anakin liked him. Anakin liked Sheev, but he and Obi were brothers.
Also, he and Obi Wan actually have some pretty good chemistry in those deleted scenes.
>*killing TF Droids*
>Obi: "Roger"
>Anakin: "Roger"
Avatar the Last Skywalker
Yeah but if he cares about a fair amount of other people, some of whom are not blood relatives/Hershlagg, then is he really "evil" like you were saying?
I would say he's pretty morally normal, just very intense, like someone with a BSD something.
Then the Darkside gets into him a bit and he ends up killing Younglings, but the Darkside is clearly a min-altering substance the way Sheev talks about it in ROTJ, so that's not really Anakin's fault.
If you use the infinite force mana cheat you can settle the entire Anakin vs Obi fight in the last level with nothing but Anakin's lightning.
Just hold down the button and fry Obi until the cutscene. Its kino.
>I actually used to scream "Unlimited Power" at my little brother when playing this game.
>Agreed, as long as he doesn't become Rey's great grandfather or something.
Oh god no this is probably exactly what's going to happen....I can already see it now, they're going to drive 3 cars full of cash up to McDiarmid's house and he's not going to be able to say no...
>Even when he is totally 110% drunk on the darkside he still doesn't want to kill Obi. Apparently Obi means more to him than the lives of little kids. More to him than not beating up his wife. He even thinks Obi fucked Padme and he still doesn't want to kill him.
>Something about the "his fate will be the same as ours" delivery.
Yeah, I got that feeling too. Palpatine can push Anakin to the limits of human decency and even sanity, but Obi-Wan and Padme are the limit. Remember how Anakin said "the Chancellor thinks I should lead the attack on Grievous"? Sheev did that intentionally, because he knew that by making this suggestion the Council would never send Anakin. But who else would they send? Who's the only other Jedi skilled enough as a general and in combat to take on Grievous and crush him? Obi-Wan. Separating the two of them was the key to Palpatine's whole plan.
And again, that's excellent realism from Lucas and he doesn't get enough credit. I would murder the dictator who destroyed my family's country in a heartbeat, no matter how much he helped me, the same way Anakin wants to kill the man who started the clone wars. But if my big brother, who has looked out for me my whole life, turned on me, or banged my gf? I would hate him, but I still wouldn't want to kill him.
>Sheev liked Anakin more than Anakin liked him. Anakin liked Sheev, but he and Obi were brothers.
Yes, I love how the Episode III novelization makes this perfectly clear. Anakin is looking for ways to avoid killing Obi-Wan, even thought it doesn't last long. But with Sheev, he's planning to murder him right away.
Sith/Darkside doesn't mean you're a pure evil killing machine, it just means you allow your emotions to guide your actions
I could be completely wring though
No it means your emotions dominate your actions and you're an evil bastard.
Why don't they make Star Wars games like this anymore?
>Yeah but if he cares about a fair amount of other people, some of whom are not blood relatives/Hershlagg, then is he really "evil" like you were saying?
Absolutely. "Evil" is very subjective. For example, Adolf Hitler is the ultimate example of evil in modern western society. But he undoubtedly cared a great deal about the people of Germany.
>I would say he's pretty morally normal, just very intense, like someone with a BSD something.
Yes, I think Anakin certainly has some kind of mental disorder. Being enslaved literally from birth isn't good for your sanity. Just read about what they do to Afghan slave boys, and that should give you an idea of what Anakin is so fucked up.
>but the Darkside is clearly a min-altering substance the way Sheev talks about it in ROTJ,
I don't think it is. The "dark side" imo is nothing more than a conscious choice to use the force in a certain way. We see throughout the movies and the EU that the dark side can be used for good and for evil: Obi-Wan uses it to kill Maul, Anakin uses it to kill Dooku, Luke uses it to kill Vader, Luke uses it to basically win a war by himself (the power creep in the EU got sort of out of hand, but you get the idea)...It's just a mystical way of saying "doing something deeply emotional". Anakin's murderous impulses were always there, they were just never fully recognized by the other Jedi because he was taking them out on droids for the most part.
But allowing your emotions to dominate your actions doesn't mean you'll always do the evil thing
Not necessarily. Sheev/Palpatine/Sidious/the Sith'ari often repressed his emotions for the good of his long term plan. While on the other side of things, beacons of the "light side" like Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Windu routinely used their emotions to fuel their short-term and long-term actions.
Although I guess there are no real EU examples of somebody consistently using the dark side and remaining good. The only example I can think of is "Darth Vectivus", a supposed Sith Lord who turned to the dark side, then led a peaceful, quiet life, studying the force and reading books. But then again he very well could have been an imaginary story, since he was used to help turn Anakin's grandson to the darkside (just like Sheev used the possibly fictional tale of Plaguies to help turn Anakin to the dark side).