"I honestly believe that Great Britain is the greatest

country in the world."

HahaHAHAHAHAHA, do Brits seriously believe the UK (or Great Britain) is the best country in the world???

Other urls found in this thread:


We will be on Friday

If they leave they will be pretty based

German cuck that hates Germans and wants United States of Eurabia.

What if they leave, beef up their military/police force a smidge, secure borders, and quit hiring faggot liberal teachers

the english suffer from severe delusions, in their own minds their still have an empire and power. if they leave they will finally have to learn the sad truth

>German cuck that hates Germans and wants United States of Eurabia.


But I am still questioning that the UK is anywhere close to be the best country in the world. It is somewhere on rank 27 or 28.

>Germany having trouble understanding patriotism
Such a surprise

You should be more concerned about overthrowing your cucked democracy and installing a new German Empire

Everything that was once "great" about Great Britain went to the USA after we cucked King George III

stfu Abdul from Germany

Have some Sup Forums gold sir

We are certainly better than yours.



>Are you content to be occupied and protected by American aeroplanes? Are you content to be in the position of an old woman, jipped by her young relations? You who were the greatest power on earth 120 years ago, and still can be! Why do I say, 'you still can be'? Because, my friends, I know you, I know the British people! We the British have put our effort, our energy of valor, of heroism, unequalled in the history of mankind.

Every patriot from whatever country should view their country as the best you fucking cuck kraut.

brit leavers are deludes idiots
it is confirmed by leave supportes education graph

yes go allign yourself with pleb


>Germany and Sweden are unfamiliar with the concept of patriotism

Sadly so predictable...

i'm quite patriotic, but it's easy when you're from glorious sweden. if i were english i imagine i'd be a bit more cautious before trying to pull a stunt like brexit, though

>failing NHS
>Minority white capital
>brainwashed into political correctness and anti racism
>Can't escape the influence of American culture which discourages critical thinking
>''Citizens'' are completely subjugated to their sovereign and don't have the right to bear arms
>More surveillance cameras than anywhere in the world
>highly regulated police state
>obesity rates comparable to America
>imports the food it gets fat off of because they're tiny isle cant sustain its inhabitants
>best country in the world
lol k

I don't know what you're talking about Hans, it's not as if you'll be taking that title any time soon.

> Commonwealth
> Crown countries: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Papua New Guinea
> Falklands too
> Not bad

We aren't as great as we could be. But we could be great again as trading giant soon. If you vote leave, brit/pol/

Sadly, some people do. Most British citizens are in favour of a large government, and the country reflects these beliefs; the United Kingdom can't possibly be a decent country because most of its citizens are retarded and are in favour of laws that I oppose.
And the past is irrelevant: what was once a delicious steak is now a turd in my toilet (I'm writing this while having a shit), so I don't hold dear to values and wondrous achievements we may have once had.

>Abdul so mad he had to make a thread

they're just a small island no one listens to

We have a lot of very stupid and very common people. Historically they were hard working and knew their place, but those times are gone.

And we are suffering the consequences of their stupid voting - especially the women.

its a great place, to leave. There is no future here.

WHo cares what you think? You arent British. He is. He loves his country and you piss on patiriotism?


You cucks need a dose of this:

I mean, you have no hope of becoming the greatest country in the world. That position is occupied and it will be for a long time.

If you get out of that den of vipers called the European Union you'll certainly be taking a step in the right direction, though.


You're the epicenter of sjws, faggots, pussies, .. and what's with all the mouse faced weak chin fuckers over there? An epidemic.

Encouraging that belief makes you blind to any shortcomings, especially if they are put on display and pointed out by others. It will ultimately lead to being satisfied with mediocrity, and praising the mundane and trivial. Only through reflection and an outward perspective can one truly improve on oneself.

The North Koreans enjoy their best country in the world, and cutting off electricity to the vast majority of the population then becomes an unquestioned standard.

>britain liberates itself
>forms colonial army
>I enlist
>I conquer Africa
>Britain becomes great again.