Heritage thread

heritage thread

Motherland forever





I'm a foreign student

I'm all Swedish, family has lived in the same area for as long back as records go, ancestors supposedly created Russia, pretty neat.


>Not drawing all the stars and stripes
Go back to the Eastern Yurop shitholes your family crawled out of you damn communist

spierdalaj kapitalistycznego szumowiny

What percentage white am I?

>What percentage white am I?

It doesn't matter, it's all diluted now anyway.

White but brown eyes
knocks off 5 whiteness.
Still, atleast you're not a spic so good job senpai.



All Irish. Jealous mutts?

Why don't you just ask us if we're jealous of the half-retarded purebred stray dogs on our doorstep begging for scraps

you septics and your "muh heritage" is the most pathetic shit i ever seen lmao

t. paki

Wouldn't Italians with blue/green/grey colored eyes have Germanic DNA?

100% english as far as i can trace... no worried about trying to assume other national identities like you are lmao

Send help plz


Top kek

>tfw no nazi grandparents

>tfw no parents


a century full of happenings

>Blond hair and blue eyes
Hitler is having an aneurysm as we speak

>inb4 "you wrote to much"
I'm proud of my family history, even its dark spots. Except for my cousin on my dad's side, she's fucked up and keeps trying to steal money from my grandma.

I reckon I might be a special snowflake. Atleast I've never come across someone like me and my brothers.

you should get more in touch with your kebab-removing roots, toothpaste

no bully pls

>Je moeder is geneukt door een Macedoniƫr en daar kwam jij uit voort
Gelukkig ken ik dat gevoel niet.


Goed voor jou vriend, ik ben tenminste niet zo'n allochtoon die alleen zijn afkomst als identiteit heeft.

My dad knows a lot about it, he tracked his entire family down, including family that went to Pennsylvania via Genoa, Southampton, Glasgow and Ellis Island.

r8, top tier

what's the dark blue flag in your great-grandfather's origin?

look closer pajeet

That doesn't even go back far enough for me. My family has lived in the same city for 150 years.

Wanna ask a lame ass question since this thread is already up.

What are the chances of a mixed couple having blonde, blue eyed children if blue 1 partner is blonde with blue eyes? I'm a brown eyed latino spic and my soon to be Norwegian wife is pale with blue eyes and a lot of he family has blue eyes but only some of them have blonde hair, mostly. Dont know my family but think i have some euro in me because im kinda light brown with have red hair in my chin / pubes but idk. Im a faggot.

I meant to reply to the op not my bad, imma fucking dope

I could help you out here
What eye color do your fiance's parents have and what eye color do your parents have?

I'm a retard who doesn't know european flags
help pls


All Swedish back to the 1800s. Do I get a medal?

How fucked am I?

Sweden has light blue color, so I thought it was something else, maybe some european region flag


>inb4 t. alberto barbosa

>All Swedish back to the 1800s. Do I get a medal?
Is it not Swedish prior to 1800's or do you just not know what your ancestry was before that time period

>tfw pure indian ancestry tainted by alberto barbossa

Portuguese all the way up for like 500 years.

Black Straight Hair
White Skin (50+ SPF)
Some Stray Orange Hairs on Beard
Green Eyes

Am I worthy? One of my female ancestors has the name Matamouro (muslimkiller).

>polish american nazi sympathizers
funny how it sounds insane but its kinda on the money
t polish american natsoc

1% potato nigger means 100% potato nigger


So are you white or what?

Hey I know now why you shill :^)

user I think your dad isn't your dad

Shit, his mom is probably not his mom either.

>So are you white or what?
I don't think so
More or less Indian with few Barbossa genes

All my ancestors are American going back a long ass way.

Before that British, mostly of the Scottish sort, and some Irish AFAIK.

For the record I've got brown hair and green eyes.

>father is from an old belorussian town where his family line lived for centuries
>suddenly learn it was 90% jewish before ww2
What to do pol? Am i joo now? father did become a merchant after communism collapse now that i think about it. But I look slavic, blue eyes and light hair.

Jew genes are mostly passed through mother so I think you should be safe

Outside of my great grandparents on both sides of my family, who were all born here, I don't know shit about my heritage.
Only thing I was told is that I'm a descendant of William Wallace.
Where can I look this shit up and it'd actually be true?

Literally English all the way back to 1600s as far as I know






Yeah same as mine. Need to go back really far for my European ancestry. German/English/Welsh

>all ancestors died while kids were young
>tfw when heritage died


kek, my bad mate, missed the post, i didnt meant to reply to you but fuck it.

I never knew my parents since i was dropped off at a firestation but im pretty sure im Mexican since im from the west coast.

Me, i have brown eyes and black hair, tho parts of me have red hair blended into my chin goat and pubic hair, but everything else is black. A pic of my mom shows she has red hair with
olive slight mid brown skin like mine. Mom also had brown eyes.

Her entire family is pale or sun tanned. Almost all her family has blue eyes, but out of the 15 blood relatives she has only about maybe 7/15 have blonde hair. Her family is light but they sometimes get a little tanned if they stay over here from the sunburn

No real complete catastrophes yet, come on guys!

this counts, right?

>tfw family tree was tainted by dutchroaches and scotcucks

Over in a distant land, after better futures...

62.5 Irish
12.5 Welsh
12.5 Austro-Hungarian
12.5 Polish

Atleast you tried, Tyrone.

It's alright, watermelon season is coming up.

i'm not a nigger.
i purchased a bicycle with my own money and then was promptly robbed of it by jamal

>niggers don't steal from other niggers
>I bought my own bike instead of stealing it
You're just even dumber than the rest of your dumb race.

Danish, immigrant parents. Jutland pig farmers since time began.

Alright lad, I'm going to assume then that your parents' eye colors were brown considering that its a common eye color among mexicans

Maybe this should be a probability

Be careful mods are becoming Sup Forums tier of cucks.

sorry what

Holy shit, my parents are really similar.

many centuries of german/danish/swedish nobility on my maternal side. can't find anything on paternal side unfortunately. dad claims wallon ancestry but so does everyone and i choose not to believe it

So, you have a hostage. Totally not something a nigger would do.

Just let him go and I'm sure they'll put you in a prison where black gangs dominate.

USA to Canada. I'm sorry bro.


Thanks for the post but green eyes? That's suppose to be rare last i checked. Doubt the graph applies to my situation but i'm going to assume there's an 26% chance of our children having blue eyes and even less for blonde hair. Kinda neat but also a bummer that im muddying up the gene pool.

I saw a picture of my grandfather when I was 7, he was a car salesman in the 50's (died in the 50s too) and was real tan all the time. I grew up thinking he was black. I mentioned it to the family once when I was 13 and they promptly had an intervention.

you're not very bright for a nigger, are you.
then again, niggers aren't smart.

I used to think that Blue Eyes x Brown Eyes usually results in green eyes
Was surprised when I found out that genes work pretty randomly


overseas chinks best chink

Grandpa used to wispier to me that Hitler should've won at family gatherings.

Wait, your grandmothers were concubines? They were allowed to keep their kids?

does anyone have a bigger template?

whats the flag with the lion on it?

whats the flag on the far left?

Mik'Maq abbo tribe in the Canadian east coast.