I'd love to see this guy BTFO all of Sup Forums

I'd love to see this guy BTFO all of Sup Forums

There isn't a single argument.

elmo or god?

whats the fucking point of this thread

You huys hate an entire religion because of the actions of a few extremists and vote for a racist to be edgy.

Where's the argument? Also Islamists want to see Christians dead.

Yeah "moderate islam" is so much better.

potato nigger

Really.... how many Christian terrorists have destroyed buildings, killed women and children, shot up gay clubs, declared a religious state, force the changing of laws in nations besides the ones they've been inhabiting for centuries?

Please tell me how a "few" extremists exist. Islam exists to force people into converting.

This God sounds like a faggot

>the irony of that second tweet

>Fear muslims
I don't understand why people just let these things get away with this. Fear, phobia, etc.
I'm starting to think that this isn't actually a cunning plan to discredit your opponent by making them appear irrational and driven by knee jerk emotions, but rather all they know because it's how they themselves function.

I'm not Muslim but I believe in death for adultery.

What does that make me?

No, stupid, we hate an entire religion because it's objectively cancerous and incompatible with Western society. All Muslims are carriers of the Islam virus.


>not the most cancerous leftist edgy atheist Twitter account there ever is
>"There are too many incompetent idiots online pretending to be smug geniuses"
BTFO themselves

I hope the manager suffers the Trump curse, holy shit



What the fuck is the point of this account ? He writes like a 17 year old r/atheist lurker from 2012

I dont hate an entire religion because of their actions, just the majority of them.



A crypto muslim

I don't fear ALL Muslims. I just fear a big chunk of them who's culture is incompatible with western society.

There have been roughly 30,000 terrorist attacks by muslims since 2000 so it's not a 'few extremists'. You obviously haven't been paying attention.