Currently re-watching this. Reminder that this film is the best prequel.
Currently re-watching this. Reminder that this film is the best prequel
I agree. Episodes 2 and 3 were the worst in the series by a wide margin. Before TFA at least.
2 and 3 were really bad but still nowhere near 1.
1 is probably the worst movie released by a big studio i have seen in general. Its so fucking bad i cant even describe it, everything, the characters, the story, the visuals, just...
The music was good though but yeah that doesnt make it better because having such epic music for such shitty visuals actually makes it even worse.
Also to the people in this thread saying 1 isnt a piece of shit: how fucking contrarian can you get? You dont get cool by liking one of the shittiest movies ever made
Whoa look at this badass.
Alright what the fuck is it with these threads?
No one here actually said that 1 isn't a piece of shit. Reread every post.
Attack Of The Clones is the worst by far.
I don't know.
Maybe I usually put III ahead of it, but it could be either desu
It's not II.
Also post the stream.
Well ok. But saying this movie isnt the worst in the series is still giving it way too much credit. Its obviously the worst.
3 is GOAT when it comes to the prequels.
1 is shit 2 is cringe worthy.
textbook pleb filter
In what ways is it the worst movie you've seen?
AotC and TPM are the two movies that you shouldn't watch when rewatching the saga so they have that in common but TPM is still way worse imo.
AotC had some cool Obi-Wan at least, also padme was hot
Attack is so much worse.
I don't know man. Two is just a piece of shit. I'd rather watch the podrace and the duel of the fates than see that shitty love story and that dreadful Obi-Wan adventure that goes nowhere.
I only watched the new trilogy, the old one bored me after a new hope.
Has anyone rewatched III recently? It has aged terribly and nothing happens until the last 20 minutes. Anakin just sits around Coruscant the whole movie, and who gives a fuck about Obi-Wan going after Grevious.
I > III > II
Awful dialogue, awful effects, uninteresting story
Not a single character is interesting, the "finale" with darth maul is completely shoehorned in to have something cool at the end. Naboo looked cheap and shitty. Overall a boring and bad movie, its not even "fun because its bad" its just bad really. When rewatching it with some friends we just laughed at how bizarre it is that this movie even exists, just so many shitty choices made (jar jar etc.)
Have you rewatched the other two recently? They aged 1000 times worse and even less is happening
AOTC is unwatchable.
All the prequels are unwatchable, you can say what you want about TFA and R1 but at least you can watch them and enjoy when they appear on the TV.
I tried watching it Episode 1 again after Rogue One, but I couldn't do it. I ended up turning it off and putting on Star Trek TOS.
That's a opinion that I'd he opposite of mine.
I'm never going to watch rogue One again and I'd gladly watch any of the prequels on tv.
Revenge of the Sith is pretty fun guys
Give it a watch when you have time!
Rogue One is Prequels bad. It's bad and its only worth is that it's tied to the OT
It's terrible. I mean its complete dogshit.
But yeah out of the three prequels it's the best one.
Disney shills need shekels too. CTR and JIDF can't hog it all!
Shut up contrarian idiot.
hehe you're okay kid. stick around!!!
5 > 4 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2
V > IV > RO > VI > VII > I > III > II
I've been found out!
5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > TFA > RO > 1 > 2
Objectively the most popular opinion.
Objectively the least controversial way to rate them.
AOTC is literally the best prequel.
My personal.
haven't seen R1 yet.
I think you mean best star wars flickino
It's as if a new Star Wars movie is in theaters.
I honestly hope this is your real opinion you fucking patrician
>Not watching AOTC for prime Hershlag
>Ani my goodness you've grown
What did she mean by this?
god, she's fucking ugly
So have you, grown more beautiful...
for a senator, I mean.
she wants his aryan dick in her jewish hag schnozzle
>a senator
This what an ugly bitch
Is that entire fucking room seriously CGI??
No. I' not entirely sure what the fuck's going on.
I think it's a partial set, so the first ~12 seconds they put a painting on the back to hide the incomplete hallway then removed it for the perspective change.
Either way, there's some terrible lighting going on here and it's just very ugly in general.