>talking shit about the force at rogue one premiere
Literally how much of a cunt is Bill Nye
>talking shit about the force at rogue one premiere
Literally how much of a cunt is Bill Nye
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good. star wars is for nerds
he's a big-time cunt, and lets his status as a former minor celebrity go to his head.
wow that's literal autism, no wonder he's loved at leddit
Him and Black Science Man need to fuck off already
>when reddit can't admit that Bill Nye is a dick irl
I wouldn't worry
dude's a minor celebrity who pushes his socialist politics all the time disguised as (((science)))
>Being mad because he said there is no force in reality
>itt autists getting assmad a loser is talking shit about a movie made for children
Isn't Bill Nye an engineer and not a scientist?
But his politics are for children.
Pretty sure he's neither, just a hack who got lucky.
That haircut on the guy on the right looks so fucking bad.
Lol not anymore. These days Star Wars is for numales and whores who want their attention.
Everything is for children according to you retards.
An Engineer and an actor from a sketch comedy show
"rationalists" are smug, obnoxious demagogues
>mfw pop sci dipshits like Bill Nye and Neil Degrasse try to disprove movie science
I can't stand watching it. Let me guess, he tips fedora about the force being similar to religion?
Really weird, like just talking shit for the sake of talking shit.
You haven't even watched the fucking video? Kill yourself
He's a literal Scientist, you're a fucking faggot
>I'd be a complete dick to people too if my entire line of work was completely backed by cold hard facts/evidence and a bunch of people still didn't believe it.
What is his entire line of work? Making a children's pop science show? What are they even talking about?
Don't give a shit about the movie. He's still a huge cunt dipshit, cashing in on faggot millennials with his science meme.
>no sound in space
he's right tho, its like the biggest mistake most scifi films make. people have been saying this shit for a long time now
Ndt is a popscientist and I have respect for Bill Nye for never putting up with his bullshit.
Bill Nye literally thinks the Roswell crash was a weather balloon.
>He's a literal Scientist, you're a fucking faggot
What has he contributed to the field of "science"? What are his major works?
star wars isnt sci fi
NDT is a literal Scientist, bro, he hasn't done any Scientific discourse but he's a Scholar of one of the hard Sciences
DESU this is a huge part of what made Gravity so appealing to me. Very cool film to see in the theater
>You have to contribute actively to Science to be a Scientist
No, you just have to be a scholar of one of the hard Sciences
wtf is discourse. You mean research? Has he done research? No? Then he's not a "literal Scientist, bro".
Bill "Im an engineer so I have authority to talk about genetics and climate change" Nye.
>I'd be a complete dick to people too if my entire line of work was completely backed by cold hard facts/evidence and a bunch of people still didn't believe it.
This guy thinks pretty highly of bill nye the bachelor's degree guy.
You sound like a fucking creationist putting Science in parenthesis like that, you cuck
>be a kid in the 90s
>see Bill Nye
>"Wow mom check it out! It's Bill Nye"
>the then proceeds to beat me because "Your insolence will be tolerated no longer, you little shit. Heil Hitler"
Bill Nye is a cunt.
>dude space magic from children's movie isn't scientific
thanks reddit man
>scientist meme man telling you shit a 12 year old can
This old fart needs to go back to the retirement home, what a cunthead he is.
You sound like a real jerk.
>reddit interviewer specifically asks Bill to nitpick the science
>people get mad at Bill Nye
star wars is not sci-fi. and the idea that films set in space having sound is always "a mistake" is pure nonsense; sound is a critical element of modern filmmaking, and its inclusion in outer-space settings is an artistic choice
He's still a stupid meme cunt.
Good star wars is for faggots and man children in their 30s.
This is literally Neil Degrasse Tyrone levels of autism.
>Neil DeGrasse Tyrone
Pleaseeeee link to every NDT fuckup you know of.
To be fair the garbage he's spewing is meant for left-wing retarded millennials: the group that already has the mentality of a 12 year old.
You could change Star Wars into a sword and sandal fantasy without losing much.
exactly. but a smug rationalist like nye is too culturally illiterate and emotionally stunted to grasp that
It'd make a better fantasy world, tbqh.
based billy, there isn't a single good star wars movie
So is Anthony Carboni a bitch for The Mouse now or what
You seriously believe that guy is not retarded ?
yeah i'm sure mr. Sup Forums over here is a real einstein lmao
the numale asked about space ships
Two faggots sucking each other off
its threads like this that remind me to get off the computer for a while
Anyway, here's a vid of Bill Nye doing stand up poorly.
>thinking im going to click on a reddit link
>thinking that anyone who made a ton of money in the business is going to be actually be grateful
It takes a certain type of cockiness to get anywhere in showbusiness. Why does this surprise people?
God these pseudo-scientist fuckers are annoying, WE FUCKING GET THERE'S NO SOUND IN SPACE, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT ALREADY
He is promoting his version of "Bullshit"
Arrogantly debunking stuff is the whole point.
Strawman: the post
Bob! Get it? Joke! Oh well
It infuriates me cuz "Muh Atheism *TIPS*" and "muh space hab no sound" . 10/10 film critic.
This nigga is giving us all STEMFAGS a bad name.The whole meme of STEMFAGS being autistic fedora tipping snarky manchildren have gone too far,thanks to these people and the bazinga guy....Hell I don't even like the starwars,it's just this whole attitude towards every damn things pisses me .
Kill yourself then
Daily reminder that this actually happened
Nah nigga you first.
You're the one complaining for someone telling the truth when there are children who watch Star Wars and might be influenced by the shit
Ken Ham's arguments make way more sense when you realise he's Australian and just shitposting
Why are atheists so autistic?
> You're the one complaining for someone telling THE TRUTH when there are children who watch Star Wars
*tips fedora*
But seriously, the whole debate boils down to bill just shouting "GOD ISN'T REAL CAUSE LMAO THAT'S WHY"
Some autists can't tell the difference between fiction and real life
Literally the same thing
> Some autists can't tell the difference between fiction and real life
It's the other way around ,user.
Link related :
that was a great interview
>Revelations happen to people and it reinforces their beliefs for every god on the planet respectively therefore not consistent
>All religious experiences not consistent
>God of the gaps has to be put into play
>Can't even logic your god into existence without presupposing him
>There is no evidence to support the notion of a god
And it's not just in people's heads and based on perception, it means there's a TRUTH in it and not just things with the brain that we don't understand yet
That's an issue that both basic bitch atheism and basic bitch theism are guilty of ..... They both do the mistake of presupposing that their Axioms(god is real/fake) that they base their views upon in a debate/discussion ,is the default .
star wars is for normies.
They don't 'presuppose' god is fake, they follow the evidence of inconsistencies to come to the logical conclusion that god is fake
Isn't the "le logic to poke holes in fictional media" shtick getting old for Neil and Bill?
They're just educating people, you imbecile
Thank you, this is great stuff
He isn't. He's a mechanical engineer with a masters degree
>Can't even logic YOUR GOD
Being this autistic
What makes you assume that i am even a theist?
Also ,falling for the "le logic" rationalism meme in the age of quantum science.
That don't matter when the other person don't share the same axiom,especially in discussions where "existence of god" is secondary.
>all truth are scientific truth.
>smug celebrities spewing truisms and talking down to people
>educating people
lol. these arrogant phonies make people and the wider society dumber, not more enlightened
It says NDT up there, user. Neil DeGrasse Tyson
He has a master's and PhD in astrophysics.
Shitting out random trivia in a smug manner isn't educating anyone. They're the embodiment of the "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" facebook page.
>Quantum Science is not rational
You probably don't understand Quantum Science, and I admit, neither do I but I'm not the one using it to support my position because I wouldn't know what I was talking about
Whatever you say, bro
I've actually seen Ken Ham speak in real life and have also been to the creation museum
Since I don't have Bill Nye level autism though I could really give a shit what anyone wants to believe and spend their money to create
This was when I turned on him for good. I remember every single non-creationist telling him "Don't do it, he'll make you look like a fool".
make sure to 'like' that latest random factoid, bro. educational!
how many pounds of grass do you think this guy goes through in a month?
>Spending taxpayer money to build a Biblical Ark
>You don't care that they went against the constitution
I could understand if it was independently funded, but it wasn't and that's the problem
>Also ,falling for the "le logic" rationalism meme in the age of quantum science.
Don't talk about shit you have no clue about you absolute popsci retard