>They used to be vikings.
They used to be vikings
>Married a tranny
Pretty sure thats a mending Sup Forumsack
Autocorrect is Jewish
Mighty Vikings have fallen. So has everyrace though. I see way more faggots these days in Straya.
came to post this
Poe's law in action...
Isn't that a Sup Forums troll account?
we wuz vikings änd shiet, we dindö nöthin'
We have become so sophisticated at creating these accounts and making them sound like genuine leftists just a tiny bit more insane we can't tell anymore. This must've been how Oppenheimer has fehlt.
that guy is a Sup Forums troll. he posts some sweden tier cuck shit on pretty much every video linked here.
>le aryan master race meme
The sooner nordcucks go extinct the better
They will be back, Ragnorak is coming.
>we wuz vi kangz and shieeeet
>my wife's penis
Fuck of you quadroon.
Anglos are the true master race
what an image
>implying outdated religious scriptures have anything to do with it
>his claims are debunked by the very science he uses to refute those scriptures.
We should have a muslim troll account get offended and say that the Koran is perfect etc
And then have the Swede start groveling "of course I didn't mean the Koran and Islam, I myself am raising my wife's son as a Muslim"
>married to a transgender "woman"
That makes them both gay.