Are there any Muslims here that can help me convert to Islam? I realize now that Christianity has become too weak and subservient to degeneracy and i now want to join a religion that upholds purity over evil.
Thank you, Salaam.
Are there any Muslims here that can help me convert to Islam? I realize now that Christianity has become too weak and subservient to degeneracy and i now want to join a religion that upholds purity over evil.
Thank you, Salaam.
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check my holy dubs.
Help me, anybody.
first say this
then go to a mosque and say it again with witnesses, tell them you want to conver tthey will guide you
avoid salafi or shia mosques, ask them what school of taught they are, then google it
Why should i avoid the Shia?
they arent muslims, they call to muhammad and his cousin when they need help instead of Allah
and salafis are extremists for the most part
but these two are just the majority of the cancer, just find a regular sunni mosque, people wear normal clothes, not too much big bearded men and do the conversion
what you want is to follow the quran first and foremost, none of the sects do that, but also use the hadith for guidance and details, like i do for the 5 pillars, (no im not quranist)
If I remember correctly, Salafists hate Quranists. Right?
You must tell everyone you know that allah ackbar durka durka muhammed jihad, then find out where mecca is and turn and pray that way five times a day when you hear the bongs.
they hate everyone, but im not quranist im just muslim monotheist
>religion is a means, not an end
OP if you have any questions send me your skype on this temporary email:
My dad is an imam, I can answer pretty much everything.
why would you join Islam? instead of helping your real brothers?
Indeed. This is why Christianity is weak, because people like OP are leaving it to the dogs and not fighting for it like their ancestors have been for dozens of generations
Christianity is weak because of its own teachings
its impractical
>source : sahih Boukhari
Tell me muslims :
In this authentic hadith in the majority Sunni doctrine, Muslims are clear that their prophet fancied doing things that had never occurred. A little further in Sahih Bukhari, in a narrative after Hicham chain, from his father, according to Aisha, he said that "the Prophet was bewitched as to imagine sex that had not occurred ".
With these hadiths, it is Islam that is called into question: its own founder, who received a divine revelation, imagined things that never occurred. From that moment, everything becomes questionable including Koranic verses he could imagine.
> prophet Mohammed is under satanic influence that impairs his judgment, his memory and made him imagine things.
>Aisha (Abu Bakr's daughter, the first caliph) lie
Pick one
>Avoid salafi
>Not reporting them
Muslims don't pray to the god above, they pray to the one below.
Sieg Heil!
being salafi does not make you guilty of anything except being a dumbass
now if they started talking about isis and stuff now i would report
what's impractical about it? the West is in its current state because people have left God and adopted humanist views where everything human is seen as good and the view that God gave us to follow was left aside and laws enabled all the degeneracy and so on.
Well, they worship mohammed and his grandson and Ali too
Also they don't believe in the coming of the Christ
Instead of Jesus killing the anti Christ
They believe that Mahdi will
But all Muslims are the same
Don't convert to Islam please
Who are you going to follow? An alpha male like Muhammad, or a virgin beta like Jesus?
its made up, you dont have to believe the hadiths completely
>wants something that upholds purity over evil
>asks to become part of suicidal death cult full of low-IQ boyfuckers who blow themselves up to make a point.
I'd strongly suggest suicide as an option over all else, OP, seems like a fitting solution to your problems.
But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.
According to muslims, Sunnah crushes the Quran and if not you are heretic.
You believe that muhammad went to heaven on a winged horse?
You ready to not drink or smoke ever again and pray 6 times a day, never to eat pork
I fucking hate muslims
they arn't retarded enough
>want to join a religion that upholds purity over evil.
So why would you want to joint Pisslam? It's literally devil worship.
So basically we should all be niggers and rape and steal instead?
You literally say a sentence declaring that Allah is the one true god and mohammed is his prophet, something along those lines. Then, voilà, you're a mudshit and all Muslims will count you their brother in faith insofar as you inform them of such by means of saying that sentence or pretty much any typicaly Arabic phrase, eg inshallah.
>sahih Boukhari is authentic hadith
So answer my question :
> prophet Mohammed is under satanic influence that impairs his judgment, his memory and made him imagine things.
>Aisha (Abu Bakr's daughter, the first caliph) lie
Pick one
>B-but kouffar are degenerate
>B-but muslim men are alpha male like Muhammad
Islam permits zoophilia during the hajj.
>You believe that muhammad went to heaven on a winged horse?
no, I believe you're talking about jesus there
>You ready to not drink or smoke ever again and pray 6 times a day, never to eat pork
you can smoke, and it's praying 5 times a day,
and who the fuck wants to eat poor if you're not a poorfag?
Christianity weak.
Visit us m8.
You cant even go to shop here, if ure brown.
only for sunnis, im not sunni
this hadith is false, hadith can be fabricated
Get out of my country, shitskin devil-worshipper.
make me
>Get out of my country, shitskin devil-worshipper.
So you are Shia, is not it. Apparently, the Shia curse some caliphs, right?
im not sh*a REEEEEEEEe
Mark my words, your time will come, mud niggers. There WILL be a reckoning and it will make the Holocaust look like a day camp.
>*tips hat*
>Nothing bad could ever happen
>We can keep doing evil and no one will ever do anything
>Genocides aren't real
Keep it up, Muhamid, and see what happens.
Christianity was fine before atheism/secularism bullshit.
So, what do you think of first ones caliphs (Abu Bakr, Omar and Othman) ?
what did i do
Funny thing is, they are already paying for it. There is a reason every Muslim country is a shithole. And the moment the west becomes Islamic the same thing will happen.
They'll pay for their crime eitherway, either they'll get killed by us as an act of revenge, or they'll take over and turn the entire thing into a shit fest.
>Worships the devil
>Actively participates in an ideology hostile to all of humanity
>Actively betrays Canada to a hostile foreign ideology
>Promotes inhuman satan-worship to ignorants
>W...w..w..what did I do?
I won't bother trying to explain it to you since Muslimes are physically incapable of understanding the difference between Right and Wrong.
Bismillahi Rahman ar-Raheem
Firstly Alhamdulillahi Rabil Alameen that Allah has guided you on the final and right path to true salvation and reward.
In order to begin the first day of the rest of your life as a Muslim, you must recite the shahada which can be found anywhere online (make sure it doesn't contain any reference to Ali). This will absolve you of all sins and you will be forgiven for all past misdeeds.
From here find a local Sunni mosque and ask one of the brothers to give you a Qur'an and teach you how to pray.
From here you will pick up the rest bit by bit inshallah. Remember, not everything has to be done at once immediately, for Allah says that he will not burden us with more than we can bare.
Brother I am so happy to be able to welcome you into our fold and for anyone reading, know that Islam is a faith with pure and universalist ideas for anyone of all backgrounds to join, for we are all slaves of Allah. We enjoin good and forbid degeneracy and evil, I am sure you will see the divinity in the revelation of the Qu'ran.
If you need anyone to talk to on Skype, add me jeff.exe
take your pills
>or they'll take over and turn the entire thing into a shit fest.
That's true, the greatest punishment for these vermin would be their own victory.
Once they rape their way across the Western world they'll reach the ends of our borders and have nowhere left to flee to.
China, Japan, and Russia certainly aren't going to take any of these cockroaches.
>All this moon-nigger speak
A genocide is overdue.
>"yeah, let them win hehe ,that will show them"
>Giving your skype
You shouldn't have done that, mudslime
Not at all, my rat friend, I would fight you satan-worshipping sister-fucking heathens until the last drop of my blood.
I'm just saying, if you do manage to somehow win, you'll still be punished because God, nature, and humanity are all opposed to you and because of your own base and evil nature any society you manage to create will be hell on Earth.
>converting to Islam
>not based Sikhism
Ya dun goofed. Now you'll never get to walk around carrying a sword as an article of your faith.
doss vult xDD
>based ?
Omar bury his daughter alive.
Abu Bakr burn alive muslims that not pay zakat.
The caliph Othman is buried in a Jewish cemetery.
ect , ect ...
all lies
>Muslimes mock compassion and humility
I know, you vermin, you don't understand morality, you're just a hungry rat that will consume everything in it's path.
You're not telling me anything I don't already know you Godless heathen.
foot fetishist detected
I agree.
I also feel sorry for your shitposting country members.
Stay white.
Pisslam is not from God. It's too dirty for a pig to roll around in, and they revel in shit.
>Christian humility is a foot fetish
It's okay sand nigger, you're spiritually and physically incapable of understanding Christian tenets of mercy, compassion, and humility, don't even try.
Your primitive reptilian mind doesn't have the capacity to understand such concepts and never will. Go back to fucking your garbage bag, popping out kids named Mohammed, and hating God's creation.
This is not my Skype, I am not mudslime
there is no god below
Congratulations, you're no longer a Muslime.
Welcome to humanity, brother.
Honestly its you that seems like the compassionless person talking about genocide and killing, stuff that Christ abhorred.
Typical hypocrite.
t. Ahmed Salami
Unfortunately when dealing with a group of people so wilfully dedicated to evil, there is no other option but genocide.
I would love to show these mud-men the light of Christianity but we both know it's not going to work.
you are literally retarded
if you think that Cristianity became weak... search fr the Orthodoxy Cristianity and u will be surprised
They probably would say the same thing, that Christians are barbarians and will not accept the truth of Allah so they must be killed.
You cannot be like them.
>Calls Christians compasionless
>Reads a book that tells him to behead nonbelievers and rape women
not even once
I'm retarded am I?
I'm glad to hear it, so when are you going to either:
1. Abandon devil-worship and integrate, or;
2. Leave this country alone, follow your supposed principles, and go live in Muslime lands
Because I would just fucking love to be wrong. I'm waiting with baited breather for the fresh air of hope you're about to blow my way.
>They probably would say the same thing
They do say that all the time. Literally it's their official printed ideology.
So should we just offer our heads to be cut instead? No.
So why stoop to their level then? You are just as bad as they are. and by your logic we should kill you.
How does one deal with such a group then? Atheists, Hindus and Buddhists can live in our societies at peace, but Muslims can't.
How do you reason with something that can't be reasoned with?
We aren't left with much choice here.
>1. Abandon devil-worship and integrate, or;
how do my beleifs affect you, its a free country
>2. Leave this country alone, follow your supposed principles, and go live in Muslime lands
this is my country
>You are just as bad as they are. and by your logic we should kill you.
>If we kill our enemies, they win
I didn't know my Prime Minister was on a trip to the US...
I am not saying not to defend ourselves, i'm just saying not to condone genocide like that one insane leaf does.
Genocide is not the answer.
Offer? No.
But if they cut your head off because you won't denounce God, you will be avenged by God, He will welcome you in to His kingdom.
These barbarians are going to be left on the earth while God's wrath is poured out. We're talking fire from the sky, poison, genocide, plagues, torture, etc.
They will pay for their crimes against God, for the persecution of His children.
Matthew 10:39
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Romans 12:19
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Revelation 13:10
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Yep, no repentance here, not surprised, not even disappointed at this point.
You can't reason with them, they'll just keep doing what they do and then saying "what are you gonna do to stop me?"
They're literally making it impossible for there to be any solution other than violence.
Nice strawman, i didn't say we shouldn't kill the violent radicals who actually pose a threat, im just saying its ridiculous and evil to suggest genocide for 1.3 billion people.
>People who follow an evil ideology and constantly perform acts of violence and evil
>Cannot be reasoned with, cannot be intimidated, cannot be stopped by any means
What's left to do but kill them all?
i can believe what i want it doesn't affect you sound like isis
Former Shia who converted to Sunni to marry his wife here. Both Shia and Sunni are exactly the same where it matters. They both worship Allah, recognize Mohammad as the prophet, follow the Qur'an and the 5 pillars.
Both sects are identical in everything up until Mohammad's passing, where the split occurred over his succession. But nothing after Mohammad's death really matters when it comes to being a Muslim, and the differences are purely political. Don't listen to the fags saying Shia Islam is wrong. It literally does not matter whether you are a Shia or a Sunni. You are still a Muslim, and that's what matters. The beliefs that actually matter are identical in both sects, again, because the teachings of Mohammad are what matters, not the politics and differences that came after.
>the teachings of Mohammad are what matters
How to molest goats? Shit backwards religion.
We don't have to kill all the Muslims on Earth, hell, we don't even have to kill all the Muslims in the West, we just need to deport like 90% of them.
The problem is no one on Earth would take them, least of all the other sand niggers, so it will be necessary to just kill them regardless.
>Following an evil inhuman ideology that's openly hostile to Western civilisation, propagating it, and inevitably trying to foist it on me, "doesn't affect me"
And that's not even touching on the terrorism, rape, murder, and various other crimes.
Yes but the Shia molest the goat THIS way and the Sunni molest the goat THAT way, and that's why they've been at war with each other for centuries.
Here's your problem mate.