thoughts on this show?
is it TV kino
thoughts on this show?
is it TV kino
Like 90% of American Comedies it's just the same 3-4 joke archetypes per character repeated ad nauseum.
Still better than the Office or Parks and Rec, but nothing to write home about.
Gay Chief keeps it consistent.
chief is best character followed by boyle the cuck.
also amys hot so its worth watching.
desu I think Gina is the hottest on the show.
I dont care if it's matzah fever or not, she has a glorious figure
gina>amy>rosa but I'd throughly enjoy them all
please respond
It used to be good when it did more absurd humor, but now they're playing it safe and PC, I ended up dropping it.
>is the hottest
Was the hottest
I was pleasantly surprised. I like it.
it is fucking horrible. the hew protag and the jewess with the comically large jew nose make it almost unwatchable. the cutsie cop love interest is sitcom teir. the boss cop guy is likeable, but his only act is bwing a robotic asshole, which he did best as a submarine captain. all the white males are incompetent. the literal only saving grace of the show is rosa.
I really like mean grils.
>the cutsie cop love interest is sitcom teir
What did you think you were watching?
wikipedia also says hitler murdered 6 million jews. do you beleive that too?
the un acknowledges that there were 6 death camps. all found by the russians. these camps existed for lets give them some room 6 years.
so they had to kill a million jews each. that is 2740 jews every day. or 114 jews per hour.
so yea, go on and beleive wikipedia.
did they write her out of the show or this just a shit cliffhanger?
6 million is a religious number like 666. Torah says when Jews reclaim Israel they will return with 6 million less
In reality it's estimated to be about 2 million jews dying some way or the other
I like it.
it's not brilliant but it does what it tries to do fairly well
and the characters are pretty decent
I don't care enough to look at IMDB but it should list how many episodes she's in this season. I think killing her is a little dark for this series. It looked like the bus really hit her and she'd definitely be dead if it did.
B99 is a solid show. It's really good at banter which is something most sitcoms are awful at. It's consistently funny. Sup Forums hates it because they hate SNL and Jews but Sup Forums is wrong.
>the cutsie cop love interest is sitcom teir.
damn why would they put sitcom tier shit in a sitcom???!!!?
season 1 was pretty good mostly the whole way through, I didn't get all the way through season 2 since it felt like it fell off a littlle bit, but it was still pretty decent
B99 wouldnt EXIST without office and parks
best network comedy. first 2 seasons are great, 3rd is good. fourth season is still good enough, but hasn't been as funny. luckily the cast really elevates it, they can make most things work. it looks like a lot of writers from s1 & 2 aren't writing there anymore. though, the one thing that annoys me is how often a character will say something dumb and then a second later be like "no wait, why would i say/do that?"
>tfw you will never date amy
I found it overacted and unfunny, bit like some bad mel brooks stuff. I only gave it a couple mins though
lol I enjoy sex let's stick my a meat grinder
you are so fucking retarded you resort to semantics. go correct peoples grammer on reddit you faggot retard.
what the fuck are you talking about, you autistic motherfucker?
santiago is a 10/10 QT and I've laughed at least once an episode
Fucking Samberg needs to work on his delivery, the constant asides to himself are ruining his character.
Pretty shit. Very few scenes actually made me laugh. Crews is alright though.
The main character is a Jew
His gentile friend literally lives in his wife's boyfriend's basement
The love interest is a Mexican
The captain is a black man who unironically says "come on man, it's 2016"
How do you think Sup Forums would feel about it?
Why is this always trying to teach me a lesson about friendship? Just be a funny cop show.
trying too hard to be funny
it's shit
>His gentile friend literally lives in his wife's boyfriend's basement
I completely forgot about that. Boyle is a literal cuck lmao
exactly. you are the target audience.
what us your reddit handle so I can buy you gold?
>How did they know that my wife took it all
Boyle, veibg the only competent character, is openly mockedo for beieng a white male. and he isn't eved white he is guido wop trash.
b99 is fucking friends teir. if you enjoy it, you are a normie.
I like it but I've only seen the first season so far and apparently it gets pretty repetitive after that.
Amy a cute