>protagonist gets himself killed over a suit >other character has his father literally tell him exactly how he is going to die halfway through the season >stupid fucking railway subplot that took multiple views to understand
Why was S2 so terrible? Did HBO just get lucky the first time around?
Nicholas Rivera
>vince vaughn was the main protagonist what?
Gavin Hernandez
It was rushed. Season 1 took years to get right.
Luis Hernandez
this user has it right, season 1 took like 7 years to write
Charles Lopez
Shit setting compared to season 1
James Young
1. Pizzanigga believed that Cary Fukunigga's contribution to the show was vastly overrated. He felt it could be directed like an average TV show, and not like a film, and work just as well because of his writing.
That was wrong.
2. HBO said they pressured Pizzanigga to deliver the scripts way too fast and that everyone knew they weren't as good as they should have been.
3. They didn't have an interesting location OR they didn't have a director who could make the location interesting - It looked like a generic L.A. backlot.
4. More shitty direction - The shootout fiasco should have been an amazing scene. Like D-Day in Private Ryan or whatever - Something to rival Season's 1 shootout. Again, it was handled like regular, boring TV and just came off flat.
5. Focusing on Taylor Kitchsh and the female character. Absolutely redundant and pointless characters that added nothing and just bogged the show down and made it narratively a giant mess.
6. Basically a boring non story, non mystery, non premise.
The first you had two interesting characters that played well off each other, a generic serial killer hunt BUT the weird philosophical and quasi-supernatural elements set in an interesting location and time period. They could have focused on Vaugn and Farrel's characters in a retro border town environment with the illegal workers and then gone with some spoopy mexican voodoo drug saints shit (they even had serial killer satanist drug cartel cults irl) or whatever.
They just bungled it. They had some ingredients in there, and did nothing with them - The local council corruption and Eyes Wide Shut angle...All went nowhere.
Waste of a good Colin Farrell job too.
Next time they really, really, really need to hire a fixed director.
Gavin Jones
>>protagonist gets himself killed over a suit Doesn't he have diamonds in his suit? I thought that was the reason he give it up.
Jack Perry
*didnt give it up.
Juan Perez
>non-mystery Principal problem with S2 in my opinion. Even in universe, there was not really much investment into why anyone should care about Caspere and his death.
Michael Sanders
And Deadwood did 3 seasons in 3 years (or thereabouts). The "it was terrible because he only had a year to make it" excuse doesn't quite hold water when other quality shows are able to be yearly things.
Either ask the studio for more time between seasons like Chase did that time for Sopranos & if they won't give it then nuke the show like the creator of "Tell Me You Love Me" did when she couldn't think of how to continue the series.
But he did neither so season 2 was a piece of shit as a result.
Blake Howard
>5. Focusing on Taylor Kitchsh and the female character. Absolutely redundant and pointless characters that added nothing and just bogged the show down and made it narratively a giant mess.
Oh my fuck this.
But Pizza was bitching about being forced to put sex & nudity in season 1 so I guess either On purpose or out of stupidly pretty much every storyline or character backstory involved sex, sexuality or sexual assault but then there was little to no actual nudity to protest season 1 to the point it was clear he was trying to make a statement.
But even worse was Taylor Kitchsh's character. Literally his ENTIRE role can be summed up as "I'm gay and in the closet". He even died trying to cover it up.
How the fuck can people defend that by saying "Pizza only had x amount of time to write the season"?
Hunter Powell
No country for white men, user.
Charles Garcia
kill yourself pleb
Christian Edwards
>stupid fucking railway subplot that took multiple views to understand
Americans are the downfall of cinema and television
Christopher Stewart
pic releated and this
Logan Collins
He got killed over the diamonds in the suit. That was all the wealth he had.
His father didnt tell him how he would die, that was a dream. He was telling himself how he would die. As a guy who was suicidally reckless, it made a lot of sense to his subconscious.
The railway plot was a really great Noir device.
Sebastian Moore
i implore to rewatch s1, it has aged horribly. And the dialogue is incredibly hackneyed and rust's reddit-worthy edgelord shit is forced and melodramatic. Aesthetically it's great (thanks to Fukunaga) and the plot and setting is genuinely interesting.
The ending however is complete garbage, and shows that pizza man never actually had much of a grasp on the material. There was a girls drawing of a man with green ears, and they found out this one man with a loose connection to the murders was painting a house at the same time? Honestly, that is complete garbage.
Adam Long
And the story made perfect sense. It was all wrapped up, you just had to pay attention. If anyone has questions about qhat happened or why, i would be happy to answer them.
Jeremiah Sullivan
im european and i didnt get it either
Aaron King
HBO talked about this. They said Pizzanigga DID want more time. True Detective was conceived as a one and done. The huge reaction meant they pressured him to get another one ready extremely quickly. So that definitely caused problems.
Isaiah Collins
You must have been one of the ones they missed when they started shipping over the retards
Jonathan Sanders
uhm in the beginning when bezzarides was in bed with that guy why did she get upset?
Justin Taylor
His cock wasn't big enough
Levi Allen
bullies arent aloud here
James Phillips
I don't think it's the plot being incoherent that was a real problem. It was just...WHY.
Why did they tell a story about a cop who is a homosexual but in the closet (who has no friends or family who give a shit).
Thomas Mitchell
agreed about the finale. that was trash.
Anthony Jenkins
>he didn't like the transition of bikecop to gaycop
Get a load of this pleb
Colton Rogers
He should've bailed then like countless other filmmakers have on different productions.
Same like Peter Jackson should've with The Hobbit. If you go through with it trying to sell something you know is rushed shit to people ya kind of gotta take the blame.
Adam Sanders
the finale of s2 fucking sucked dicks. everyone made stupid decisions for emotional scenes and colin farrels character somehow pulled the killer out of his ass.
Jace Bennett
How to fix Series 3
Set in 1980s Miami Vice feel Adam Sandler and Brendan Fraser
childhood is idolizing S1. Adulthood is realizing S2 is better.
Angel Phillips
he wasn't the protag though. that was one of the main points id that shiw, there are no protags.
I fully understood everything pizza tried to say with season 2. and yea it was way deeper. but it was a shit show with 2 too many characters and fag cop was a waste.
William Wood
Caspere knew this
Luke Gomez
She has some issues with sex addiction. She hates the pride she feels from people telling her she is good looking, probably because of how everyone reacted to her being in the woods with that pedophile. As a result, she's into kinky stuff like watching women get gangbanged.
My guess is that she tried to tongue that guys ass before he woke up.
Ive seen season two six times, so ask me literally anything.
Jaxson Myers
I honestly would like to see Brendan Fraser in the part
Mason Lee
Childhood is pushing this meme in every thread
Adulthood is killing yourself
John King
The last three episodes were cut from the same tree that was S2. If you want S1 as S2 see the last 3 episodes of S1.
It's probably the same reason, they didn't have enough time/money to do a good job so they just slapped something together and hoped for the best. You could see all kind of things were built up for in E1-5 but it's very clear that all of it was abandoned.
Jack Hernandez
first time i've ever posted it desu
Landon White
Why did you torture yourself by doing that?
Wyatt Morales
Many reasons. Because im a sucker for Noir stories, and I really enjoyed trying to figure this one out. The characters were really interesting (except Klisch's). The writing was so tight and packed with meaning, there was almost no lines that could have been cut out without cutting away at the plot, characters and setting. The music, the mood, the club scenes. I fucking love those club scenes.
Henry James
what do you eat for breakfast?
Brandon Lopez
Was the death of bikecop the last great moment in American Television?
James Thompson
given the chance, would you sexually abuse bezzerides?
Carson Gray
I had never been so indifferent about any event happening on TV. At that point though the show was beyond the "give it the benefit of the doubt" and into "I guess I have to finish this shitty series".
Jonathan Evans
its gaycop, not bikecop. faggot
its also Rest in Peace GAYCOP
Adrian Adams
Oats, brother.
Aiden Rivera
you and your posts are terrible
Isaac Martin
no u
Isaac Ortiz
It wasn't over a suit you dumb nigger. It was obvious they were going to kill him anyway, they just wanted to humiliate him one last time and he wasn't having it
Juan Murphy
It was more about the diamonds that he had on him.
Evan Reed
s2 is literally >>>>>>>>>>>>> s1 and one of the best pieces of media/art through which you can expose how big a percentage of this board are total plebs
Logan Morales
I agree with you!
Ryan Russell
kys yourself faggot
Joshua Ross
can you explain why? nope. I hope you die in a fire. you sre so fucking stupid.
tell me why season 2 was better. on any fucking level. even cinematography or lighting. name one fucking thing season 2 was actually better at.
Logan Taylor
>protagonist gets himself killed over a suit
Zachary Cook
Quit while you're ahead.
Jordan Murphy
>You must have been one of the ones they missed when they started shipping over the retards
Even if you are rewinding the half-whispered, horribly worded speeches of some of the main characters, you end up basically with two kids and the whole entire charade being over some angry kid getting revenge by sabotaging entire gangs of businessmen, city officials, and mobsters.
It was the most forced, weakly payed off and convoluted story I've ever watched. Ferrell's whisper-rasp shit is hard to watch at times. At least Vince Vaughn has replay value.
Bentley Reyes
>My guess is that she tried to tongue that guys ass before he woke up
Angel Taylor
HBO took a bullet for Pizzahacko, so they could still use his name as an indicator of "quality" on future projects.
Nicholas Wright
How in the world did it take so long to write a paint-by-the-numbers murder/rape mystery with a (ripped-off) toodeep4u character, which also only had four great episodes and dropped off completely after the fifth?
Robert Perry
Man, shut the fuck up. The most pertinent information around subplots like the railway, Caspere and the diamonds was only dumped on the viewer in the last two episodes. It was literally impossible to understand everything in one viewing unless you had foresight or a perfect memory. Total fuck-up on the part of the writing.
Robert Gonzalez
S3 should focus on Rust again. Mcconaughey is still up for it, and in S1 Rust even says that he wanted to be done with the serial killer case before he could "see to some other thing", leaving open the possibility of Rust maybe being involved in some other big case.
Angel Gonzalez
So they were tracking a cult of Hastur in S1 right?
Colton Myers
> leaving open the possibility of Rust maybe being involved in some other big case. He´s old, frail, dirt poor, a social pariah and not keen on keeping up false facades; a tired mind wholly consumed by grief over personal and professional losses experienced since decades past. Most importantly, he left the force in a spectacular fashion and vowed never to return.
If you want a "le ebin plot-armed mary sue consulting detective"-show, tune in to Elementary or Sherlock.
Connor Wright
>and rust's reddit-worthy edgelord shit is forced and melodramatic.
Pro tip lad: it was supposed to be. Half the time he was just trying to piss off Marty. Sounds like you took Rust's ramblings seriously.
Eli Flores
Seriously? Everything out of his mouth sounded 100% serious to me, because he talked so deadpan and dry and gloomy like.
Julian Diaz
Didn't people accuse Pizzaman of plagiarism? Saying he basically stole the entirety of S1 from some italian novel or whatever
Luis Martin
There was way more stuff going on, it's more dense
Evan Gonzalez
S1 wasn't that great, S2 wasn't that bad. Pizza is a bit of a hack but both seasons are fun noir pulp that shouldn't be taken so seriously. Audiences just had unrealistic expectations for some reason.
Carson Thompson
Connor Sanchez
>If you want a "le ebin plot-armed mary sue consulting detective"-show, tune in to Elementary or Sherlock. I don't want that, I want an old, frail, dirt poor, social pariah detective show. Sounds far more interesting by a lot.
Kevin Edwards
Reminder that S1 only got popular once pseudo-intellectual reddipoops found out Pizzakang was ripping off some Hungarian horror writer or something.
>muh king in le yellow
True Detective is literally redit the show.
Nathan Rivera
Because season one was great, dummy
Cooper Sullivan
He had 10 million in diamonds in the coat pocket.
Luke Davis
>Literally his ENTIRE role can be summed up as "I'm gay and in the closet". He even died trying to cover it up.
this. the dude lived in LA in 2015 and was worried people would find out he was gay. literally nobody cares anymore. the only entertaining part of the show was all the horrendous overwrought vince vahn dialogue
Isaac Perez
not RIP in peace. get the fuck outta here
Owen Jenkins
he stole all of Rust's rants, but not the plot
Carter Miller
>the only entertaining part of the show was all the horrendous overwrought vince vahn dialogue Vinceposting truly was the most patrician of memes.
John Brooks
it is sad that vince posting has all but disappeared, and yet bane posting still lives on
Jaxon Sullivan
>some italian novel >ripping off some Hungarian horror writer No, I think he ripped em from Mongolian fairy tales
Charles Price
What did he mean by this?
Benjamin Wood
>The "it was terrible because he only had a year to make it" excuse doesn't quite hold water when other quality shows are able to be yearly things. Are you retarded? Do you think everyone is equally skilled or operates at their best under identical circumstances?
It's no secret Pizza spent years on the first season. Why you think this wouldn't have any impact on its quality relative to the quickly produced season 2, I've no fucking idea.
Lucas Butler
Season 1: >DUDE! The King in Yellow! LMAO! I can't wait to discuss fantheories with my fellow redditors on /r/TrueDetective! OMG I love Lovecraft, haha such a nerd right? xD Season 2: >Umm could someone please explain what's happening? Something about Caspere and a railroad? Idk I guess I was browsing on my phone the whole time... why aren't there any cool edgy rants by deep atheist characters this season?
Season 2 of TD is a weapons-grade tvkino pleb filter. And it brought us Vinceposting, the greatest gift of all.
Julian Taylor
>It was the most forced, weakly payed off and Convoluted story I've ever watched Is this your first exposure to pulp detective stories?
Hudson Wright
It's from Thomas Ligotti's book The conspiracy against the human race. And yeah he basically stole word by word from that book and from many more writers.
>True Detective is literally redit the show.
Only because the Pizzaman cant write a script and when he read the book was like "this shit sounds deep , im gonna put it in my script"
Gavin Cooper
>all kinds of interesting hints (like Marty's daughter tin can sex scene diorama) that lead to theories implicating Maggie and her family as party of the Yellow King cult >The case is wrapped up easily and the great villain ends up being a retarded fat hick
That pissed me off more than anything. Holy fuck what a disappointing ending. So much more potential and so much buildup that ended up being pointless because it's all spent on a character who appeared for like two minutes in the seven hours that led up to the finale.
Landon Martinez
>like Marty's daughter tin can sex scene diorama
Whoa, what?
Also, Rust's musings on life and pessimism only sound edgy to people who don't deal with severe depression and anxiety. Believe it or not, there are actually people who see this world as a nightmare that can't be escaped. Ligotti says in Conspiracy that it's possible to wish you'd never been born without being suicidal.