Its happening

its happening.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why didn't he just stay in Mexico where everyone is Mexican?

That's a pretty good story. Everyone should feel included in society.

What a great superficial assessment of a shitty flick

even "blow-em-all-up-and-let-allah-sort-them-out" towel heads? them too?

>Sup Forums will defend this
fucking christ


What's happening? People recognizing that Diego Luna is based and deserves some praise? I hope so.

good for you

I like movies for stories and characters and writing, silly me

That was nice to read. Even if it's fake it made me feel happy.

>muh need to identify with characters

That's because you're white and take the actor's race for granted because there will always be someone white

WTF I hate Trump now!

I'm white and my favorite movie is City of God, a Brazilian film

baby dick white bois can't even star in their own movies anymore, and were fucking their women
>Has this election affected you personally
>Well, I'm just more and more proud of being Mexican chu know
Why are these spics allowed in the country again?

cause they were here first, probably

which one was diego?

I'm white and I can tell you have shit taste in movies.

It's funny because Luna looks white and I didn't notice a heavy accent.

Black Orpheus > City of God

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>tfw I read the whole thing expecting some fall for the joke
thanks for stealing my time

Star Wars is actually pretty good at letting actors keep their accents. Temuera Morrison kept his as Jango Fett (and the clones), and that's pretty unusual for a Kiwi actor.

The white guy.

Except he's Hispanic....

So, Salma Hayek, Danny Trejo, that dude who plays Angel Batista in Dexter, Sofia Vergara and so on have all lost their accents? That's a first.



the guy from doctor strange?

sounds like the son bullied him to be americanized, why else would he be afraid to talk in his own native accent?

seeing how the son made this post for attention, he's probably abusive to his father, that's why he was reluctant to join his son at the theater; I bet he kept pushing to his dad, wow that mexican has an accent, it's like you!

what a dick of a son

>race is social construct, we are all the same
>representation matters

Muy bueno

I'm not a fan or keen follower of star wars, haven't seen rogue one yet either, but

>a main character speaks Spanish
>everyone else speaks English or some alien language
>no one acknowledges the language is called "English"
>no human is from earth nor is it ever brought up

Why would a Spanish language exist in this universe

He doesn't speak Spanish, he speaks with a Spanish accent, which could easily be attributed to regional differences in whatever language English is meant to represent.

He doesn't speak spanish he speaks English with a spanish accent

>i am purposely obtuse because i like wasting people's time

>I haven't seen the film but I'm going to talk uninformedly about it anyway

Whoops, misread the op picture. Weren't those two robed aliens in the prequels speaking with Chinese accents?

>mfw watching Assassin's Creed and two spaniards sit next to me

Genuinely impressed that they spoke Spanish during all of the Animus sections.

If it triggers angsty little faggots like you, sure.


So the dad is retarded?

Yes, but we're to assume it represents an equivalent alien dialect.

>loved ones die in a terrorist attack
>it's okay because it made some alt righters on the internet mad

Liberals are cancer.

>Trump gets elected
>far right is no longer an underdog political stance so people on Sup Forums lose interest in it
>the boards' politics moves back to how it was under Bush
Is this happening?

Huh. I honestly thought Cassian was French.


Maybe Sup Forums will lean more to leftism but the alt right cancer is here to stay unfortunately

This is what i used to assume until this #brave young man took his #woke father with him to watch another Mexican intellectual rise up against the cis white male heteropatriarchy

>movie is shit
>but it's okay because every color of shit was represented

burgers and yuros will never undestand it
so dont worry

>Maybe Sup Forums will lean more to leftism
I doubt Sup Forums becomes that retarded

No wonder Mike "If it ain't white it ain't right" Stoklasa hated it and all you fat SJW tumblrbabbies who rolled here from Sup Forums with the capeshit influx are so mad at him.

Sup Forums was always left leaning before you redditfags came to Sup Forums from r/the_donald. I wouldn't even mind Sup Forumstards that much if they just kept to their fucking containment board

>Sup Forums was always left leaning


you have to go back

Mike thinks it needed more interracial sex. That's why he panned it.

the only leftist board on this website is Sup Forums and that is only because of the black faggot mod that runs it.

[Spoiler]cute[/Spoiler] digits

>Sup Forums was always left leaning

Nigger I've been posting on Sup Forums since 2006 and you really need to stop making shit up. Sure the politics shit wasn't as prevalent until a few years ago but to call Sup Forums left leaning is just wrong. Both sides are fucking retarded and you all need to kill yourselves by the way.

Alright, how does representation matter? In what way did the racial connection change anything about the movie or these peoples experience viewing it?

Do people like this not appreciate films for anything other than "It has white/brown/asian guy, I relate to that!". Are they insinuating I can't feel a connection or enjoy Asian movies becuase they're all asian?

kek. you fags really live your lives in delusion
>le centrist meme

you have to go back you weak leftist faggot

I thought his accent was Spain's Spanish, not the purposely exaggerated Antonio Banderas accent but a casual accent

Why do people who flee to other countries insist on bringing their culture with them?

it'll be funny seeing hispanic actors trying to fight the blacks when it comes to minority quota roles in film

>le centrist

Confirmed for twelve. The fact you think people have to be staunchly on one side of a political spectrum a bunch of kikes who are lining their pockets with liberal and conservative tears made up makes you fucking retarded and twelve. I'd put a bullet in your fucking head and sleep like a fucking baby you never even walked through a junkyard faggot.

>Diego Luna is based
no chance pleb
He's just the new Mexican in town

I wonder if Brits feel the same way when they hear Eddie Redmayne's accent

is redwood still powertripping on Sup Forums?

figured he finally got got after the bans for posting the word nigger dropped


dude looks spanish. looks way too white to be a beaner

And that's how Germany got the way it is now.

Because they cut people's heads off with chainsaws and put them in vats of acid there.

His mom was british

The father looks like he has aspie syndrome.

Who knew reddit was good at making up stories just as Sup Forums. Oh I forgot, both sites are practically the same shit now.

>missing the point this much

>the point


This is made up. Nobody is that fucking retarded.

Diego Luna fucking sucked in that movie with his shitty fucking accent and his stiff fucking acting. He was probably the worst part of that movie and dragged the whole thing down with his negative charisma. The only reason he was hired was likely because he was Mexican; it's obvious that he wasn't chosen for his acting skills.

>second highest grossing film of 2016

Yeah okay.

Does shit like this actually happen IRL?

Because it reads like someone's fanfiction.

>rebel that has to do dirty work
>it's a mexican
Why aren't liberals outraged by this?


mexicans are either white, dark indians or weird looking brownies
they dont all look like machete silly

>it's obvious that he wasn't chosen for his acting skills
His role in elysium and Blood Father were fucking shite

One of the few times I disagreed with Mike. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad. None of his criticism fit.

He also like Jurassic World. What the fuck.

Failures like you sure as fuck didn't make it great in the first place, you loser

That's bullshit. I'm a mexican and any self respecting mexican would just talk shit about his accent, especially if they're among someone close to them.

>Sup Forums is responsible for the capeshit influx
Sup Forums keeps their shit to their board, so long as it pertains to comics. All the capeshitters on Sup Forums always belonged to Sup Forums.

No self respecting Mexican man would ever post on Reddit. (Or probably Sup Forums but that's a different matter)

This sounds exactly like a story written by a late 20s to mid 30s white man fantasizing about and fetishizing leftist ethnic appreciation for his infantilizing consumerist kids movie trash.

That's actually really neat.

Nice read.

this post is off-topic

>m-minorities d-don't like to be treated with the same p-privileges u-us w-white m-males have
>i-it m-must b-be s-some sort o-of t-trick

God white boys are pathetic

No mexicans or people of any other race for that matter that give a shit about STAR WARS besides white 30-somethings, cuck.

>largest sci fi franchise worldwide which regularly has cons in international locations
>o-only w-white p-people c-care c-cuck! c-cater t-to m-me or I'll c-cry on m-my alt r-right w-websites

lmao you're such a retard

Sci fi franchise designed only to appeal to infantilized white manchildren desperately grasping at childhood nostalgia as a replacement for their hollow empty feminized lives

take your pills

you can enjoy something without being a white autist like you are

>triggered beta male cuck can't stand his shitty children's fantasy movie being panned